Title: The Future of MCH Leadership Training
1The Future of MCH Leadership Training
- Wendy E. Mouradian, MD, MS
- Colleen E. Huebner, PhD, MPH
- April 19 20, 2004 Seattle, WA
- Why
- What
- How
- Can you assess leadership training?
3Leadership in Oral Health
- Within pediatric dentistry
- Within the rest of health care
- Important MCH disparities issue
4MCH Working Conference Goals
- Define Leadership in MCH context
- Competencies, skills, domains
- Identify needed tools, curricula and experiences
- Measure process and outcomes
- Network, share experiences, and collaborate
5Target Audience
- Faculty of all MCH leadership training program
- Local, state and federal leaders
6Conference Overview
- Leadership
- Why
- What
- How
- Can you assess leadership training?
7Why Leadership?
- MCH Leadership has a moral context
- Leaders need ethical behavior
- Leaders encounter ethical dilemmas
8Leadership as a Mission
- Leadership finds you
- Your personal mission
- Leadership as a mandate
- The people expect you to give them leadership
- Martin Luther King, Jr
10Leadership as a Mandate
- Investment of public funds
- Health professions social contract
- Special knowledge and expertise
- MCH population special obligations
- Nash, 1984,
- Mouradian, 2002
11MCH populations Special Obligations
- Vulnerability/ dependency
- Poverty
- Growing diversity
- Disparities
- Chance to prevent disease
- Future import
- Kopelman and Mouradian, 2001 MCHB/NIDCR
12Work Group Session 1 Skills, Domains,
- Share experience where skill or competency needed
- Cross-cutting skill? Future leaders?
- Training needed Identify curricula, training
experiences - Refine domain
13Domains / Competencies
14Work Group Session 2Measurement Frameworks
- Strategies or methods to evaluate skills /
competencies from domain? - How these indicators vary over time
- In training or 1 year out
- 5, 10 years out
- Other strategies for leadership outcomes in
15Road Map for Work Group Sessions
Share Experiences Identify Skills /
Competencies Needed for Domain
Prioritize Leadership Skills / Competencies
Identify Training Experiences to Develop Skills /
Define Domain/ Label ?Essential for MCH Leaders
Identify Strategy / Method to Assess Skill /
Discuss Leadership Skills Change Over Time
Discuss Strategies to Evaluate Long-Term
Training Outcomes
Discuss Recommendations Next Steps
(Post-Conference Work Group)
- Jane E. M. Steffensen, MPH, CHES
- Carmen Velasquez
- Cheryl Shaul
- Planning Committee