Title: Energy Supply for Easter Island using Renewable Energies
1Energy Supply for Easter Island using Renewable
- Eunice Ofeibea Damptey
- Francisco López Jiménez
- Nirav Bhakhar
- Paul Schalekamp
PRERNA Consultants
PRERNA Consultants
- Introduction
- Analysis of technologies
- Description of chosen technology
- Transfer of technology
- Financial analysis
- Methodology
- Conclusions
PRERNA Consultants
- Current situation
- Diesel thermo-electric plant
- Propane gas for housing supply
- Expensive fuel and electricity
- Non renewable
- Problems with environment
PRERNA Consultants
- Objectives
- Sustainable Electricity and Hot Water
- Renewable Energy
- Lower Cost
- Independency
- Preserve Culture Heritage
5Analysis Of Technologies
PRERNA Consultants
- Wind
- Wave And Tidal
- Solar
- Geothermal
- Biomass
6Analysis Of Technologies
PRERNA Consultants
- Wind
- Insufficient Velocity
- Dependent On Weather
- Visual Impact
7Analysis Of Technologies
PRERNA Consultants
- Wave And Tidal
- Visual Impact
- High Shore Space
8Analysis Of Technologies
PRERNA Consultants
- Solar
- Dependent On Weather
- Expensive
- Low Efficiency
9Analysis Of Technologies
PRERNA Consultants
- Geothermal
- Independent
- Expandable
- Cleaner
- Cheaper
10Analysis Of Technologies
PRERNA Consultants
- Biomass
- Technically Simple
- Fertilizer
- Human Waste Solution
- Expandable
- Independent
11Description of chosen technology
PRERNA Consultants
12Description of chosen technology
PRERNA Consultants
- Geothermal Facts And Figures
- Electricity consumption 3932,64 MWh/year
- Growth rate 8 / year
- In 30 years 5.0313 MW
- Design power is 6 MW
13Description of chosen technology
PRERNA Consultants
14Description of chosen technology
PRERNA Consultants
- Biomass Facts And Figures
- Propane consumption 185715 kg / year.
- Total power 2400 MWh
- Biogas consumption 287013 kg / year.
- Design value 3000 kg biogas / day.
- Design value 60000 kg waste / day.
15Transfer of technology
PRERNA Consultants
- Grant for engineering students
- Recruiting
- Biogas - crash course
- Geothermal two years traineeship
16Financial analysis
PRERNA Consultants
- Important Facts
- Discount Rate
- Company 12
- People 25
- NPV Company 1 449 139,94
- IRR Company 30
- Total Investments 11 100 000,00
- Loans 7 050 000,00
- Grant 4 000 000,00
- NPV People 2 003 594,57
17Financial analysis
PRERNA Consultants
Grant of 4 M euro
Loan of 7,05 M euro
Loan of 7,05 M euro
Government of Chile
World bank
Our Company
Payback of 0,9 M euro per year
Payback of 0,9 M euro per year
Electricity bills 20 less than they were
Renawable energy
Inhabitants of Easter Island
PRERNA Consultants
19(No Transcript)
20(No Transcript)
PRERNA Consultants
- Remember The Objectives
- Sustainable Electricity and Hot Water
- Renewable Energy
- Lower Cost
- Independence
- Social Acceptance
PRERNA Consultants
- Projct for Company is
- Feasible (IRR30 , NPV 1 449 139,94,
Discount Rate Company 12 ) - Low risk
PRERNA Consultants
- Government / authorities
- feasible (Discount Rate People25,
- NPV People 2 003 594,57).
- Mature and reliable technology.
- Cheaper for the population.(20 less than
present) - Lower emissions.
- Attractive addition to tourism.
- Possible experimental projects.
PRERNA Consultants
- Local public
- No cost.
- Economical saving
- New employments.
- Fertilizer for farmers.
- Increase of tourism.
25Thanks For Your Attention
PRERNA Consultants