Title: Technical Requirements
1(No Transcript)
2Tools to use in evaluation process
When working with colleagues
Selection Evaluation Criteria http//www.cdlib.or
teria.rtf Usability Evaluation
Sherry Willhite
Workshop on Collaborative Development of East
Asian Digital Collections
September 8, 2005
3Tools to use in evaluation process
When working with vendors Technical
Requirements http//www.cdlib.org/vendors/CDL
_DB_Vendor_Req.rtf http//www.cdlib.org/vendo
rs/CDL_ejournal_Vendor_Req.rtf Interface
Principles http//www.cdlib.org/vendors/Inter
Sherry Willhite
Workshop on Collaborative Development of East
Asian Digital Collections
September 8, 2005
4Working with vendors
Best practices
- Be proactive
- Be specific
- Set priorities
- Be a team player
- Follow-up
Sherry Willhite
Workshop on Collaborative Development of East
Asian Digital Collections
September 8, 2005
5Local Loading
- Considering Local loading vs. Vendor version
- Vendors business is providing access to
databases - Vendor has existing staff resources to maintain
content - Vendor has resources to provide online access
- Vendor controls scheduling of updates
Sherry Willhite
Workshop on Collaborative Development of East
Asian Digital Collections
September 8, 2005
6Local Loading issues
- It is not plug and play
- Competes for computer and staff resources
- Data structure is a key component
- Maintenance may be more work than loading
Sherry Willhite
Workshop on Collaborative Development of East
Asian Digital Collections
September 8, 2005
7Implementation is a team effort
The team You and your colleagues CDL
staff Vendor staff End Users
Sherry Willhite
Workshop on Collaborative Development of East
Asian Digital Collections
September 8, 2005
How to get in touch with me e-mail
sherry.willhite_at_ucop.edu Phone (510)
Sherry Willhite
Workshop on Collaborative Development of East
Asian Digital Collections
September 8, 2005