Title: What are you doing at school this term
1What are you doing at school this term?
2Magnets and Springs
In Science, we are learning about Magnets and
Springs. Here are some weblinks you might like to
explore http//www.bbc.co.uk/schools/scienceclip
s/ages/7_8/magnets_springs.shtml http//www.e-gfl
In French, we are learning how to say our age
and ask others theirs how to say where we
live The days of the week How to describe the
weather How to say the alphabet in French Have a
look on our school French site and follow the
links to play games or watch video
clips. http//www.fabfrench.org
In History, we are learning about the
Tudors. Here are some weblinks you might like to
explore http//www.tudorbritain.org http//www.b
rims.co.uk/tudors/wives.html http//www.vam.ac.uk
t_of_arms/coat_of_arms.html http//www.woodlands-