Title: Worked Example
1Worked Example
- Chris Ogden
- 27 February 2006
2Worked example summary
- Example components
- Gap analysis
- Benefits Dependency Network
- Project Mandate
- Benefits profile
- Benefits measurement work package
3Care Delivery Principles
4Using Care Delivery PrinciplesProgramme Level
(Step 2)
5Mind the Gap!
6Example of gap analysis palliative care
Comes from Step 1 Vision for Care Principle 1
7Gap analysis palliative care
Care Delivery Principle 1 - (Health Equality
across populations) Future State
Accurate and relevant population based needs
assessments are used to identify patients with
life-limiting long term conditions and to plan
and commission services to ensure consistent and
equitable provision of both generalist and
specialist end-of-life care across the
LHC. Information and services about end-of-life
care for people with life-limiting long term
conditions are provided in a way that is
sensitive to the cultural needs of different
ethnic and social groups.
8Gap analysis palliative care
Care Delivery Principle 1 - (Health Equality
across populations)
Current State
Existing community palliative care provision is
inconsistent and inequitable. There are large
variations in palliative care need between
different populations that is not recognised.
Imbalance of service provided for cancer
patients and those with other life limiting
9Gap analysis palliative care
Care Delivery Principle 1 - (Health Equality
across populations) Gap
Need for a methodology for estimating volumes of
agreed models of service based on population
demographics, levels of deprivation and disease
incidence. Poor co-ordination between
commissioners and local care providers and lack
of information about local needs across the LHC.
when planning services Services demonstrated to
be of benefit ( i.e. in cancer ) not being
universally available to all patients with life
limiting illness Hard to reach communities not
involved in service planning and needs analysis
10Rank or priority
- Question we are answering
- Use H/M/L or priority 1 9
11Example of gap analysis palliative care
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15Gap analysis palliative care
Care Delivery Principle 4 - (Appropriate access
choice for all) Future State
All patients who are nearing end of life are able
to make choices about where they prefer to live
and die. All patients have access to appropriate
supportive and palliative end-of-life care
irrespective of their diagnosis.
16Gap analysis palliative care
Care Delivery Principle 4 - (Appropriate access
choice for all)
Current State
Patients and carers do not know what is available
and what they are entitled to. Lack of choice
and poor access to palliative care services for
patients with life limiting illness other than
cancer Many terminally ill patients prefer to
die at home but several factors prevent them from
doing so limited choice in care stemming from
poor service design, inadequate co-ordination
among local care providers, lack of communication
between healthcare professionals, and
insufficient support for carers.
17Gap analysis palliative care
Care Delivery Principle 4 - (Appropriate access
choice for all) Gap
Inequity of service due to inadequate referral
procedures. Specialist palliative care
provision for non cancer diagnosis.
Co-ordination between local care providers and
lack of communication between care teams and
providers. Poor recording of care plans,
treatment options and preferred place of care and
death. All patients do not receive information
and support they need to make informed choices No
system for easy responsive access to equipment,
respite care, personal care , no rapid access
route coordinated across providers
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23Gap analysis palliative care
Care Delivery Principle 9 - (Financial balance
across the local health community) Future State
Investment in palliative care services is in line
with strategic plans agreed by LHC stakeholders.
Partnership agreements in place between NHS,
social care and voluntary sector to ensure value
for money
24Gap analysis palliative care
Care Delivery Principle 9 - (Financial balance
across the local health community)
Current State
Health and Local Authorities do not collaborate
to commission palliative and supportive care-
resulting in duplication and gaps in
provision No co-ordination of investments or
priorities across voluntary / charity
25Gap analysis palliative care
Care Delivery Principle 4 (Appropriate access
choice for all) Gap
Not enough information to implement PBR
Difficult to cost generalist palliative
care Specialist HRGs need more development Aligned
budgets are not in place
26So what?
27Benefits Dependency Network
28Project Mandates
29Benefits Profile for Patient Choice part 1
30Benefits Profile for Patient Choice part 2
31Benefits Measurement Work Package
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- Chris Ogden
- 27 February 2006