Recents results from Run 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Recents results from Run 1


B isolation, alignment between pT and VT ... Add candidate events not fully reconstructed in the SVX. Double the signal to 400 events but additional signal has ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Recents results from Run 1

B Physics results from CDF
Daniela Bortoletto Purdue University
  • Introduction
  • Recents results from Run 1
  • ? 100 pb-1 collected between August
    1992-February 1996.
  • Measurement of the B production cross section
    ?test of QCD
  • Searches for radiative penguin decays ? sensitive
    to new physics
  • The measurement of sin(2?) ? CP violation
  • Future prospects in Run II
  • March 2001
  • CDF/D0 expects to collect 2 fb-1 in two years

Moriond EWK March 2000
B Physics and CKM matrix
  • The goal of B-physics is to over-constrain the
    unitarity triangle to test the CKM ansatz or to
    expose new physics

Vud VubVcd VcbVtdVtb0

Moriond EWK March 2000
Hadron collider B-physics
  • The strong interaction produces b quarks which
    then fragment into b-hadrons
  • The lowest energy states decay weakly
  • Test of QCD (unique to hadronic machines)
  • mbgt?QCD? Perturbation theory can be used to
    estimate inclusive b production
  • b production at the Tevatron is dominated by
    gluon processes ?Probe gluon structure functions

  • Study of weak decays and unique capabilities for
    Bs, ?b and Bc which are not produced at B
    factories running at the ?(4S)

Hadron colliders challenge
  • Large production cross section
  • Even larger inelastic cross section (S/B?10-3) ?
    specialized triggers
  • Single lepton triggers ? BR(b ?? ?X) (23.1
    ?1.5) . Requiring pT(?)gt 7-8 GeV/c ? ltpT(b)gt ?
    20 GeV
  • J/ ? ? ? ? - triggers ? Use clean signature of
    b ? J/? X . Requiring pT(2 ?)gt 1.5 GeV/c ?
    ltpT(b)gt ? 10 GeV
  • In Run II, L2 trigger on displaced tracks (SVT)
    will allow CDF to trigger hadronic B decays and
    study B0 ???-,Bs ?Ds-K ...

At 1.8 TeV
At Z0
At ?(4S)

Run I CDF detector
  • Crucial components for B physics
  • Silicon vertex detector ? proper time
  • impact parameter resolution
  • ?d(1340/pT) ?m
  • typical 2D vertex error ?(r-?) ? 60
  • Central tracking chamber ? mass resolution.
    B1.4T, R1.4m (?pT/pT)2(0.0066)2?(0.0009pT)2
  • typical J/?K0S mass resolution ? 10 MeV/c2
  • Lepton detection (triggering and tagging)

Moriond EWK March 2000
B Production cross section
  • The B meson cross section
  • engineering number
  • provides a check of NLO QCD calculations
  • sensitive to gluon distribution functions
  • In run 1A (?20 pb-1) CDF found the data to be ?
    2? NLO QCD predictions (?3)
  • New analysis uses the full run 1 data sample and
    the decay B?J/?K.

Moriond EWK March 2000
B Production cross section
  • Both ?s must be well measured in the SVX
  • ct(J/?)gt100 ?m
  • pT(K)gt1.25GeV
  • Fit in 4 pT bins
  • 6-9 GeV/c
  • 9-12 GeV/c
  • 12-15 GeV/c
  • 15-25 GeV/c

Moriond EWK March 2000
B Production cross section
  • The cross section is
  • QCD NLO central value ? 1.2 ?b
  • ?0(mb2pT2)1/2
  • ?0.006
  • mb4.75 GeV
  • fu0.375
  • Data is still higher than theory

Moriond EWK March 2000
B Production cross section
  • Fully correlated Systematic errors 13.1
  • Branching Fraction 10.6
  • Kaon decay in flight 4.0
  • reconstruction efficiency 3.1
  • Luminosity 5.8
  • Fully uncorrelated Systematic errors 2.8-3.6
  • QCD scale 1.5-1.6
  • Peterson 0.7-1.6
  • Trigger efficiency 1.7-3.1

