Title: Implementing CTQ Work Via a TQE Grant
1Implementing CTQ Work Via a TQE Grant
- Iowas Collaborative Teaching Model
2Norma Lynch Iowa Department of EducationSusan
FischerIowa Board of Educational ExaminersDr.
Jackie CrawfordSimpson College, Indianola, IA
3Iowas CTQ Action Plan
- Collaborative teaching model
- Special educators and general educators
4CTQ plan merged with Teacher Quality Enhancement
5Result CTQ plan expanded to include 4
specific populations
6Iowas Collaborative Model
7Collaborative model implemented to meet HQT and
8Meeting the skepticism
9Iowas Collaborative Model
Collaborative Consultation
- Core Content Teacher
- Content Expert
- Assigns grade/teacher of record
- Assures progress in course
- Certifies student has met course requirements
- Special Education Teacher
- Strategy expert
- Ensures student makes progress toward IEP goals
- Ensures student receives IEP services
- Ensures appropriate accommodations
- Special education teacher and general education
teacher are both physically present in the
classroom to meet the content and skills needs of
12Consultative ModelGeneral education teacher
providescontent to students Special education
teacher provides consultation to general
education teacher
13Moving Iowas Collaborative Model Into Teacher
Preparation Programs
- Alphabet Soup?
- HQT to CTQ to TQE
14Teacher Quality Enhancement Grant Goal Four
- Collaborative Plus
Collaboration, Differentiation and Dispositions
General Education
General Education
General Education
General Education
15Focus Teacher Preparation and Pre-Service
- Goal
- Obtain knowledge, skills, and dispositions
- Provide appropriate and meaningful learning
experiences - Collaborate
- Meet needs of students with disabilities, TAG,
ELL, at-risk.
164 Objectives
- Objective I Involve, plan, create.
- Involve educators in defining the need, creating
and planning for effective tasks and activities
to accomplish the goal. -
17- Objective II Build On-going Professional
Development - Establish learning communities and partnerships
- Provide retreats, workshops, demonstration sites,
and technology - Encourage commitment, application and
institutionalization of the practices.
18- Objective III Invite, Inform and Make
Connections - Share information with organizations in order to
build a network of support
19- Objective IV Provide Opportunities to Support
Learning - Provide technology as a tool for implementing
ongoing learning communities and study groups
20Setting the stage.
- October, 2006Stakeholders representing the four
populations provided foundational input to launch
the activities to meet the objectives
212007-08 Activities
- JuneTask force to determine basic competencies
for general education teachers to meet the needs
of ALL students - JunePolycom training
222007-08 Activities
- AugustInformational booth at SAI conference
- SeptemberKick-off for professional development
for teacher educators in partnership with IACTE
232007-08 Activities
- JanuaryProfessional development workshop for
teacher educators - Spring, 2008Follow-up activities
- Fall, 2008Statewide summit
24To be continued