Mars Data Analysis Using IDL GG7101 Lecture 6 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mars Data Analysis Using IDL GG7101 Lecture 6


Variable associated with file called a 'Look Up Number' or LUN ... a Little Endian machine (like the PC's in the lab), most reverse the byte order ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mars Data Analysis Using IDL GG7101 Lecture 6

Mars Data Analysis Using IDLGG710-1Lecture 6
  • F. Scott Anderson
  • Office POST 526B
  • Phone 956-6887
  • Email

Review of Monday
  • Procedures and Functions
  • Main program follows subroutines
  • Data passed to a
  • Pro in a comma delimited list pro_name, var1,
  • Fun in a comma delimited list surrounded by
  • xfun_name(var1, var2)
  • Data can be passed back from a
  • Pro or Fun Changing parameters passed to it
  • Fun Using return statement
  • Control Statements
  • Most commonly used if, for, while
  • Also can use case, switch
  • ASH Example of Function/Procedure

  • Questions from last time
  • Quiz
  • HW returned
  • Finish Control Statements
  • Global Variables efficient programming
  • I/O
  • Standard I/O
  • Binary I/O
  • HW Predict the pressure for the surface of Mars
  • Review of today's class

Questions from 9/28
  • Pointers Allocating the heap
  • ptr_new() creates a pointer that always points to
  • Can be made to point at something with a 2nd
    ptr_new command
  • Generally used as a marker of the end of an array
  • ptr_new(/allocate_heap) creates a pointer to an
    undefined variable
  • ptr_new(x) creates a copy of x, then makes a
    pointer to it
  • ptr_new(x, /no_copy) makes a copy of x, creates a
    pointer to the copy, then deletes x

  • Show the command to resize an array containing
    THEMIS floating point data called them_data that
    is 800 samples by 1000 lines to a new array
    called new_data that is 700 samples by 800 lines
  • Assume there is a function called
    seismic_scale_depth that is handed density and
    returns a distance. Show how to call this
    function with a density of 2.7 and store the
    returned data in a variable zdepth
  • Show a for loop that prints the numbers 5.5 to
    10.5 in steps of 0.5
  • Show an if statement that prints the words 'Got
    ya!' if a variable named status1 equals 4.3

Homework1 Scores
  • Overall, good!
  • Answers last time
  • Scores
  • 80 85 93 100 100 100 100

Repeat Form
  • Similar to while, but executes statement before
    checking condition
  • repeat statement until condition
  • repeat begin
  • statement
  • statement
  • endrep until condition

  • Example
  • x0.4
  • repeat begin
  • print, x
  • xx0.3
  • endrep until (x le 10)

  • Goto is used to jump from the current position in
    the code to a new position located by a variable
  • Considered poor programming technique, as it
    difficult to follow logical jumps
  • x0.4
  • goto new_code1
  • print, x
  • xx0.3
  • new_code1
  • print, Jumped!

Goto Form goto, label skipped statement skipped
statement label
  • Break is used to immediately exit from a for,
    while, repeat, case, or switch statement
  • Execution jumps to the next statement after the
  • x0.4
  • repeat begin
  • print, x
  • xx0.3
  • if (x eq 1.0) then break
  • endrep until (x ge 10)
  • print, x

0.400000 0.700000 1.000000
  • Continue is used to jump to the next iteration of
    a for loop without executing intervening code
  • for ctr0,10 do begin
  • if (ctr eq 5) then continue
  • print, ctr
  • endfor

0 1 2 3 4
6 7 8 9 10
No 5!
Global Variables
  • Variables are available only to the
    routine/subroutine they are created in, unless
    specifically passed to another routine
  • Variables that can be seen by all
    routines/subroutines without being explicitly
    passed are called Global Variables
  • Considered poor programming, because it is hard
    to tell where they are being changed when
    debugging or reading a program
  • There are two types of global variables in IDL
  • System defined global variables (some not
    changeable, start with !)
  • User defined global variables (changeable)

