Title: Humans, Ecosystems and WellbeingA new ICSU research programme
1Humans, Ecosystems and Well-beingA new ICSU
research programme
- Patricia Ocampo-Thomason
- International Council for Science
- March 10, 2009
2Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA)
ICSU was an institutional partner in MA, with
FAO, GEF, IUCN, WHO and Several UN organizations
and conventions (UNESCO, UNDP, UNEP)
3The MA
- assessed the consequences of ecosystem change for
human well-being - Involved (for 4 years) the work of more than
1,360 experts worldwide - provided a state-of-the-art scientific appraisal
of the condition and trends in the worlds
ecosystems and the services they provide - provided scientific basis for action to conserve
and use ecosystems sustainably
4The ICSU-UNESCO-UNU Ad hoc Group
- Set-up following MA partners recommendation
- Part of the MA Follow-up Advisory Group
activities - Goal to assess the gaps in scientific knowledge
identified through the MA process - 18 worldwide experts worked 2006-2008
5Results from the group work
6A new research programme
- fundamental research challenge the need to
understand the integrative and dynamic nature of
the interactions of drivers, ecosystems, and
human well-being. - The gaps in understanding that exist today are
evidence that the fundamental research challenge
remains - This challenge cannot be adequately addressed
through uncoordinated studies of individual
components human-ecosystem interactions in an ad
hoc set of research sites scattered across the
- The establishment of a global research initiative
building upon and strengthen existing global
change research programmes (DIVERSITAS, IHDP,
IGBP) - Mission of fostering coordinated research to
understand the dynamics of the relationship
between humans and ecosystems -
8 The MA Conceptual Framework
- Human Wellbeing and
- Poverty Reduction
- Material minimum for a good life
- Health
- Good Social Relations
- Security
- Freedom and Choice
- Indirect Drivers of Change
- Demographic
- Economic (globalization, trade, market and policy
framework) - Sociopolitical (governance and institutional
framework) - Science and Technology
- Cultural and Religious
- Direct Drivers of Change
- Changes in land use or land cover
- Species introductions or removals
- Technology adaptation and use
- External inputs (e.g., irrigation, fertilizer
use, pest control) - Harvest and Resource Consumption
- Climate Change
- Natural physical and biological drivers (e.g.,
volcanoes, evolution)
- to build a body of empirical research on issues
such as valuation, regulating services,
thresholds, drivers and other topics - to enhance the ability of the scientific
community to inform policy and management
decisions related to ecosystem services. - the research questions are highlighted in the
10Research foci
- Regional foci research teams would undertake
coordinated work in a set of five to ten core
regions - Global issues research teams would undertake
work at the global scale, in partnership with
DIVERSITAS and other global change programmes
11The new Programme
- Humans, Ecosystems and Well-being
- Approved by ICSU GA (October, 2008)
- 10 year bound
- Co-sponsor by UNESCO (MAB), UNU
- Scientific Committee is been appointed (Chair
Stephen Carpenter, Wisconsin University) - ICSU is receiving proposals for the International
Programme Office
12Strengthening international science for the
benefit of society www.icsu.org