Title: Behavior of Nominal Exchange Rates
1Behavior of Nominal Exchange Rates
- International Finance
- Dick Sweeney
2Beating the Market???
- Not a course in "how to beat the market"
- But talking about whether you can make profits
introduces you to lots of important topics - In this introduction, it looks hard to beat the
market - But stay tuned for technical analysis
3The Euro
- Look at graph of Euronumber of USD per Euro
- Looks like a random walk
- Look at graph of percentage rates of change of
price of Euro (rate of return, R-of-R) - Looks like they are random
- What does random walk mean in finance terms?
- What does random mean in finance terms?
4U.S. Stock Market Indices
5(No Transcript)
6Euro Easier to See
7 Change in Euro
8 Change in Euro Easier to See
9The Euro (cont.)
- Points about the Euro apply equally well to
prices and rates of return of stocks, bonds, etc.
- Your understanding about stocks and other assets
apply to exchange rates - Later
- What does random walk mean in statistical
terms? Euro is only approximation - What does random mean in statistical terms?
- Purpose is to sharpen, clarify understanding
10Random Walks and PredictionDo the Patterns
Allow Profits?
- The Euro is approximately a random walk
- A high value of the Euro today means the value of
the Euro will be high tomorrow - But you cant tell whether tomorrows value will
be higher or lower than todays value - A low value of the Euro today means the value of
the Euro will be low tomorrow - But you cant tell whether tomorrows value will
be higher or lower than todays value - Profits come from predicting rates of return
11Regression Log Levels
- Dependent Variable LNEURO (natural logarithm of
Euro) - Sample (adjusted) 2 1741
- Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.Â
 - C 0.000181 0.000167 1.085198 0.2780
- LNEURO(-1) 0.999666 0.001004 995.4134 0.0000
- R-squared 0.998249 Â Â Â Â
- Durbin-Watson stat 1.996749 Â Â Â Â
yt a b xt et yt and xt are observable. a
and b are parameters to estimate. et is an
error. a is the intercept, b is the slope
LNEURO(-1) explains 99.8249 of ups and downs in
12Random Rates of Return and Prediction
- Each days Euro rate of return fluctuates
(approximately) unpredictably around mean value - You may be able to predict (estimate) mean value
- But not whether R-of-R is above or below the
mean, or how much above (or below) - Not very favorable for making profitable bets
about what tomorrows R-of-R will be - But random walk looked kind of good
- Lots of patterns, reversals etc.
13Detecting a Random Walk
- Random walks have different mean values across
different time periods - Rates of return have pretty much the same mean
across sample - Random walks show lots of interesting patterns
across time - Pretty hard to detect patterns in rates of return
- You make profits by predicting rates of return
14Regression Change in Log Levels(percentage
rates of return)
- Dependent Variable DLNEURO
- Sample (adjusted) 3 1741
- Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Pr
ob.  - C 0.000148 0.000149 0.991068 0.3218
- DLNEURO(-1) -0.000297 0.023954 -0.012418 0.9901
- R-squared 0.000000 Â Â Â Â
- Durbin-Watson stat 2.000971 Â Â Â Â
yt a b xt et yt and xt are observable. a
and b are parameters to estimate. et is an
error. a is the intercept, b is the slope
DLNEURO(-1) explains 0.00 of ups and downs in
15What exactly is a random series?
- 'Program 1 Random variables.
- 'EViews 5 program for random variables and random
walks. - 'Note these programs have to written in Courier.
- SMPL 1 100
- 'This gives a "sample" with 100 observations.
- genr profit_rate nrnd
- 'where "nrnd" means a random variable from a
- 'normal distribution with a mean of zero
- 'and a variance of unity (one).
16Normal Distribution
"Bell-shaped" curve
Standard Normal N(0, 1) Does not have to
be normalconvenient, easy to work with..
17Normal Distributions
Normal, but centered on -2.00.