Unchangeable Global Variables
Changeable Global Variables
  • Two ways to generate a user defined global
  • defsysv create a changeable system variable
  • defsysv, '!my_var1', 33.3
  • print, !my_var1
  • common block creates a user global variable
    accessible to any routine with a common block

Common Blocks
  • Form
  • common block_name, var1, var2, var_n
  • Any routine with
  • common block_name, var1, var2, var_n
  • inside of it can access var1-var_n

Example of Common Blocks
  • pro subroutine1
  • common rockin, var1, var2, var_n
  • var1'Yippee!'
  • end
  • pro main_routine1
  • common rockin, var1, var2, var_n
  • subroutine1
  • print, var1
  • end

Note var1 not handed to subroutine1, but still
changed, because it is global as a result of
common block!
Efficient Code
  • IDL is optimized for array processing
  • If you can avoid control statements that create
    loops, and instead use arrays, IDL can run
    significantly faster
  • pro test
  • adist(500,1000)
  • tvscl, dist(50,100)
  • sum0.0
  • t0 systime(1)
  • for i0L, (n_elements(a)-1L) do
  • if (ai gt 100.0) then sum sum ai
  • t1 systime(1)
  • print, t1 - t0
  • end

Slow! 1.0 Sec
Efficient Code
  • IDL is optimized for array processing
  • No loops, using IDL array functions
  • pro test
  • adist(500,1000)
  • sum0.0
  • t0 systime(1)
  • idx where(a gt 100.0, cnt)
  • if (cnt gt 0) then sumtotal(aidx)
  • t1 systime(1)
  • print, t1 - t0
  • end

Faster! 0.088 Sec
Efficient Code
  • IDL is optimized for array processing
  • Using only arrays and IDL functions
  • pro test
  • adist(500,1000)
  • sum0.0
  • t0 systime(1)
  • sum total(a (a gt 100.0))
  • t1 systime(1)
  • print, t1 - t0
  • end

Fastest! 0.083 Sec
Input and Output
  • Three primary types of I/O
  • Reading and writing from the keyboard and screen
  • Called standard I/O or
  • stdio
  • Reading and writing text characters to a file
  • Reading and writing binary data to a file
  • Binary I/O

STDIO Writing
  • Print used to write numbers and text to screen
  • Can control the precision and style of numbers
    presented on screen using format commands
  • print, !pi, format(f7.2)
  • print, findgen(5), format(5f7.2)
  • print, 2, !pi, format(i4, 2x, f7.2)
  • Details of the format codes can be found in Table
    4.2, and Chapter 4.1

STDIO Writing
STDIO Reading
  • Can read data from the user at the command line
    using the read command
  • read, var1, var2, var_n, prompt'your text here'
  • read, sin_var, prompt'Enter value to take sine
    of '
  • If not previously defined, the default type of
    variables in read is float.
  • To use another type, such as int or string,
    define the variable first with a bogus value
  • ivar0
  • svar' '
  • read, ivar, svar, prompt'Enter integer and
    string '

Working with files (ASCII or binary)
  • Difference between ASCII and binary
  • Can write data into a file as human readable
    (ASCII) or the actual bits/bytes required for
    variable type (binary)
  • Example In the file looks like
  • An ASCII Integer 10 gt _ _ _ _ _ _10 (eof)
  • 8 bytes1 for eof, each 8 bits long
  • A binary integer 10 gt _at_
  • 2 bytes long (16 bits matches type)
  • Quiz Which is longer, an ASCII or binary file
    with 10 floating point numbers in it?