Moriond EWK March 2000
Radiative Penguins
  • Radiative penguins are sensitive to physics
    beyond the SM
  • CP asymmetry in SM lt1
  • Extraction of Vtd/Vts
  • Inclusive b ? d ?/b?s? difficult
  • Exclusive Bd ???/Bd?K0?
  • Exclusive Bs ?K0?/Bs???
  • CDF

Unique to CDF
Moriond EWK March 2000
Radiative Penguins
  • I) Specialized ? trigger (22.3 pb-1 in Run 1B
    and 6.6 pb-1 in Run 1C).
  • pT(?)gt10 (6) GeV/c 2tracks with pTgt2 GeV/c
  • Energy resolution in EM calorimeter ? ?(MB)?100
  • Ratios w.r.t. B ? e- D0 X (D0 ?K-?)
  • II) ? conversions in the CDF inner detector
  • trigger with pT gt 8 GeV/c electrons (74 pb-1)
  • CTC pT resolution??(MB)?45 MeV/c2
  • Ratios w.r.t. to B ? J/?K ? ee-K

Position of conversions

CTC inner wall
Radiative Penguins
  • Method II
  • Reconstruct K ?K ?- and ? ?KK- using SVX
  • ct(B)gt100 ?m c
  • B isolation
  • Systematic errors dominated by statistics of
    J/?K(20), Br(B??K) (10) and fs/fu (18)
  • Method I
  • Reconstruct K ?K ?- and ? ?KK- using SVX
  • impact parameter cut
  • B isolation, alignment between pT and VT
  • Systematic errors dominated by statistics of
    eD0(20), f(12), Br(B?eD0X) (14) and fs/fu

Radiative Penguins
  • Combining the two searches CDF finds
  • 2 candidates for Bd?K? while we were expecting
    B0.6 ? 0.3.
  • 0 candidates for Bs??? while we were expecting
    B0.1 ? 0.1 .

Moriond EWK March 2000
? Conversions
1 candidate
0 candidate
28 candidates
34 candidates

? Trigger

Radiative Penguins
  • Search for ?b???
  • Polarization of ? is sensitive to New Physics
  • Use only conversion trigger
  • Tracks are not required to be in SVX
  • Expectations for 2fb-1
  • Bd?K? 1000 events
  • Bs??? 400 events
  • Bs ?K? 10 events
  • ?b??? Studies are in progress to find optimal

Measurement of sin2?
  • Requires
  • Reconstruction of the signal B0/B0? J/?K0S
  • Measurement of the proper time t
  • Flavor tagging to determine if we had a B0 or a
    B0 at the time of production
  • The effectiveness of flavor tagging algorithms is
    quantified by
  • Measured ACP is reduced by D, while ?D2 effects
    ? A and ?(sin2?)

Measurement of sin2?
  • CDF pp?bb Abe et al. PRL. 81, 5513 (1998) (June
  • 198 ?17 B0/B0 ?J/?K0S candidates with both muons
    in the SVX ( S/B ? 1.2). Measure asymmetry with
    Same side tagging
  • Dsin2?0.31? 1.1 ? 0.3.
  • Using D0.166 ? 0.018 (data) ? 0.013 (MC) from
    mixing measurement MC

sin2?1.8? 1.1 ? 0.3
Improved measurement
  • Accepted for publication in PRD, T. Affolder et.
    Al., FERMILAB-Pub-99/225-E, hep-ex/9909003
  • Improve statistical significance
  • Add candidate events not fully reconstructed in
    the SVX
  • Double the signal to 400 events but additional
    signal has larger ?(ct)
  • Use two additional flavor tag methods to
    establish b flavor at production (Increase ?D2)
  • soft lepton and jet charge (both opposite side
    tagging methods used for the mixing analysis)
  • calibrated using B-?J/?K-
  • Use a maximum likelihood method to combine the
    tags. Include terms in the likelihood for
  • Account for detector biases
  • Prompt background
  • Long lived background

J/?K0S Signal sample
  • CDF run1, L110 pb-1
  • 202 events with both muons in SVX ? ?(ct)? 60 ?m.
  • 193 with one or both muons NOT in SVX ? ?(ct)?
    300-900 ?m

Both ? in SVX
202 ?18 events
395 ?31 events
One or Both? not in SVX
  • Plot normalized mass
  • M????-MB/ error on M

