Title: Data stewardship life cycle
1Death Statistics
2Production Dissemination Repository Discovery Re-purposing
Policies Who, What, How, why? Privacy Level of service of the provider. Is discovery promoted, encouraged? Level of service?
Meta-data Standards? (formats, procedures, thesauri) Complete? Format? Bundled? Functional? Study/series? Dataset? Variables? Codebook?
Access Micro. Aggregate. Statistics. Restrictions on access? Open? Restrictions? Free of fee? Reliable? Clear? Open? Restrictions? Free or fee?
Partnerships data. Derivative products. Alternatives Convenience functionality alternatives. convenience. functionality.
3Death Statistics
4Death Statistics
Compressed data
Statistical Reports
Customized files
NCHS Research Data Center (RDC)
5Death Statistics
6Death Statistics
Policies CDC provides multiple avenues, products, services. Intent of producer/distributor determines how they disseminate data and how easy it is for us to acquire data. Their policies drive the level of delivery services available to us.
Meta-data CDC provides excellent documentation, but it is necessary to explore to be certain you have obtained all you need and the metadata that match your data. Formats vary from HTML, to PDF, to bundled with downloads.
Access CDC provides a variety of means of access including downloading zip files, form-based subsetting, HTML and PDF statistics, CD-ROMs, and RDC access by applications.
Partnerships Mortality data are available from many sources including ICPSR, NBER, CDC, CDC Wonder, and Vital Statistics publications. CDC mortality data have been incorporated into products of others such as EM-Dat. These provide more options and require more decisions.
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