Working with files (ASCII or binary)
  • To write or read data from a file, several steps
    must be taken
  • The file needs to be opened for access
  • Data needs to be written or read
  • The file needs to be closed

Working with files (ASCII or binary)
  • IDL can open a file for reading, writing, or both
  • openr read
  • openw write
  • openu both
  • Opening a file LUN's
  • IDL uses a string containing the name of a file
    to create a variable associated with the file
  • Variable associated with file called a "Look Up
    Number" or LUN
  • There are a limited number of files that can be
    open simultaneously (128)
  • IDL can automatically provide us with an
    available LUN when opening a file

Examples of opening a file
  • Form of command
  • openr, lun_var, filename_str, /get_lun
  • openw, lun_var, filename_str, /get_lun
  • openu, lun_var, filename_str, /get_lun
  • Example
  • openr, iln, 'scott_data.txt', /get_lun

Closing a file
  • When done reading or writing a file, close it
    with free_lun
  • Gives the LUN back into the limited pool of files
    that can be open simultaneously
  • Form of command
  • free_lun, lun_var
  • Example
  • openr, iln, 'scott_data.txt', /get_lun
  • statements to read the file go here
  • free_lun, iln

Writing ASCII files
  • To write data to an ASCII file, use printf
  • Form
  • printf, lun_var, var_1, var_2, var_n,
  • Example
  • openw, olun, 'test.txt', /get_lun
  • printf, olun, 5, 6, 7, 9.0
  • datafindgen(5,5)
  • printf, olun, data
  • datafindgen(100)
  • printf, olun, data, format'(f7.2)'
  • free_lun, olun

Reading ASCII files
  • To read data from an ASCII file, use readf
  • Form
  • readf, lun_var, var_1, var_2, var_n,
  • Example
  • openr, ilun, 'test.txt', /get_lun
  • readf, ilun, var1, var2, var3, var4
  • datafltarr(5,5)
  • readf, ilun, data
  • datafltarr(100)
  • readf, ilun, data, format'(f7.2)'
  • free_lun, ilun

Writing Binary files
  • To write data to an binary file, use writeu
  • Form
  • writeu, lun_var, var_1, var_2, var_n (note no
  • Example
  • openw, olun, 'test.txt', /get_lun
  • writeu, olun, 5, 6, 7, 9.0
  • datafindgen(5,5)
  • writeu, olun, data
  • free_lun, olun

Reading Binary files
  • To read data from an binary file, use readu
  • Form
  • readu, lun_var, var_1, var_2, var_n
  • Example
  • openr, ilun, 'test.txt', /get_lun
  • readu, ilun, var1, var2, var3, var4
  • datafltarr(5,5)
  • readu, ilun, data
  • free_lun, ilun

Mixed ASCII/Binary in a file
  • Can mix ASCII and binary in a file
  • Typically used to create a human readable header,
    containing information on file size, lines,
    samples, data range etc.
  • This is followed by the data in a binary form
  • Example
  • nx 5
  • ny 7
  • data findgen(nx,ny)
  • openw, olun, 'test.dat', /get_lun
  • printf, olun, nx, ny write a header
  • writeu, olun, data
  • free_lun, olun
  • The header also sometimes comes in a separate
    file, called a detached header

Endian Ewoks?
  • The bytes of binary data are stored differently
    on different machines
  • If a computer stores the most significant byte of
    a binary number first, they are called Big
    Endian, else Little Endian
  • Suns, Mac OS, etc are Big Endian
  • PC's are Little Endian
  • Most binary PDS data, like the MOLA data, were
    saved on machines that are Big Endian.
  • If you open and read this data on a Little Endian
    machine (like the PC's in the lab), most reverse
    the byte order
  • openr, ilun, myfilename, /get_lun,
  • or
  • xswap_endian(y)

Homework Mars Global Pressure as a function of Ls
  • Plot the variation of pressure over a season at
    VL1 in units of 1 Ls.
  • Create a program to calculate the theoretical
    atmospheric pressure for the entire surface of
    Mars using MOLA data, the known altitude of the
    VL-1 landing site, and the known variation in
    atmospheric pressure measured at VL-1 as a
    function of season.
  • Do a screen capture of a contour map of pressure
    for Ls210
  • What is the highest and lowest surface pressure
    at this season?
  • Where are these places located in lat, lon?
  • Create an image that shows MOLA topography
    everyplace with a pressure gt 4 mbar for Ls210

