Title: Session C-30
1Session C-30
- Top 10 Audit and Program Review Findings and How
To Identify Them - Tom Beckerle
- Laura Hall
- U.S. Department of Education
2Audit Findings Top 10
- Repeat Finding-Failure to Take Corrective Action
- Return of Title IV Funds Made Late
- Return of Title IV Funds Calculation Errors
- Entrance/Exit Counseling Deficiencies
- Student Status-Inaccurate/Untimely Reporting
3Audit Findings Top 10
- Auditor Opinion Cited in Audit
- Verification Violations
- Pell Over/Under Payments
- Student Confirmation Report Filed Late/Not
Filed/Not Retained for Five Years/Inaccurate
(similar to 5) - Student Credit Balance Deficiencies
4Program Review Findings Top 10
- Verification Violations
- Crime Awareness Requirements Not Met
- Return to Title IV Calculation Errors
- Entrance/Exit Counseling Deficiencies
- SAP Policy Not Adequately Developed and/or
Monitored - Return of Title IV Funds Made Late
5Program Review Findings Top 10
- Student Credit Balance Deficiencies
- Information in Student Files Missing or
Inconsistent - Pell Over/Under Payments
- Consumer Information Requirements Not Met
- Improper/Undocumented Dependency Overrides
- Lack of Administrative Capability
6Findings on Both Lists
- Return to Title IV Calculation Errors
- Return of Title IV Funds Made Late
- Pell Over/Underpayments
- Verification Violations
- Entrance/Exit Counseling Deficiencies
- Student Credit Balance Deficiencies
7Audit Findings
8Repeat Finding-Failure to Take Corrective Action
- Same finding(s) identified in subsequent audit(s)
- School failed to adequately develop, implement,
and/or monitor procedures to ensure Corrective
Action Plan was followed
9Repeat Finding-Failure to Take Corrective Action
- Example Repeat findings for Pell Overpayments,
Student Status Confirmation Report Submitted
Late, and Credit Balance Deficiencies - Solution Determine why CAP was not effective
and make adjustments as necessary
10Other Compliance Solutions
- Review results of Corrective Action Plan
- Is it working?
- Are changes needed to improve process?
- Develop specific procedures for CAP action items
- Assign responsible person/office to ensure CAP is
11Return of Title IV Funds Made Late
- Returns not made within allowable timeframe (45
days) - Inadequate system in place to identify/track
official and unofficial withdrawals - No system in place to track number of days
remaining to return funds - Lack of coordination between offices
12Return of Title IV Funds Made Late
- Example Unearned Pell Grant funds were returned
between 76 and 158 days late - Solution Ensure a knowledgeable person has
responsibility for tracking the return of funds
13Other Compliance Solutions
- Design processes and procedures to track/monitor
the deadlines - Ensure timely communication between offices
- Use R2T4 on the Web report feature
14R2T4 Calculation Errors
- Incorrect institutional charges for the period
- Scheduled breaks not included
- Incorrect withdrawal date
- Use of out-of-date R2T4 forms
- Mathematical errors
15R2T4 Calculation Errors
- Example R2T4 calculation based on incorrect
number of days in payment period - Solution Review and modify R2T4 policies and
procedures to ensure a correct understanding of
the calculation requirements
16Other Compliance Solutions
- Use correct institutional charges for the payment
period - Prorate if all charges assessed upfront
- Understand when to include book charges
- Use R2T4 Worksheets
- Electronic Web Application
- Paper
17Entrance/Exit Counseling Deficiencies
- Entrance counseling not conducted/not documented
for first-time, first-year students - Exit counseling materials not mailed to students
who failed to complete in-person or on-line
counseling - Exit counseling not conducted for withdrawn
18Entrance/Exit Counseling Deficiencies
- Example Schools system failed to identify all
students who ceased enrollment on at least a
half-time basis, resulting in exit counseling
materials not mailed to withdrawn students - Solution Assign responsibility for monitoring
the exit interview process modify automated
19Other Compliance Solutions
- Develop process for documenting student
completion - Develop procedures for ensuring communication
between Registrar, Educational, and Financial Aid
Offices - Seek support from lenders/GAs or ED (for Direct
Loans) - Provide staff training
- FSA Coach, Module 4 Loan Counseling
20Student Status-Inaccurate or Untimely Reporting
- Submittal File not returned within 30 days of
receipt of Roster File - Use of incorrect enrollment status code
- W for graduated student
- Incorrect graduated effective date
- Student(s) reported as withdrawn for summer break
even though expected to return in the fall
21Student Status-Inaccurate or Untimely Reporting
- Use of third-party servicers
- School failed to transmit enrollment data to
servicer - School failed to ensure file was submitted by
servicer timely - School responsible for timely response to NSLDS
22Student Status-Inaccurate or Untimely Reporting
- Example Student enrollment status and/or
effective date reported incorrectly SSCR
Submittal Files returned late - Solution Provide training to personnel on
correct status/dates implement monitoring system
to ensure timely reporting
23Other Compliance Solutions
- Develop process for enrollment verification
- Maintain accurate enrollment records
- Use the correct status codes
- A, D, F, G, H, L, W, X, Z
- Designate responsibility for monitoring the SSCR
