Title: Livingston Educational Service Agency
1Livingston Educational Service Agency
- 2007-2008 Proposed Budget
2LESA Board of Education
- Julie H. Hill, President (Hartland)
- LuAnn Loy, Vice-President (Brighton)
- Bill Manuel, Treasurer (Howell)
- Harold E. Fryer, Secretary (Fowlerville)
- Gary J. Kaiser, Trustee (Pinckney)
3Primary Budget Assumptions
- General Special Education Revenues
- Property tax growth at 5 with a Millage
Reduction Fraction of 1.0 - 0 Increase in General Fund State-Aid Allocation
- Special Education Fund reimbursements consistent
with expenditure growth - 2 Increase in Federal IDEIA Flowthrough
- Continuation of all Consortium Programs
4Primary Budget Assumptions
- General Special Education Expenditures
- 1.5 Wage Increase (plus increments)
- Retirement Rate Decrease from 17.74 to 16.72
- Health Care Costs to reflect 7 Maximum Agency
Contribution (i.e. CAP) - Operational Support equal to prior year base
level plus 2.5 inflation increase plus 1
million pay-out from the fund balance - Expansion of one school bus in the transportation
fleet and four life-cycle replacements (total
fleet of 45 Special Education and 8 Head Start
busses) - No increase in full-time equivalent staff for
existing instructional programs - Mandated services to be provided through the
re-organization of existing staff which includes
a 2.2 FTE reduction in Administrative Staff
5Budget Summary
Note The Deficit in the General fund represents
one-time spending for Instructional Consultation
Teams in the amount of 422,100, Adolescent
Literacy Initiatives in the amount of 109,500,
energy conservation initiatives for constituent
districts in the amount of 50,000, and a slight
operating surplus. The Deficit in the Special
Education fund represents a one-time supplemental
pay-out of operational support to constituent
6Planned Use of Fund Balance
- Projected June 30, 2008 Fund Balance
- General Education Fund - Future Use Continued
annual funding of County-Wide Instructional
Consultation Teams, Adolescent Literacy
Initiatives and Energy Management Initiatives
until the minimum 8 fund balance level is
reached. - Special Education Fund - Future Use Continued
annual funding of Pathway Bond re-payments until
the minimum 8 fund balance level is reached.