Title: Compilers
- Introduction
- Basic Compiler Function
- Lexical Analysis,
- Syntactic Analysis
- Operator-Precedence Parsing
- Shift Reduce Parsing
- Recusive Descent Parsing
N.K. Srinath srinath_nk_at_yahoo.com 1
2Definition Translation of Source language such
as high-level language such as FORTRAN, PL/1,
COBOL, C etc to a low-level language such as
assembly language or machine language is called a
Object Program (Assembly level or machine level)
Source Program Statements (Programming Language)
3- Interpreter
- Certain translators transform a programming
language into a simplified language, called
intermediate code, which can be directly executed
using a program called an interpreter. - Difference between Interpreter and Compiler
- Interpreters are smaller than compilers.
- Implementation of complex programming
language constructs is easier.
4- Execution time of an Interpreters program is
slower than that of a corresponding compiled
object program. - The interpreters need to retain source code,
object code and the interpreter program in main
memory that is an overhead. - Each time the program is to be executed,
the interpreter needs to be run.
5Compilation process is complex. Compilation
process is partitioned into a series of
sub-processes called phases. A phase is a
logically cohesive operation that takes as input
one representation of the source program and
produces as output another representation.
- In addition to the development of a
- compiler, the techniques used in
- compiler design can be applicable to many
problems in computer science. - Techniques used in a lexical analyzer can be
used in text editors, information retrieval
system, and pattern recognition programs. - Techniques used in a parser can be used in a
query processing system such as SQL.
7- Many software having a complex
- front-end may need techniques
- used in compiler design.
- A symbolic equation solver which takes an
equation as input. That program should parse
the given input equation. - Most of the techniques used in compiler
design can be used in Natural Language
Processing (NLP) systems.
8Phases of Compilers
Target Program
9- Lexical Analysis
- It is also called as Scanner.
- It separates characters of the source language
into groups that logically belong together, these
groups are called tokens. - The usual tokens are
- Keyword DO, if, FOR, While
- Identifiers x, num,
- Operator symbols lt, , , -
- Punctuation symbols parentheses, commas.
10- Each token is considered as an logical entity.
- There are two kinds of tokens
- Specific string
- The specific strings are if, DO, FOR, While
- classes of strings
- Classes of strings are identifiers, constants or
labels. - A token may consists of two parts a Token type
and a token value
11- Syntax Analyzer
- The output of the lexical analysis is a stream of
tokens, which is passed to the next phase the
syntax analyzer or parser. - Syntax Analyzer groups tokens together into
syntactic structure. For example, the three
tokens representing A B might be grouped into
a syntactic structure called as expression. - Expressions might further be combined to form
12Syntactic structures can be regarded as a tree
whose leaves are the tokens. The interior nodes
of the tree represent strings of token that
logically belong together. Fig shows the syntax
tree for READ statement in PASCAL. Read( id,
13- Intermediate Code generation
- The structured produced by the syntax analyzer
is used by the intermediate code generator to
create a stream of simple instructions. - Intermediate code generated does not specify
the registers to be used for each operation.
14- Code Optimization
- This phase is to reduce the space occupied by
the generated code. - It is also used to reduce the time of
operation. - This phase is optional.
15- Code Generation
- The object code is generated in this phase.
- It decides the memory location for data.
- It decides which registers should be used for
16- Table Management
- It is used to store the literals,
- It stores the data types and
- it stores the data structure used to record this
information called Symbol table. - It Interacts with all the phases of the compiler.
17- Error Handler
- Indicates the error in the source program.
- It interacts with all the phases.
- The error information is passed from one phase
to another.
18Passes in a Compiler In compiler implementation,
one of more phases are combined into a module
called a pass. The lexical analyzer and the
syntax analyzer are often grouped together into
the same pass.
- A grammar gives a precise syntactic
specification for the programs of a particular
programming language. - An efficient parser can be constructed
automatically from a properly designed grammar. - A grammar imparts a structure to a program that
is useful for its translation into object code
and for the detection of errors.
20- A grammar involves four quantities
- Terminals
- Nonterminals
- a start symbol and
- productions
- The basic symbols of which strings in the
language are composed we shall call terminals.
21The word token is a synonym for terminal when
we are talking about programming
language. Example Begin, end,
Nontermnals are special symbols that denote
sets of string. The terms syntactic variable
are synonyms for nonterminals. Example
statements, expression, statement-list etc.
