Title: Info Skills Citing References: Patents
1Info SkillsCiting References Patents
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2Citing Referencesgt Patent
To the right is the title page of a Patent. All
of the information needed to build a citation can
be found on this page.
3Citing Referencesgt Patents
First, you will need to see if the Patent
Application identifies the Originator or
Inventor sometimes s/he (or they, if more than
one person) may not be so indicated. If they are,
the reference format is as for books, journal
articles, etc Surname, Initials.
In this instance, the inventors are Gerry Mavin
and Timothy Stephenson.
4Citing Referencesgt Patents
First, you will need to see if the Patent
Application identifies the Originator or
Inventor sometimes s/he (or they, if more than
one person) may not be so indicated. If they are,
the reference format is as for books, journal
articles, etc Surname, Initials.
In this instance, the inventors are Gerry Mavin
and Timothy Stephenson. So, our reference
begins Mavin, G. and Stevenson, T.
5Citing Referencesgt Patents
In addition to any identified Originator/s or
Inventor/s, your reference will also need to
include the Applicant/s.
In this instance, the Applicant is Portola
Packaging Limited.
6Citing Referencesgt Patents
In addition to any identified Originator/s or
inventor/s, your reference will also need to
include the Applicant/s.
In this instance, the Applicant is Portola
Packaging Limited. So, our reference now
reads Mavin, G. and Stevenson, T. (Portola
Packaging Limited)
7Citing Referencesgt Patents
In addition to any identified Originator/s or
inventor/s, your reference will also need to
include the Applicant/s.
In this instance, the Applicant is Portola
Packaging Limited. So, our reference now
reads Mavin, G. and Stevenson, T., (Portola
Packaging Limited) NB You give the name of the
Applicant in round brackets. There is no need to
include their address. Note the comma after the
originators names.
8Citing Referencesgt Patents
After the Originator/s (if any) and Applicants,
comes the year of publication. For Patents, this
is taken to be the year in which the patent is
officially published, not the year in which the
patent application was first written or filed.
In this instance, it is the date of publication
is 7.2.07, so the year is 2007. So, our
reference now reads Mavin, G. and Stevenson, T.,
(Portola Packaging Limited) 2007. NB There is
no comma between the Applicant/s and the year.
9Citing Referencesgt Patents
Next is the title. Unlike books and journal
articles, the title may appear lower down the
page or even, on occasion, on the second page.
In this instance, it is Container closure in
combination with a ring pull insert.
10Citing Referencesgt Patents
Next is the title. Unlike books and journal
articles, the title may appear lower down the
page or even, on occasion, on the second page.
In this instance, it is Container closure in
combination with a ring pull insert. So, our
reference now reads Mavin, G. and Stevenson, T.,
(Portola Packaging Limited) 2007. Container
closure in combination with a ring pull insert.
11Citing Referencesgt Patents
Next is the title. Unlike books and journal
articles, the title may appear lower down the
page or even, on occasion, on the second page.
In this instance, it is Container closure in
combination with a ring pull insert. So, our
reference now reads Mavin, G. and Stevenson, T.,
(Portola Packaging Limited) 2007. Container
closure in combination with a ring pull insert.
Note that the title is given in italics.
12Citing Referencesgt Patents
Lastly, the reference will need to give the
country in which the application has been filed,
the application number and designation code, and
the date of publication.
13Citing Referencesgt Patents
Lastly, the reference will need to give the
country in which the application has been filed,
the application number and designation code, and
the date of publication.
In this instance, it is a UK patent application
with the number 2428669. The designation is A.
14Citing Referencesgt Patents
Lastly, the reference will need to give the
country in which the application has been filed,
the application number and designation code, and
the date of publication.
In this instance, it is a UK patent application
with the number 2428669. The designation is A.
The date of publication is 07.02.2007.
15Citing Referencesgt Patents
Lastly, the reference will need to give the
country in which the application has been filed,
the application number and designation code, and
the date of publication.
In this instance, it is a UK patent application
with the number 2428669. The designation is A.
The date of publication is 07.02.2007. So, our
complete reference now reads Mavin, G. and
Stevenson, T., (Portola Packaging Limited) 2007.
Container closure in combination with a ring pull
insert. UK patent application 2428669 A.
16Citing Referencesgt Patents
Lastly, the reference will need to give both the
country in which the application has been filed,
the application number and designation code, and
date of publication.
In this instance, it is a UK patent application
with the number 2428669. The designation is A.
The date of publication is 07.02.2007. So, our
complete reference now reads Mavin, G. and
Stevenson, T., (Portola Packaging Limited) 2007.
Container closure in combination with a ring pull
insert. UK patent application 2428669 A.
2007-02-07. NB The date is given as year-mm-dd.