reporting deadlines - Maintain SSCR documentation
- Acknowledgement/Error File
24Auditors Opinion Cited in Audit
- Refers to anything other than an unqualified
opinion - Indicates serious deficiencies/areas of concern
in the compliance audit and/or audited financial
25Auditors Opinion Cited in Audit
- Failure to reconcile program accounts
- High Perkins default rate
- On-going problems with incorrect R2T4
calculations - Inadequate accounting systems and/or procedures
- Lack of internal controls
26Auditors Opinion Cited in Audit
- Example Lack of Administrative Capability
- Incorrect R2T4 Calculations, Improper Academic
Progress Standards, Inadequate Accounting System - Solution Review and revise policies and
procedures implement accounting system in
accordance with generally accepted accounting
27Other Compliance Solutions
- Perform monthly reconciliation of Title IV
program accounts - Develop and implement a Perkins default
management plan - Provide training on how to correctly calculate
R2T4 - FSA Coach, Module 8
28Verification Violations
- Verification Worksheet not signed
- Untaxed income not verified
- Conflicting data on ISIR and verification
documents not resolved - Required corrections not processed
29Verification Violations
- Example Incomplete Verification
- No tax return submitted for parent even though
earned income required filing - Incorrect number in household size
- Solution Follow published verification
procedures ensure all required items are
verified document student files
30Other Compliance Solutions
- Monitor verification process to ensure procedures
are followed - Perform a self-assessment by reviewing a random
sample of student files - Use Verification Worksheets
- School developed or ED worksheets
31Pell Grant Over/Under Payment
- Adjustments not made for change in enrollment
status between terms - Attendance not documented in all coursework
counted in the enrollment status - Modules or compressed coursework
- Incorrect Pell Formula
- Inaccurate proration calculation
- Incorrect EFC
32Pell Grant Over/Under Payment
- Example ISIR correction resulted in an increase
to the EFC however, aid was not
recalculated/reduced - Solution Develop procedures to ensure all
subsequent ISIRs are reviewed and aid is adjusted
33Other Compliance Solutions
- Use correct enrollment status
- Use correct Pell Formula/Schedule
- Verify that student began attendance in all
coursework - Prorate when needed
34Student Credit Balance Deficiencies
- No process in place to determine when a credit
balance has been created - Credit balances not released to students within
required 14-day timeframe - Credit balances held without student
35Student Credit Balance Deficiencies
- Example Credit balance held for 111 days without
student authorization - Solution Develop and implement procedures and
controls to identify and release credit balances
36Other Compliance Solutions
- Develop a process to determine when a credit
balance is created - Develop a system to track number of days
remaining to release funds timely - Understand new regulations regarding prior year
charges - May create more credit balances if entire program
cost is charged upfront
37Program Review Findings
38Program Review Findings Top 10
- Verification Violations
- Crime Awareness Requirements Not Met
- Return to Title IV Calculation Errors
- Entrance/Exit Counseling Deficiencies
- SAP Policy Not Adequately Developed /Monitored
- Return of Title IV Funds Made Late
39Program Review Findings Top 10
- Student Credit Balance Deficiencies
- Information in Student Files Missing or
Inconsistent - Pell Over/Under Payments
- Consumer Information Requirements Not Met
- Improper/Undocumented Dependency Overrides
- Lack of Administrative Capability
40Crime Awareness Requirements Not Met
- Policies and procedures not developed
- Annual report not published and/or distributed
annually to current students/staff - Failure to report statistics on website or crimes
reported in wrong category - Failure to provide timely warnings and/or
notifications of crimes committed
41Crime Awareness Requirements Not Met
- Example Failed to develop/disclose procedures
when a student reports a crime to campus pastoral
counselors/professional counselors - Solution Develop/disclose procedures to guide
counselors in their dealings with students
42Other Compliance Solutions
- Develop process for gathering crime statistics
- Identify person(s) responsible for campus crime
requirements - Develop communications plan for timely warnings
and notifications
43SAP Policy Not Adequately Developed/Monitored
- Policy fails to address required components
- Qualitative, quantitative, completion rate,
and/or maximum timeframe - Policy less strict than policy for non-Title IV
recipients - SAP standards not consistently applied
- Aid disbursed to students who were not meeting
minimum SAP standards
44SAP Policy Not Adequately Developed/Monitored
- Example Students were not meeting minimum GPA
at the end of a probationary period and were
therefore not eligible for aid however, school
disbursed the aid - Solution Develop procedures to ensure policy is
followed check SAP prior to disbursing aid
45Other Compliance Solutions
- Develop adequate SAP policy
- Required components, remedial and repeat
coursework, probationary periods, appeal process - Document each students file to reflect
eligibility for disbursements - Follow your written policy!