22One nonterminal is selected as the start symbol,
and it denotes the language in which we are truly
interested. Productions define the ways in which
the syntactic categories may be built up from one
another and from the terminals. Each production
consists of a nonterminal, followed by an arrow
() , followed by a string of nonterminals and
23Example For a simple arithmetic expression
mention the terminal symbols and
productions. Terminals Id, , - , /, ( and )
Production Expression expression operator
expression Expression ( expression
) Expression - expression Expression id
24Operator Operator - Operator
/ Operator The above grammar could be
written by short hand notation as E E A E
(E) -E id A - /
25- Parse Trees
- The choice of the replacement order can be
represented graphically. This representation is
called the parse tree. - Each interior node of the parse tree is labeled
by some nonterminal A. - The children of the node are labeled from left
to right by the symbols in the right side of the
production by which this A was replaced in the
26Example A XYZ
Draw a parse tree for (id id).
Note Here E is the expression and id is
27The list of simplified Pascal grammar is shown in
fig. 1. lt prog gt PROGRAM lt program gt VAR
ltdec - list gt begin lt stmt -
list gt end. 2. ltprog - namegt id 3. lt
dec - list gt lt dec gt lt dec - list gt
4. lt dec gt lt id - list gt lt type
gt 5. lt type gt integer 6. lt id - list gt
id lt id - list gt , id 7. ltstmt -
list gt lt stmt gt ltstmt - list gt lt stmt
gt 8. lt stmt gt lt assign gt ltread gt
lt write gt lt for gt
28 9. lt assign gt id lt exp gt
10. ltexpgt lttermgtlt exp gt lt term gt lt exp gt
- lt term gt 11. lttermgt factorgtlttermgtltfacto
rgtlttermgt DIV ltfactorgt 12. lt factorgt id
int (lt exp gt) 13. lt READgt READ (
lt id - list gt) 14. lt write gt WRITE ( lt
id - list gt) 15. lt for gt FOR lt idex -
exp gt Do lt body gt 16. ltindex - expgt id
lt exp gt To ( exp gt 17. lt body gt lt
start gt begin lt start - list gt end
Fig. Simplified Pascal
29- 1 (a) Draw parse trees, according to the grammar
in fig. pascal grammar for the following
ltid-listgt S - ALPHA
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302.Draw Parse tree, according to the
grammar in fig.
for the following
DELTA 3. Suppose the rules of the grammar for
ltexpgt and lttermgt is as follows ltexpgtlttermgtltex
pgtlttermgtltexpgtDivlttermgt lttermgtltfactorgtlttermgt
ltfactorgtlttermgt-ltfactorgt Draw the parse trees for
the following (i) A1B1 (ii) A1-B1G1
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31Lexical Analysis
Lexical Analysis involves scanning the program to
be compiled. Scanned items are recognized
directly as single tokens. These tokens could
be defined as a part of the grammar.
Example ltidgtltlettergtltidgtltlettergtltidgtltdigitgt
ltlettergtABC ... Z ltdigitgt
012 ...9 In such a case the scanner world
recognize as tokens the single characters
A,B,...Z,0,1,...9. The parser could interpret a
sequence of such characters as the language
construct ltidgt.
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32- Features
- The length of the identifiers could be
restricted. - The scanner generally recognizes both single and
multiple character tokens directly. - The scanner output consists of sequence of
tokens. - This token can be considered to have a fixed
length code. - For a Pascal grammar list of integer code for
each token is provided in table.
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33N.K. Srinath srinath_nk_at_yahoo.com 33
34 Issues in Lexical Analyzer
- The lexical analyzer has to recognize the
longest possible string. - Ex identifier newva -- n ne new newv
newva - There is no end delimiter for the tokens
defined. - Normally we dont return a comment as a token
and the comments are only processed by the
lexical analyzer. - Symbol table holds information about
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35- Some scanners enter the identifiers directly
into a symbol table. The token specifier for the
identifiers may be a pointer to the symbol table
entry for that identifier. - The entire program is not scanned at one time.
- Scanner is a operator as a procedure that is
called by the processor when it needs another
token. - Scanner is responsible for reading the lines of
the source program and possible for printing the
source listing.
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36- The scanner, except for printing as the
- output listing, ignores comments.
- Scanner must look into the language
characteristics. - Example FOTRAN
- Columns 1 - 5 Statement number
- Column 6 Continuation of line
- Column 7-72 Program statement
- PASCAL Blanks function as delimiters for tokens
- Statement can be continued freely
- End of statement is indicated by (semi
N.K. Srinath srinath_nk_at_yahoo.com
37- Scanners should look into the rules
- for the formation of tokens.
