Title: Minimal Models for Quantum Decoherence in Coupled Biomolecules
1Minimal Models forQuantum Decoherence in
Coupled Biomolecules
- Joel Gilmore
- Ross H. McKenzie
- University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Gilmore and McKenzie, J. Phys.Cond. Matt. 17,
1735 (2005) and quant-ph/0412170, to appear in
Chem. Phys. Lett
2Why should physicists be interested in biology?
Why should biologists be interested in quantum?
- Quantum mechanics plays a critical role in much
of biology!
Theyre all highly efficient, highly refined,
self assembling quantum nanoscale devices.
- Retinal, responsible for vision
- Ultrafast vision receptor
- Light harvesting complexes in photosynthesis
- Ultraefficient collection conversion of light
- Green Fluorescent Protein
- Highly efficient marker
3Biology is hot and wet!
Protein environment
Models must include system bath
4The spin-boson model
- Popular model for describing decoherence
- Extensively studies by Leggett, Weiss, Saleur,
Costi, et al. - Applications to SQUIDS, decoherence of qubits
- Describes the coupling of a two level system to a
bath of harmonic oscillators - Works for many, very different, environments
- All coupling to enviornment is in the spectral
We can apply this to systems of coupled
5Experimental realisation of spin-boson model
What is the two level system?
- Two molecules
- Each with two energy levels
If only one excitation is available, effectively
a two level system
6Experimental realisation of spin-boson model
What is ???the coupling?
- Excitations may be transferred by dipole-dipole
interactions - Shine in blue, get out yellow!
- Basis of Fluorescent Resonant Energy Transfer
(FRET) spectroscopy - Used in photosynthesis to move excitations around
7Experimental realisation of spin-boson model
What is J(????the bath coupling?
- Use a minimal model to find an analytic
expression - Protein and solvent treated as dielectric mediums
8Obtaining spectral density, J(?)
- Central dipole polarises solvent
- Causes electric reaction field which acts on
dipole - Two sources of dynamics
- Solvent dipoles fluctuate (captured by
) - Chromophore dipole different in ground and
excited states
- To obtain spectral density
- Quantise reaction field
- Apply fluctuation-dissipation theorem
9Spectral density for the minimal model
?? chromophore dipole diff. b protein
radius ?s(?) solvent dielectric constant ?p
protein dielectric constant
- Ohmic spectral density
- Cut-off determined by solvent dielectric
relaxation time, 8ps
- Microscopic derivation of spin-boson model and
spectral density
- Slope is critical parameter
- For chromophore in water, ???
- Protein can shield chromophore, so ??????
- c.f., ???????????for Joesephson Junction qubits
- Strong decoherence - quantum consciousness
10Dynamics of the spin-boson model
- Usually interested in ?z, which describes
location of excitation - How does the excitation move between molecules?
- Three possible scenarios for expectation value of
Location of excitation with time
- System is eventually in a mixed state
- One molecule or the other is definitely excited
- Here, its most likely the yellow one
11Dynamics of the spin-boson model
- Behaviour depends on ? and relative size of
parameters - ?????c
- ?????
- kBT????c
- Rich, non-trivial dynamics
- Cross-over from coherent-incoherent in many ways
All known in terms of experimental parameters
For identical (???) molecules and ????c
For ????c, coherent oscillations remain even for
high T, ? Bias ??can help or hinder coherent
12Experimental detection of coherent oscillations
- Under most normal conditions, incoherent
transfer - Good for experimentalists using classical theory!
- Identical molecules
- Very close
- Dipoles unparallel
Seeing coherent oscillations
- Selectively excite one with polarised laser pulse
- Measure fluorescence anisotropy as excitation
moves - Each molecule fluoresces different polarisation -
directly monitor ?z - Highly tunable system (T,???????c?
- Change separation, temperature, solvent, genetic
??between 0.01 - 10
13Key Results Conclusions
- Demonstrated an experimental realisation of the
spin-boson model in terms of coupled biomolecules - Microscopic derivation of the spectral density
through minimal models of the surrounding protein
and solvent - Dynamics can be observed directly through
experiment - Model applicable to other scenarios
- Retinal in vision
- Photosynthesis
- More complex protein models
- Molecular biophysics may be a useful testing
ground for models of quantum decoherence - Complex but tuneable systems - self assembling
too! - It doesnt always have to be physics helping
advance biology!Sometimes, biology can help
physics too!
- Ross McKenzie (UQ)
- Paul Meredith (UQ)
- Ben Powell (UQ)
- Andrew Briggs all at QIPIRC (Oxford)
Gilmore and McKenzie, J. Phys.Cond. Matt. 17,
1735 (2005) and quant-ph/0412170, to appear in
Chem. Phys. Lett
15Quantum mechanics in biology
- Classical biology!
- Ball and stick models
- No quantum courses for biologists
- Quantum biology!
- Highly efficient photosynthesis
- Ultrafast vision receptors
- Tunneling in enzymes
- Quantum consciousness?!
- (Okay, probably not)
Quantum or classical -What decides?
16A Quantum Vision
Rhodopsin undergoes an ultra-fast,
ultra-efficient shape change when it absorbs a
photon. How?
Quantum models, involving conical intersections,
are necessary.
- Need to model many atoms
- At very least, choromophore is QM
- A number of approaches
- Direct QM methods (e.g., DFT)
- QM/MM models (some molecules quantum, some not)
- Were trying minimal models
- As simple as possible, but no simpler
- Capture essential physics, but quick to solve
- Very valuable in condensed matter (e.g., Kondo
18Model for chromophore and its environment
- Chromophore properties
- Two state system
- Point dipole
- Protein properties
- Spherical, radius b
- Continuous medium
- Dielectric constant ?p
- Solvent properties
- Dielectric constant ?s(?)
19Model for chromophore and its environment
- Important physics
- Water is strongly polar
- Dipole causes polarised solvent cage
- Reaction field affects dipole
- Dynamics
- Solvent is fluctuating
- Dielectric relaxation, 8ps
- Chromophore dipole is different in excited state
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