46Information in Student Files Missing or
- Institutional data (admissions, registrar)
conflicts with ISIR data - ISIR data conflicts with other documentation in
financial aid file - No documentation to support professional
judgment/dependency override - Failed to retain ISIR used to establish award
47Information in Student Files Missing or
- Example Income on ISIR conflicts with income
reported on Institutional Non Tax-Filer Form
inconsistency not resolved - Solution Design process to ensure all conflicts
are researched and resolved
48Other Compliance Solutions
- Pay attention to student files
- Perform your own review of student files
- Review all subsequent ISIRs
- Establish communication with other offices at the
institution to identify and address inconsistent
49Consumer Information Requirements Not Met
- Written verification policy not provided to
students selected for verification - R2T4 policy not published or incomplete
- Withdrawal policy
- Basic explanation of R2T4 calculation
- SAP policy incomplete
50Consumer Information Requirements Not Met
- Example Written verification policy did not
include the required components - Deadlines, consequences, notifications, procedure
for correcting data - Solution Revise policy to include all required
51Other Compliance Solutions
- Ensure all required consumer information is
accurate, complete, and provided to students in
writing - Ensure someone is available during normal
operating hours to address student questions or
concerns about consumer information
52Improper/Undocumented Dependency Overrides
- Dependency override performed for invalid reason
- Student was self-sufficient
- Parent(s) didnt claim student on tax return
- No documentation in student file
- Failure to confirm continued unusual circumstance
in new award year
53Improper/Undocumented Dependency Overrides
- Example Routinely performed dependency overrides
for students whose parents reside in a foreign
country and the students supported themselves - Solution Develop policies that conform to Title
IV rules obtain adequate documentation to
support the unusual circumstance
54Other Compliance Solutions
- Develop written procedures
- Make decisions by committee
- Ensure your process does not allow for mass D/O
based on similar situations - Document, document, document!
55Lack of Administrative Capability
- Indicates numerous/significant findings
- Most common areas of noncompliance involve
- Separation of duties
- Adequate checks and balances
- System of internal controls
- Adequate staffing
56Lack of Administrative Capability
- Example Late R2T4, incorrect COA used for
awarding, incomplete verification, loans not
prorated, Perkins Loan Program not adequately
administered - Solution Designate capable individual(s) to
oversee financial aid process develop and
implement internal controls
57Other Compliance Solutions
- Hire and retain adequate number of experienced
personnel - Establish a process of timely communication
between all relevant offices - Ensure that no one person or office has the
ability to award and disburse aid
58FSA Assessments
- Self-assessment tool designed to assist schools
in evaluating their financial aid policies,
processes, and procedures - Includes assessment modules on Students, Schools,
Managing Funds, and Policies and Procedures - http//www.ifap.ed.gov/qahome/fsaassessment.html
59(No Transcript)
60Contact Information
- We appreciate your feedback and comments
- Tom Beckerle
- Phone (816) 268-0418
- Email Tom.Beckerle_at_ed.gov
- Laura Hall
- Phone (404) 562-6265
- Email Laura.Hall_at_ed.gov