Title: UKOLN is supported by:
1 EnTag Enhancing Social Tagging for
Discovery K. Golub, C. Jones, B. Matthews, J.
Moon, M. L. Nielsen, B. Puzon, D. Tudhope JCDL
2009, Austin, Texas
UKOLN is supported by
2 classification system knowledge.organi
zation.system thesaurus descriptors c
lasses controlled vocabularies subjectindexin
folksonomy folksonomies social_tagging s
ocial tagging tagging tags keywords
information retrieval searching finding
3EnTag project
- One year
- Six institutional partners
- Social tagging only
- versus
- Social tagging combined with controlled
vocabulary - Indexing aspects
- Influence on retrieval
- Two studies
- Major Intute subject gateway
5Intute http//www.intute.ac.uk
6Intute metadata
- 11,042 stripped records
- Politics
- Interfaces
- Searching
- Simple free tagging
- Enhanced DDC / LCSH / Relative Index
9Intute demonstrator searching
10Intute demonstrator Enhanced
Tagging interfaces
11Enhanced interface
12User study 1
- Research questions
- Choice of tag
- Retrieval implications
- Participants
- 28 UK politics students
- Little tagging experience
13User study 2
- Data collection
- Logging
- Three questionnaires
- Four tagging tasks
- Two controlled, two free
- Tag 15 documents in each task
14User study 3
- Hypothetical group project scenario
- Instructions
- 5 to 10 min per document
- Open document but focus
- Try consider enhanced suggestions where
Imagine that as part of one of your courses, you
are asked to write a four-page essay on the topic
of European integration, as a joint project in
groups of four. The essay should critically
discuss existing theories about the creation of
the European Union and its institutions. Your
lecturer has instructed you to look for resources
in the EnTag system. Since you will be working
together with three other students, you should
tag the documents you retrieve with tags that
would be useful to you but would also enable
other students to find those documents in EnTag
and understand from your tags what the documents
are about.
16Number of tags
- 7,568 tags in total
- 278 tags per person
- 94 751 documents tagged (controlled free
task) - More in simple interface
- More in free task
17Tag selection
- Simple interface
- 91 freely assigned
- Enhanced interface
- 71 freely assigned
- 17 controlled tags
- Other features (both interfaces)
- 8 other taggers tags
- 2 main tag cloud
- lt 1 own tag
18Browsing for tags
- Simple interface
- 73 others tags
- 17 main tag cloud
- 10 own tag
- Enhanced interface
- 74 controlled vocabulary
- 18 others tags
19Retrieval implications
- Versus metadata records
- All tags new access points for 36 documents
- Controlled tags new access points for 69
documents - Search terms
- More in tags than in (un)controlled keywords (2x
/ 3x)
20Post-questionnaires 1
- Post-task
- Familiar / easy / satisfied / certain
- Useful own tags, DDC disambiguation pane, DDC
suggestions - Not useful main tag cloud, others names,
hierarchical DDC pane
21Post-questionnaires 2
- Post-study
- Easy to learn and useful in real life
- Simple
- Simplicity, speed, freedom of choice
- ? No suggestions
- Enhanced
- Suggestions
- ? Inappropriate suggestions, cluttered interface,
number of steps
- Controlled vocabulary suggestions valued if
appropriate - More access points potential
- Value of consistency for IR
23Further research
- Qualitative analysis
- Enhancements
- Controlled vocabulary
- Auto suggestions
- Interface
- Motivation for tagging