Title: The North Carolina Family Assessment Scale
1The North Carolina Family Assessment Scale
- based on the work of
- Raymond S. Kirk, Ph.D.
- Clinical Professor
- with Mark W. Fraser Ph.D.
- John A. Tate Distinguished Professor for Children
in Need
2How Do We Know if Intensive Family Preservation
Services (IFPS) Really Work?
- What would you want to measure?
3North Carolina Family Assessment Scale
(NCFAS)(Reed-Ashcraft, Kirk, Fraser, 2001)
- Comprehensive family functioning and outcome
instrument specifically designed for IFPS - Developed by providers, policy makers, evaluators
- Shown to have
- internal consistency
- construct and concurrent validity
- 5 domains
- Each variable rated on 6 point ordinal scale
(2clear strength, to -3 serious problem)
4NCFAS Domains
- Environment, e.g.
- housing stability and habitability,
income/employment, adequacy of food/nutrition,
learning environment, transportation - Parental Capabilities, e.g.
- parenting skill, adult supervision
5NCFAS Domains
- Family Interactions, e.g.
- mutual support, bonding with child, expectation
of child - Family Safety, e.g.
- sexual abuse of child, domestic violence
- Child Well-Being, e.g.
- childs behavior, school performance, child
mental health
6NCFAS in Action (NC DHHS, 2001)
- North Carolina IFPS evaluated using NCFAS V2.0
- Family evaluated at beginning of service, and at
conclusion - Looked at absolute score, and change score
7NCFAS and NC IFPS Evaluation
8NCFAS and NC IFPS Evaluation
9NCFAS and NC IFPS Evaluation
10NCFAS and NC IFPS Evaluation
11NCFAS and NC IFPS Evaluation
12NCFAS and NC IFPS Evaluation
13NCFAS and NC IFPS Evaluation
14Do Score Changes Relate to Placement Outcomes?
- Significant relationship between strengths and
absence of placement, and problems and
out-of-home placement - Environment chi square8.346, df5, p.138
- Parental Capabilities chi square27.352, df5,
plt.001 - Family Interactions chi square47.573, df5,
plt.001 - Family Safety chi square46.703, df5, plt.001
- Child Well-Being chi square58.613, df5, plt.001
- NC IFPS can improve family functioning,
incrementally, in all domains measured by NCFAS - Parental Capabilities, Family Interactions, Child
Well-Being, seem more amenable to change during
this brief intervention - NCFAS scores associated with placement outcomes
at end of IFPS