Homework Mars Global Pressure as a function of Ls
  • Assume
  • I have provided a file of MOLA data and a
    detached header in
  • z//bambam/Users/GG710-1
  • T205 K everywhere all the time
  • That there is no weather on Mars creating clouds,
    fronts, high or low pressure zones - all pressure
    change is due to changes in altitude
  • That the MOLA elevation of VL-1 is -3.6 km

Homework Mars Global Pressure as a function of Ls
  • Pressure at VL-1 for given Ls

Homework Mars Global Pressure as a function of Ls
  • Plots
  • Use the command plot to make x,y graphs on the
  • plot, LS_array, P_array, xtitleLs,
  • see help for more details
  • Use contour to make a contour plot
  • this example assumes pres_array is 360, 181 in
  • lat_arrfindgen(181)-90
  • lon_arrfindgen(360)
  • contour, pres_array, lon_arr, lat_arr,
    xtitleLon, ytitleLat
  • see help for more details

Homework Mars Global Pressure as a function of Ls
  • Plots
  • Use the command tvscl to visualize your data
  • TVSCL will make an image on screen that has the
    same number of pixels as the image has size, but
  • The default window that IDL opens is 640 by 480
  • To resize window, use the window command
  • Can only make a window as big as the screen may
    need to reduce the size of the image to see it
  • The image is displayed with the first index at
    the bottom left the last index at the top
    right this can lead to an upside down image that
    you may need to flip to see properly
  • window, xsize1440, ysize720
  • tvscl, reverse(an_image,2)

Homework Mars Global Pressure as a function of Ls
  • Think structured programming
  • Want a program that we provide Ls, and it returns
    an array (or image) of pressure values
  • Steps
  • Use the equation provided to calculate pressure
    at VL-1 for given Ls
  • Read the MOLA data
  • Determine the difference in altitude between VL-1
    and rest of MOLA image
  • Calculate the pressures using your ASH routine
  • Create a contour plot of the results
  • Use functions we learned about earlier to answer

  • Finished Control Statements repeat, break,
    continue, goto
  • Error Handling Next time
  • Global variables
  • Efficient Code
  • I/O
  • Homework 2

Next Time
  • More on Input and Output
  • Direct Graphics

Error Handling
  • Default IDL behavior is to stop when it detects
    an error, at the location of the error
  • Errors can be intercepted and dealt with by your
    code using catch
  • Anytime an error occurs following a catch
    command, control is handed to the statement
    following catch
  • Catch returns an error code if there is an error
  • catch, var1
  • To obtain the error message associated with the
    error, use the help procedure
  • help, /last_message, output my_var
  • To end error interception
  • catch, /cancel

Error Handling
  • pro test
  • error_stat0
  • catch, error_stat
  • if (error_stat ne 0) then begin
  • help, /last_message, outputerrtext
  • print, errtext
  • print,'On Error, the ctr was ', ctr
  • stop
  • endif
  • xfindgen(4)3.7
  • for ctr0,4 do print, xctr
  • for ctr5,-1,-1 do print, xctr
  • end

Establish error handler that will tell us the
value of ctr if an error occurs, then stop
Loop over a short array printing values. The
2nd loop is out of range, and will cause an error
Handling Math Errors
  • Default behavior on math error is continued
  • Math errors x1.0/0.0 xsqrt(-1.0)
  • IDL tells you the type of error at the end of
  • Can change IDL behavior by setting system
    variable !except
  • !except2

Handling Math Errors
  • Can check for math errors in a variable using
    finite command which returns 0 if there has been
    an error, and 1 if OK
  • x10.0, 1.0/0.0, sqrt(-1.0)
  • print, finite(x)
  • 1 0 0
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