Small spread
Large spread
18Generated Profit Rates
From Program 1.
19 Change in Euro 100 Observations
20 Change in Euro Easier to See
21From Random to Random Walk
- Program 2 Random variables AND random walks.
- 'EViews 5 program for random variables and random
walks. - SMPL 1 1
- 'This says to look just at the first observation.
- genr level profit_rate (could add a
constant, say 1 or 100) - SMPL 2 100
- 'Now we look at the next 99 observations
- genr level level(-1) profit_rate
- SMPL 1 100
- 'This puts us back again with 100 observations.
22Generated Random Walk
From Program 2
Random Walk
23Random Walk, Built from Generated Random Rates of
Random Walk
24Generated Random Rates of Return Approximately
25Generated Level of Random WalkFar from Normal
26Regression Generated Rates of Return
yt a b xt et Yt, xt are observable
variables. a, b are parameters to estimate. et
is a random error term.
- Dependent Variable change
- Method Least Squares
- Sample (adjusted) 3 1741
- Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic
Prob.  - C 0.000148 0.000149 0.991068 0.3218
- change(-1) -0.000297 0.023954 -0.012418 0.9901
- R-squared 0.000297 Â Â Â Â
- Durbin-Watson stat 2.000971
change(-1) explains 0.0297 of ups and downs in
27Scatter Diagram Generated Rates of Return (from
previous slide)
28Regression Levels (same data)
yt a b xt et Yt, xt are observable
variables. a, b are parameters to estimate. et
is a random error term.
- Dependent Variable LEVEL
- Sample (adjusted) 2 100
- Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
  - C -0.042629 0.106152 -0.401588 0.6889
- LEVEL(-1) 0.959393 0.029249 32.80094 0.0000
- R-squared 0.917299 Â Â Â Â
- Durbin-Watson stat 1.583474 Â
LEVEL(-1) explains 91.37 of ups and Downs in
29Scatter Diagram Generated Price Levels (same
data as before)
30Example 1 Generated
31Example 2 Generated
32Example 3 Generated
33Example 4 Generated
34Practice 1 Figure
35Practice 1 (same data)
- Dependent Variable PROFIT_RATE
- Sample (adjusted) 2 100
- Variable Coefficient Std.
Error t-Statistic Prob - C -0.173938 0.110005 -1.581179
0.1171 - PROFIT_RATE(-1) -0.011498 0.101046 -0.113792
0.9096 - R-squared 0.000133 Â Â Â Â
- Durbin-Watson stat 2.013712
36Practice 1 (cont.same data)
- Dependent Variable LEVEL
- Sample (adjusted) 2 100
- Included observations 99 after adjustments
- Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic
Prob.  - C -0.281801 0.188601 -1.494159 0.1384
- LEVEL(-1) 0.988304 0.016429 60.15428
0.0000 -
- R-squared 0.973893 Â Â Â Â
- Durbin-Watson stat 2.019364 Â Â Â Â
37Practice 1 (cont.)
38Practice 1 (cont.)
39Practice 2 Figure
40Practice 2 (cont.)
- Dependent Variable PROFIT_RATE
- Sample (adjusted) 2 100
- Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic
Prob.  - C -0.038100 0.104134 -0.365876 0.7153
- PROFIT_RATE(-1) 0.103083 0.100919 1.021445
0.3096 -
- R-squared 0.010642 Â Â Â Â
- Durbin-Watson stat 1.943564 Â Â Â Â
41Practice 2 (cont.)
- Dependent Variable LEVEL
- Sample (adjusted) 2 100
- Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic
Prob.  - C -0.575786 0.187474 -3.071280 0.0028
- LEVEL(-1) 0.815729 0.054805 14.88426 0.0000
- R-squared 0.695487 Â Â Â Â
- Durbin-Watson stat 1.667700 Â Â Â Â
42Practice 2 (cont.)
43Practice 2 (cont.)