Title: PNPE Tutorial
2Data submission of the private and nonpublic
schools enrollment report is Web-based.
Appendix B of the PNPE Instruction Manual has
the instructions for Setting Up Security Access.
The Education Hub (Ed Hub) provides a secure
access to PNPE using the PA Login user ID and
password. If you do not yet have a user ID and
password, register for a PA Log In account as
shown in the next four slides.
3Open an internet browser and go to the Education
Hub http//www.edportal.ed.state.pa.us At the
upper left, click Register.
4The PA Login User Registration form
displays. Complete the required fields (marked
with an asterisk). Record your User ID and
Password in a secure place. Record the e-mail
address and your question and answer in a secure
place because these will be needed if you forget
your password. Click Submit.
5After you have registered in the PA Login, wait
at least one hour, and then log in to the
Education Hub to review/update the user profile.
At the upper left, click Log In.
6Enter your user ID and password. Click Log In.
7The first time you log in you will automatically
see the Ed Hub User Profile page. Your User
Profile appears, displaying the information
entered on the PA Log In Registration.
Review/Update the information on this page and
click Save. You will be taken to the Ed Hub home
page. Now you are ready to use your User ID and
Password to access PNPE.
8With your User ID and Password ready, go to the
Ed Hub home page and at the upper left, click Log
In. Enter your user ID and password. Click Log
In. (After logging in, the Log In text at the
upper left changes to Logged In As, followed by
your name). In the left navigation area, click
on My PDE Apps
9The My PDE Apps screen displays. The
Application Abbreviation will display in the
first column. Click PNPE to access PNPE. Then,
the first screen will display for the Private and
Nonpublic Schools Enrollment. If you are a user
of PNPE at a school skip to section 4.
Orientation to Screen