Title: Health and Safety Management System (1)
Health and Safety Management System
Do you wish you had a HS system that works for
you rather than feeling frustrated with a
piece-meal system that no one seems to
understand? Do you want tools that you can adopt
for your own business that just work, and avoid
reinventing the wheel? Have you ever wondered how
to get your system certified to an international
2The Health and Safety Management System
Implementation handbook is designed to help
companies develop a system that complies with the
International Management System Standard
OHSAS18001. The book is different in that it not
only explains what you need to do to implement a
management system, but explicitly describes the
steps you need to follow for achieving
compliance. This book explains what each clause
of a HS management system requires and provides
templates that are tried and tested to make set
up and operation of your system much easier. The
book can also help to make existing management
systems better. We will have additional downloads
available to help as well.
- Introduction How to Use the SHEQ Centre of
Excellence Safety Management System Manual - Health and Safety Policy
- Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk
Control - Objectives, Targets and Plans
- Resources, Roles, Responsibilities,
Accountability and Authority - Competence, Training and Awareness
- Communication, Participation and Consultation
- Documentation and Document Control
- Legal and Other Requirements
- Operational Control
- Control of Records
- Emergency Preparedness and Response
- Monitoring and Measurement
- Incident Investigation
- Non-Conformance, Corrective Action and Preventive
Action - Internal Audit
- Management Review
- Continual Improvement
- Appendices
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