- Example 'READ' Should not be considered as
keyword as it is within quotes. i.e., all string
within quotes should not be considered as token. - Blanks are significant within the quoted
string. - Blanks has important factor to play in
different language - Example 1 FORTRAN Statement
- Do 10 I 1, 100
- Do is a key word, I is identifier, 10 is the
statement number.
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38Statement DO 10 I 1 It is an identifier
Do 10 I 1 Note Blanks are ignored in
FORTRAN statement and hence it is a assignment
statement. In this case the scanner must look
ahead to see if there is a comma (,) before it
can decide in the proper identification of the
character. Example 2 In FORTRAN keywords may
also be used as an identifier. Words such as if,
then, and ELSE might represent either keywords
or variable names.
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39 if (then .EQ. ELSE) then if
then ELSE then if endif
Modeling Scanners as Finite Automata Finite
automatic provides an easy way to visualize the
operation of a scanner. An algorithm is shown
to recognize a token.
N.K. Srinath srinath_nk_at_yahoo.com
40Get first Input-character if
Input-character in 'A' .. ' Z' then
Begin while Input-character in 'A' ..
'Z', ' 0'.. ' 9' do Begin get next
input character if Input_character _
then Begin get next
Input_character Last_Char_is_Underscore
true End if _
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41 Last_Char_Is_Underscorefalse
end while if
Last_Char_Is_Underscore then
return(token-error) else
return (Valid_token) end if first is
'A' .. ' Z' else return
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- Syntax Analyzer creates the syntactic
structure of the given source program. - Syntax Analyzer is also known as parser.
- The syntax of a programming is described by a
context-free grammar (CFG). We will use BNF
(Backus-Naur Form) notation in the description of
CFGs. - The syntax analyzer (parser) checks whether a
given source program satisfies the rules implied
by a context-free grammar or not.
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43 - If it satisfies, the parser creates
the parse tree of that program. - Otherwise the parser gives the error messages.
- A context-free grammar
- gives a precise syntactic specification of a
programming language. - the design of the grammar is an initial phase
of the design of a compiler. - a grammar can be directly converted into a
parser by some tools.
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44- Parser works on a stream of tokens.
- The smallest item is a token.
- We categorize the parsers into two groups
- Top-Down Parser the parse tree is created top
to bottom, starting from the root. - Bottom-Up Parser the parse is created bottom to
top starting from the leaves
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45Bottom up Bottom up methods begin with the
terminal nodes of the tree and attempt to
combine these into successively high - level
nodes until the root is reached. Top down Top
down methods begin with the rule of the grammar
that specifies the goal of the analysis ( i.e.,
the root of the tree), and attempt to construct
the tree so that the terminal nodes match the
statement being analyzed.
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46 - Both top-down and bottom-up
- parsers scan the input from left
- to right (one symbol at a time).
- Efficient top-down and bottom-up parsers can be
implemented only for sub-classes of context-free
grammars. - LL for top-down parsing
- LR for bottom-up parsing
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47 Context-Free Grammars
- Inherently recursive structures of a programming
language are defined by a context-free grammar. - In a context-free grammar, we have
- A finite set of terminals (in our case, this
will be the set of tokens) - A finite set of non-terminals
(syntactic-variables) - A finite set of productions rules in the
following form
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48 - A ? ?
- where A is a non-terminal and
- ? is a string of terminals and non-terminals
(including the empty string) - A start symbol (one of the non-terminal symbol)
- Example
- E ? E E E E E E E / E
- E - E ? ( E )
- E ? id
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49 Derivations
E EE EE derives from E we can replace E by
EE to able to do this, we have to have a
production rule EEE in our grammar. E
EE idE idid A sequence of replacements of
non-terminal symbols is called a derivation of
idid from E.
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50 Left-Most Derivation E ? -E ? -(E) ? -(EE) ?
-(idE) ? -(idid) Right-Most Derivation E ? -E
? -(E) ? -(EE) ? -(Eid) ? -(idid) We will see
that the top-down parsers try to find the
left-most derivation of the given source
program. We will see that the bottom-up parsers
try to find the right-most derivation of the
given source program in the reverse order.
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51 Parse Tree
- Inner nodes of a parse
- tree are non-terminal symbols.
- The leaves of a parse tree
- are terminal symbols.
- A parse tree can be seen as a graphical
representation of a derivation.
? -(E)
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52 Ambiguity
A grammar produces more than one parse tree for
a sentence is called as an ambiguous grammar.
