Title: CEPA 1999 Preparations for the 5Year Parliamentary Review
1CEPA 1999 Preparations for the 5-Year
Parliamentary Review
- Presentation by
- Environment Canada to
- Canadian Environmental Network
- 18 February 2004
2CEPA 1999
- CEPA 1999 is a key part of federal environmental
legislation - In 1999, further commitments were made to
- focus on pollution prevention
- use new tools to encourage innovation and promote
instrument of choice - increase federal accountability
- take a systematic approach to dealing with legacy
of thousands of un-assessed chemicals - recognize role of others but enables federal
leadership in setting national standards, acting
as safety net, action where best situated - CEPA 1999 is among the worlds leading pieces of
environmental legislation
3Objectives of CEPA 1999
- Protection of environment, including its
biological diversity and human health - Contribute to sustainable development through
pollution prevention - Effective management of toxic substances, fuels,
engine emissions, nutrients, export/import and
interprovincial movement of hazardous wastes, and
disposal at sea - Virtual elimination of releases of substances
determined to be most dangerous - Achieve highest level of environmental quality
4Why a CEPA 5-yr Review?
- A 5-yr review clause is built into CEPA 1999
- The Act states that every 5 years after it comes
into force, a Parliamentary Committee must
undertake a comprehensive review of the
provisions and operations of the Act - 5 year anniversary of CEPA coming into force is
March 31, 2005
5Approximate Timeline for Pre Post Review Period
- Preparations for the Review
- Now to March 2005
- Parliamentary Committee Review
- March 2005 Sept 2006
- Committee has 1 year to conduct review and
prepare report with recommendations - Government Response
- April 2006 September 2006
- Government has 150 days to respond to the report
- Bill Phase (?)
- to be determined from Government Response
6Context for preparing for the CEPA Parliamentary
- Continued Push for Better Federal-Provincial-Terri
torial Cooperation - Building a Strong Economy for the 21st Century in
a Global Context - Improving economic and environmental conditions
for Aboriginal Peoples - Commitment to Fiscal Prudence
7Proposed Products for the Parliamentary Committee
- Guide to Understanding CEPA 1999
- Evaluation of CEPA 1999 Implementation
- Environment Canada (EC)/ Health Canada (HC)
Ministerial Advice - Summary of the successes, challenges and barriers
faced by the departments in implementing CEPA
1999 - Suggestions for the future
- Advice will be informed by experience of federal
departments, other jurisdictions and stakeholders - First draft for public consultation will be based
on EC/HC experience implementing the Act - Supplementary Issue Papers as required (maybe
annexes to Advice paper)
8Timelines for Consultations
Jan 04
Mar 05
Jan 05
Jul 04
EC/HC Experience Paper
Internal Discussions Dec 03-Feb 05
OGD Discussions Jan 04 Jan 05
CCME Discussions Jan-Oct 04
Aboriginal Discussions Feb-Oct 04
Pre-Review Consultation Process
Multistakeholder Discussions Feb-Oct 04
EC/HC Ministerial Advice Paper
National Workshop Series
9What are we hearing?
- Not a major review
- Issues raised with approach to Risk
Assessment/Risk Management of Existing Substances - Other opportunities to respond to Smart
Regulations - better international and federal/provincial/territ
orial cooperation.