Title: Delivering KiwiSaver Programme Management Approach
1Delivering KiwiSaver - Programme Management
Cathy Magiannis Neil Annenberg
2KiwiSaver is
- A voluntary work-based savings scheme.
- Announced in Budget 2005
- Enhanced in Budget 2007
- Live from 1 July 2007
- Part of an ongoing package of initiatives to
increase individual savings and support New
Zealanders in retirement - KiwiSavers purpose is to encourage a long-term
savings habit and asset accumulation to improve
financial well-being, particularly for retirement
3KiwiSaver is Simple!
4Key Players
5Strategic Framework
6Strategic Challenges/Opportunities
- World first no precedents
- Not core IR business
- Design/ build in parallel with legislation
- Tight timeframe
- Branding Exercise
- Partnership with employers and providers
- Cross government initiative
- High profile initiative
7Implementation Challenges/Opportunities
- Required sophisticated project management
framework - Sizeable team required
- Competing for scarce resources, particularly IT
- New line of business for Inland Revenue
- Communications and stakeholder relationships
- Systems challenges (scale and complexity)
8Stakeholder Communication/ Engagement
- IRs role to inform and educate not sell or
promote - Employers, individuals and providers are key
stakeholders - Major engagement with employers and providers
- Multi-media advertising campaign to target
individuals - Strong brand emphasis
- Take up assumptions
- - 50 of workforce in 10 years
- - 350,000 members after year 1
Take up as at 5th October 2007
- 45 schemes registered with Government Actuary
- 11,473 employer chosen schemes
10Current Challenges
- Budget announcements changed landscape
- Tight timeframe enactment/implementation
- Employer concerns re. compliance and financial
costs - Competing priorities (supporting vs. delivering
vs. designing new processes)
11Key Events for IR
Active choice providers register
Enrolments commence
Default providers selected
Sept. 06
May 07
Oct. 07
Jan. 07
March 07
July 07
Dec. 06
Publicity campaign
B2B exchange
Legislation enacted
Payroll specifications
12Scope Changes
- Legislation enacted Sept. 2006
- design already complete and build work started
- subsequent amendments/remedials
- Budget 2007
- new policies and processes
- increased member volume from 1 July
- revised collateral
- new phases of work
- revised legislation in 2 stages
13Key Events for IR
Compulsory Employer Contribution Employer Tax
Active choice providers register
Default providers selected
July 08
Sept. 06
May 07
Oct. 07
Jan. 07
April 08
July 07
March 07
Dec. 06
B2B exchange
Budget 07 announcement Publicity campaign
Member Tax Credit
Legislation enacted
Payroll specifications
15Business Programme
- Relationship management
- Financial services scheme providers, payroll
- Employer groups
- Employee groups
- Government and other agencies
- Media campaign PR
- Organisational Design
- Process design
- Accommodation, recruitment and training
16Systems Programme
- New Central Administrator System (CAS)
- Upgrades to mainframe for Employer Monthly
Schedules, IR-File, reconciliations - Enhanced On-line (web) functionality
- Enhanced B2B functionality
- Enhanced call management, imaging, statementing
functions - Complex systems integration - 93 systems
interfaces - 2 consortium partners
17Programme Delivery
- Day-to-day delivery of the overall schedule
- Deployment strategy
- Planning Centre
- Project disciplines and project management
standards - scheduling
- risk and issues
- change control
- milestones dependencies
- quality assurance
- Governance and stakeholder relationships
18Phases Stages
Compulsory Employer Contribution Employer Tax
B2B exchange
Member Tax Credit
July 07
Oct. 07
April 08
July 08
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
- Phases 1 2 alone
- 24 projects, 2 sister projects
- Master (summary) plan 5,100 lines
- 408 milestones
- 626 dependencies
19Design Authority
policy intent
- Small core group
- Wider interest group
- Rapid decisions that stick
20The Planning Centre Approach
- Focus on master CP, monitor individual CPs
- Top-down, bottom-up
- Weekly exceptions meetings
- Weekly Change Control Board
- Bi-weekly hot topic meetings
- Manage the bow-wave
- CP managed daily in weeks before live
- Focus on outcomes (scope) outputs (quality)
On Time. To Quality
21Release Management
- Deployment Centre
- Steering Committee approvals
- Defect analysis
- Inter-project co-ordination
- Systems brown out
- Shared ownership with operational teams
- Dedicated Systems Service Support
22Lessons Learned
- Levels of detail, e.g. estimations
- Project methodologies
- Change requests
- Dependency mapping
- Bleeding edge technology
- Retaining IP
- Communications
- Governance
- Policy team
- Stakeholder relationships
- Clear CSFs
- Quality control
- Scope
- Scheduling
- Transition to day-to-day
- Capability sets
23Any Questions?