Title: How to create your University computing account
1How to create your University computing account
- This process is called subscribing.
www.southampton.ac.uk/isolutions iSolutions
2Access to Subscribe webpage
- Off campus, you can use any web browser.
- On campus, from a University public workstation
or internet café, enter subscribe in the
username box. There is no needto enter a
password. Then click OK to move to the next step.
3Create your University computing account
- You will be taken through the steps to create
your computing account. - This includes email and PC access, and you can
also set your password security - questions and answers.
Click here to begin creating your computing
4Entering your personal details
Enter your detailsin the boxes. Click on Next
to continue.
5Accepting terms and conditions
Please read and move to the bottom. Click on
Accept to continue.
6Setting up security questions and answers
- Security questions and answers are used as a
check if you forget your password - in future and need to reset it.
Please enter your answers. Click on Next to
7Getting a username and password
Your username is created by the system.
Please enter and confirm your chosen password.
Click on Next to continue.
This is your username and University email
address. Please write it down.
Click on Enrol to complete the Subscribe process.
9Getting help
- Enrolment Helpline
- Once you have subscribed to set up your
University computing account you will - be able to enter the Universitys online
enrolment system to enrol. - If you have any queries or experience any
problems during enrolment please - contact the Enrolment Helpline on 44 (0)23 8059
8888 (internal extension - 28888) or by email at enrol_at_soton.ac.uk
ServiceLine If you have questions on the
Subscribe process, please contact ServiceLine
on 44 (0)23 8059 5656 (internal extension 25656)
or by email at serviceline_at_soton.ac.uk