Title: Its an analog world'
1(No Transcript)
2We are analog creatures.
Its an analog world.
We produce analog.
We consume analog.
This is not going to change anytime soon.
4Byting the Bullet
Digital Deployment Resources for the
University Residential Environment
- DTV Broadcast - Digital Satellite - Digital
Cable - University IP Network
- Basic Concepts - Definition of Common Terms -
Integrating the Technologies - Stakeholder
Implications For the University Residential
Service Model
Burning Questions
5Customer Premises Equipment (CPE)
Over-The-Air Digital Broadcast Television
JPEG MPEG Windows Media Real Quick Time etc, etc
JPEG MPEG Windows Media Real Quick Time etc, etc
VSB-8 19 MBit Capacity per 6MHz Channel
1-2 HDTV Multiple SDTV
Very Conducive to Bulk Service
6Digital Broadcast Television CPE
FCC rule directed Broadcast Flag implementation
effective July 1, 2005 Court struck down this
ruling May 6, 2005.
Encrypted to the Point of Viewing
Analog Hole
ENgt crypt
ltDE crypt
Selectable Outputs
Broadcast Flag
The value of digital property is dependent upon
the owners ability to protect it against
unauthorized use.
7Digital Broadcast Television
Analog Retransmission
VSB Processing
Frequency Translator
8Digital Broadcast Television VSB Processing
9Digital Broadcast Television
VSB QAM Transcoding
10VSB vs. Multiplexed QAM
Program and System Information Protocol (PSIP)
VSB Input
11VSB vs. Multiplexed QAM
Program and System Information Protocol (PSIP)
VSB Input
12Multiplexed QAM Input
13Multiplexed QAM Input
14Multiplexed QAM Input
15Multiplexed QAM Input
16Multiplexed QAM Input
17Multiplexed QAM Input
18Multiplexed QAM Input
19Channel Brands
The QAM signal is robust enough, and the digital
receivers are tight enough to function even in
environments with strong local analog
over-the-air broadcasts.
Go ahead and use the broadcasters Branded
channel, even if there is strong local analog
20Digital Broadcast Television
VSB IP Transcoding
21PSIP contains several information
Tables Expect Mixed Results with Transcoding
Depends on -
Transcoder - ATSC Tuner
(or IP Viewer) -
Broadcaster Implementation
ENgt crypt
Digital Satellite
NDS Nagra Irdeto Digicipher etc, etc
NDS Nagra Irdeto Digicipher etc, etc
Most programming of commercial value is encrypted
QPSK Satellite Channel (Transponder) 30 - 40 Mb
Receive Antenna to Receiver Link is L-Band (950
2150 MHz)
L-Band NOT conducive to Extended Wired
Distribution Networks
23Digital Satellite Signal Processing
Analog Retransmission
QPSK QAM Transcoding
1 Transponder
1 CATV Ch (6 MHz)
ltDE crypt
ENgt crypt
24Digital Satellite Signal Processing
ltDE crypt
ltDE crypt
Cherry Pick Multiplex
Brand M
ENgt crypt
ltDE crypt
QAM Modulator
Brand S-A
25 Digital CATV
QAM - 64 26 Mb Capacity per 6MHz Channel _at_3-4
Mb 7 SD Services
Modulation Error Ratio
QAM - 256 38 Mb Capacity per 6MHz Channel _at_3-4
Mb 10 SD Services _at_8 Mb 4-5 HDTV
Services _at_19 Mb 2 OTA VSB-8 broadcast streams
26Digital Set-Top Box
Channel Map
Table of Information about the Virtual Channel
Numbers (VCN)
Virtual Channel Table (VCT)
27Channel Map
Channel Map Instructions for STBs with Channel
Map (VCT) 4465
28Channel Map Other Utility Information
RF Connection
Encryption Keys
Program Guide Info
Virtual Channel Table
In-Band delivery of utility type information
Data must be carried on each channel Generally
not a huge payload, but it adds up over hundreds
of channels
STB has additional tuner at a set frequency to
capture utility information
29Un-Mapped STBs
- Scans for Analog and QAM Carriers - In Band
Metadata - Varying results with utility
information - STB / Built-in ATSC Tuner
generally stores scan results
Self-Mapped STBs
- Each digital Pod carries in-band metadata
identifying itself and its content
- STB assigns the Pod to the RF frequency where
it was found by the scan
Echo 119W Tp 5
Echo 110W Tp 12
CATV Ch114
30Digital Bulk Service?
Transaction File
ltEN crypt
DVR Storage
DEgt crypt
31IP Network
ENgt crypt
ltDE crypt
IP Multi-cast Enabled
ENgt crypt
Bandwidth, Bandwidth, Bandwidth
Edge Control
Encryption (How Many Flavors?)
32Digital Bulk Service?
Selectable Outputs
Analog Hole
Encryption Keys
2nd IP Connection To PC
Program Guide Info
Virtual Channel Table
DVR Storage
Encrypted to the Point of Viewing
33University IP Network IP Customer Premises
34University IP Network IP Customer Premises
Personal Computer
Requirements Software Client Viewer, Variety
of Operating Systems Approved Encryption with
Digital Rights Management
Encryption Keys
Advantages No Set-Top-Boxes Essential for
Successful Bulk Program Client Owns the CPE
IP STB and PC Client Can Co-Exist Easy
Migration Path from Existing RF to IP No Major
Differences to Accommodate HDTV
IP Connection
2nd IP Connection To PC
Program Guide Info
Virtual Channel Table
Challenges Expense Technology and Business
Models not Well Baked
DVR Storage
- If Clear QAM is not an option to deliver
HDTV - and you do not want the capital and
management expense involved with the deployment
of Set-Top-Boxes - then IP to the PC client may
be the best available solution
35Implications for the University Service Model
- Digital HDTV and Bulk Distribution need not
become mutually exclusive concepts - IP is
likely to break established program bundling
Burning Questions
- Where are the Digital STBs?
- Is Broadcast VSB (unencrypted digital) the
exception or the rule? - Will the Analog Hole
ever really be plugged?
Questions? Answers? Comments?