Title: Health and Wellness Resource Centre
1Health and Wellness Resource Centre
2(No Transcript)
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Type in search term click on Search
5NB Tabs Reference, Magazines, etc all in bold
therefore references retrieved in each section
6- Full text reference
- See Table of Contents
- Can print/email
7Under Magazines/Journals 10112 references
retrieved. To limit see side panel e.g.
AsthmaNarrow by subdivision
8- References limited to adverse side effects.
- Mark references you require
9After marking references on page click on Update
mark list do this on every page then click
10- All the marked references are now listed
together. - If reference available in full text - click
on title
11- Full text article.
- Print/email
12References retrieved on asthma under section
13You can also limit your search by clicking on
Revise Search
14- You can now mark the blocks according to how you
wish to limit your search - Full text
- Refereed publications
- Date
You could also click on Advanced Search for more
15(No Transcript)
16- Can now search term/s in specific fields.
- Use boolean operators to combine terms
- Limit to fulltext refereed publications date
17- Created by Gale Group and M Brassel, University
of Pretoria - 2004