Title: Usage of barley present and perspectives
1Usage of barley present and perspectives
VTT Barley Seminar 2.6.2008
2Opportunities for barley use
Several different forms of use
Barley use in Finland
Feed use barley feed use a function of relative
Malting stable and mature market
Ethanol and alcohol processing - stable and
mature market
Export opportunities
Malt and malt barley good market prospects
Ethanol and alcohol spirits into the Baltic Sea
Barley enzymes good market prospects world wide
3Barley use in Finland 1995-2015
4The history and consumption of barley in Finland
Barley was the most common grain used in Finland
until 1800s, when rye surpassed it in popularity.
Cereal consumption in Finland 1960-2015
Rye was overtaken by wheat in the middle of the
last century.
Barley consumption has decreased to a minimal
level over the past decades.
Source TIKE
5The consumption of barley in Finland
The most important forms of barley food use
- flakes
- bread (rieska)
- groats
- malt extract
6Opportunities for barley food use
Opportunities for food use
Barley food use promotion in Finland
Local food, ecological aspects
High fibre content (vs. rice)
A substitute of rice as a side dish
Export opportunities
Technology and expertise
Traditional barley consuming regions such as
North Africa
7Cereal consumption in North-Africa and Finland
Gross cereal consumption (kg/capita/year)
Volume of grain used for food (thousand tons)
8Price relations of wheat, rice and barley
9Recommendations for Nordic cooperation
Development of formal Nordic cooperation using
the experience of Nordic oats cooperation, which
are based on national oats associations.
Collecting Nordic production and consumption
statistics of barley and barley products.
Investigation of joint export and marketing
opportunities for instance in the Mediterranean