E ? EE ? idE ? idEE ? ididE ? ididid
E ? EE ? EEE ? idEE ? ididE ? ididid
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53- Operator-Precedence Parsing
- It is very simple
- Used in languages where virtually all
operators are used. Example SNOBOL. - Three disjoint relations lt. and .gt are used
between certain pairs of terminals. - If alt. b we say that a yields precedence to
b. - if ab we say that a has same precedence as b.
- If a .gtb we say that a takes precedence over b.
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parsing technique considered is called the
operator precedence method. This method is loaded
on examining pairs of consecutive operators in
the source program and making decisions about
which operation should be performed first.
Example A B C - D (1)
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55There are two ways of determining what precedence
relation should hold between a pair of
terminals. First Method Intuitive method based
on the traditional notions of associativity and
precedence of operators. The usual procedure of
operation is multiplication and division has
higher precedence over addition and
subtraction. the two operators ( and ), we find
that has lower precedence than . This is
written as ? has lower precedence .
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56Consider the following grammar for expressions E
E A E (E) -E id (2) A -
/ It is not an operator grammar. If we
substitute for A each of its alternates, we
obtain the following operator grammar E E
E E E E E E / E (E) -E id The
ambiguity with this grammar is that it does not
indicate precedence of relations.
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57There are two ways of determining what precedence
relation should hold between a pair of
terminals. First Method Intuitive method based
on the traditional notions of associativity and
precedence of operators. This approach will
resolve the ambiguities of grammar shown in (2)
and allow us to resolve the ambiguities. Second
Method An Unambiguous grammar for the
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58language is constructed first. This grammar
reflects the correct associativity and precedence
in its parse trees. Example For arithmetic
expressions involving , -, , / the grammar is
E E E E E E E E / E (E)
-E id
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59To construct an unambiguous
grammar, there is a mechanical
method for constructing
operator-precedence relations form it. Example
for the expression
id id id the operator
relations table
is as follows
relations table
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60- The given expression is considered
as string. - All the nonterminals are removed
and correct relation ? ,? and ? are
placed between terminals as per the operator
precedence relations. - is placed at the beginning and the end of
the string. - Example id id id id
- ? ? ?
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61Precedence matrix for the grammar Pascal rammar
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62For a Pascal Grammar the precedence for some of
the tokens are explained. Example PROGRAM?VAR
These two tokens have equal precedence Begin ?
FOR begin has lower precedence over FOR.
There are some values which do not follow
precedence relations for comparisons. Example
? end and end ? i.e., when is
followed by end, the ' ' has higher precedence
and when end is followed by the end has higher
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63In all the statements where precedence
relation does not exist in the table,
two tokens cannot appear
together in any legal statement. If such
combination occurs during parsing it should be
recognized as error. Example Pascal
Statement begin READ (VALUE)
These Pascal statements scanned from left to
right, one token at a time. For each pair of
operators, the precedence relation between them
is determined.
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64- . . . begin READ ( id )
? ? ? ? - 2. . . . begin READ ( lt N1 gt )
(N1) - ? ? ?
? - id
Value -
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65. . . begin lt N2 gt
ltN2 gt
READ ( ltN1gt )
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66- Example Show a step-by-step parsing for the
- . . id 1 id 2 DIV int -
id3 id4 - ? ? ?
- Left to right scan is continued in each step
only far enough to determine the next portion of
the statement to be recognized, which is the
first portion delimited by ? and ?. - Once this portion has been determined, it is
interpreted as a nonterminal according t some
rule of the grammar.
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67Parse tree is constructed from the terminal nodes
up towards the root, hence the term bottom-up
The id SUMSQ is interpreted as the single
nonterminal ltN1gt, which is an operand of the
DIV. That is, ltN1gt in the tree corresponds to two
non terminals, ltfactorgt and lttermgt as per the
pascal grammar.
ii . . . id 1 ltN1gt DIV int -
id3 id4
? ? ? ?
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68iii . id 1 ltN1gt DIV ltN2gt- id3 id4
? ?
? iv id 1 ltN3gt - id3 id4
? ? ? ?
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69v id 1 ltN3gt - ltN4gt id4
? ? ? ?
? vi id 1 ltN3gt - ltN4gt ltN5gt
? ? ?
? vii id 1 ltN3gt - ltN6gt
? ? ?
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70.. id1 ltN7gt
? ?
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71 ltN8gt
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- The operator precedence parsing is bottom up
parsing. - It was developed to shift reduce parsing.
- This method makes use of a stack to store tokens
that have not yet been recognized in terms of the
grammar. - The actions of the parser are controlled by
entries in a table, which is somewhat similar to
the precedence matrix.
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73- The two main actions of shift reducing parsing
are - Shift Push the current token into the stack.