Flavor tagging methods
  • We must determine if we had a B0 or a B0 at the
    time of production.
  • Opposite-side flavor tagging (OST)? bb produced
    by QCD? Identify the flavor of the other b in the
    event to infer the flavor of the B0 /B0? J/?K0S.
    At CDF? 60 loss in efficiency due the acceptance
    of the other B0.
  • Lepton tagging
  • b?? X ?b
  • b?? -X ?b
  • Jet charge tag
  • Q(b-jet) gt 0.2 ?b
  • Q(b-jet) lt- 0.2 ?b

B0(bd)? J/?K0S
Opposite side b
Same side tagging
  • Same side flavor tagging (SST). Exploits the
    correlation between the charge of nearby ? and
    the b quark charge due to fragmentation or B
    production (Gronau,Nippe,Rosner)
  • Correlation due to excited B production
  • B (I1/2) resonance B- ?B0 ?-

No K/? separation ? higher correlation for
charged B
Flavor Tagging Summary
  • Soft lepton e pT(e)gt1 GeV/c ? pT(?)gt2
  • ? (5.6?1.8) D (62.5 ? 14.6) ?D2 (2.2
  • Jet charge
  • If there is a soft lepton do not use jet charge
  • ? (40.2 ? 3.9) D (23.5 ?6.9 ) ?D2
    (2.2 ?1.3)
  • Same side pion tagging
  • ?(35.5?3.7) D (16.6 ?2.2 ) in SVX
  • ?(38.1?3.9) D (17.4 ?3.6 ) not in SVX
  • Combined flavor tagging power including
    correlations and multiple tags
  • A sample of 400 events has the statistical power
    of 25 perfectly tagged events
  • About 80 of the events have a tag

?D2 (2.1 ?0.5)
?D2 (6.3 ?1.7)
Measurement of sin2?
  • The minimization of the likelihood function
  • sin2?0.79?0.39(stat)?0.16(syst) Statistical
    error gtsystematics.
  • Time integrated measurement
  • sin2?0.71?0.63 (stat?sys)
  • Using Feldman and Cousing frequentist approach
  • 0ltsin2?lt1 _at_93C.L.
  • New world average (Taipei) includes this
    measurement and a new Aleph results
  • sin2?0.82 ?0.38

Results in ? and ? plane
1? bounds
  • CDF sin2 ? measurements ? fourfold ambiguity ?,
    ?/2- ?, ??, 3?/2-?
  • Solid lines are the 1 ? bounds, dashed lines two
    solutions for ? for ?lt1, ?gt0 (shown)
  • two solutions for ?gt1, ?lt0 (not-shown)

Run II upgrade
  • New silicon tracking system ? 3 D information
  • SVX II 5 layers, 96 cm, r-? and r-z readout
  • ISL 2 additional layers
  • L00 at r1.4 cm
  • New central drift chamber ? maintain run 1
    tracking efficiency and resolution
  • New trigger
  • L1 tracking trigger
  • L2 trigger on displaced tracks ? trigger on
    hadronic B decays
  • Time off flight ? 2 ? K/? separation for plt1.6
  • gt2 fb-1 of data

Run II expectations
  • Sin 2 ? from B0/B0 ?J/?K0S
  • for 10K events, ?D2 6.7 (2.4 TOF) ? ?(sin2
  • B??? expect 8400-15200 events if BR1?10-5
  • for 5K events , ?D29.1 ? ?A(??)?0.1-0.15
  • Modes to study ?
  • Expect 6000 Bs?J/?? where asymmetry would be sign
    of new Physics
  • Bs oscillations
  • Expected signal 20,000 Bs ? Ds-?, Ds??-? with
    Ds ? ??, KK
  • Proper time resolution with L00
  • Flavor tagging effectiveness
  • ?D211.3 with TOF (5.7 with old baseline)

Sensitive to xslt63 if S/N2/1 Sensitive to xslt56
if S/N1/2
20ltxslt 30.8 _at_96 C.L.
  • Important contribution to B physics using run I
  • Discovery of the Bc through
  • First measurement of sin(2?) from
  • Precise measurements of B hadron lifetimes
  • Neutral B meson oscillation ( measurement of ?md,
    limits on ?ms)
  • Studies of b-tagging methods
  • Searches for rare B decays
  • (FCNC
  • B production
  • Excellent prospects for Run II
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