- Reduce Recognize symbols on top of the stack
according to a rule of a grammar - Example begin READ ( id ) . . .
- Steps Token Stream
- 1. . . . begin READ ( id ) . . .
Begin is first pushes the token on stack
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742. . . . begin READ ( id ) . . . 3. . . .
begin READ ( id ) . . .
The next token READ is also shifted on to the
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753. . . . begin READ ( id ) . . .
4. . . . begin READ ( id ) . . .
5. . . . begin READ ( id ) . . .
When it parser examines the token ), the reduce
action is invoked.
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76A set of tokens from the top of the
stack is reduced to anon
symbol from the grammar. It is pushed onto the
stack, to be reduced later as part of the READ
statement. Note Shift action is taken by an
operator-precedence parser when it encounters the
relations ? and ? . Reduce action is taken
when an operator
precedence parser encounters the relation ?.
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- Recursive-Descent is a top-down parsing
technique. - It is made up of a procedure for each
non-terminal symbol in the grammar. - A procedure is associated to find a sub-string
of the input. - During this process it may call other
procedures, or call itself recursively to search
for other non-terminals. - If the procedure finds the non-terminal it
returns success else failure.
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78Example ltreadgt READ (ltid-listgt) The
procedure for READ statement is provided which is
derived from the grammar. The grammar considered
are ltid - listgt id , id unlike the one
considered earlier. lt id - list gt id
ltid-listgt, id
This is because of the fundamental difficulty. If
the procedure decided to try the second
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79(ltid-listgt, id), it would immediately
call itself recursively to find an ltid-listgt.
This would result in another
immediate recursive call, which leads to unending
chain. Note that an integer code is provided for
each token as listed earlier. PROCEDURE READ
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80The READ procedure has been invoked and has
examined the tokens READ and the stream indicated
by dashed lines.
begin advance to next token if TOKEN 20
( then begin advance to next token
if IDLIST returns
success then
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81READ has called IDLIST (indicated by solid line),
which has examined the token id.
if token 21 ) then begin
FOUND TRUE advance to
next token end if ) end
if ( end if READ
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82if FOUND TRUE then return success
else return failure end (READ)
IDLIST has returned to READ, indicating
success. Note The parse tree was constructed
beginning at the root, hence the term top-down
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83Procedure for the IDLIST This
procedure checks whether the id-list is as per
the grammar. Procedure IDLIST begin FOUND
FALSE if TOKEN 22 id then
advance to Next token
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84A flag is set to indicate that the identifier
is found and is ok. It
checks for the ,
in the next statement while (TOKEN 14 ,) and
(FOUND TRUE) do begin advance to next
token if TOKEN 22 id then
advance to next token else
while end if id
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85if FOUND TRUE then return success
else return failure end IDLIST
If , is not followed by an id the function
returns failure. eg. id,id, - Is an error
Recursive descent parse of the Assignment
Statement procedure and the parse tree is shown
for the nonterminal symbols. ltassigngt id
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86Procedure ASSIGN begin FOUND
FALSE if TOKEN 22 id then
begin advance to Next token
if TOKEN 15 then
begin advance to next token
if EXP returns success then
if end end id
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87 if FOUND TRUE then
return success else return
failure end ASSIGN
Parse tree for Assignment
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88Grammar for expression is ltexpgt lttermgt
lttermgt - lttermgt Procedure EXP begin
FOUND FALSE If TERM returns success then
begin FOUND TRUE while ((TOKEN
16)or (TOKEN 17 -))
and (FOUND TRUE) do
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89 begin advance to next
token if TERM returns success
then FOUND FALSE end
while end if TERM if FOUND
TRUE then return success else return
failure end EXP
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90Parse Tree for ASSIGN - TERM
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91Procedure TERM begin FOUND FALSE
If FACTOR returns success then
begin FOUND TRUE while ((TOKEN
18 ) or (TOKEN 19
DIV ) and (FOUND TRUE) do
begin advance to next token
if TERM returns
failure then
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92 end while end if FACTOR
if FOUND TRUE then return
success else return failure
end TERM The TERM calls the procedure factor.
If it returns success then it proceeds. The
Factor procedure is as follows
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93Procedure FACTOR begin FOUND FALSE
if (TOKEN22id) or (TOKEN23int) then
advance to next token end if id or int
else if TOKEN 20 (
then begin advance to
next token
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94if EXP returns success then if TOKEN 21 )
then begin (FOUND TRUE)
advance to next token end if )
end if ( if FOUND TRUE
then return success else return
failure end FACTOR
N.K. Srinath srinath_nk_at_yahoo.com 83