Title: 11' Time management and team management
111. Time management and team management
- Time is as precious wealth
Meetings - often and important
Teams effective method of work in company
2Technique of Time management
- practical procedures of managers everyday
- determination of daily plan
- start with long-term goals
- creation in the end of work time
- breaks a nad time reserves
3Technique of Time management
- crossing out in list of loads
- procrastination putting off the loads
- differentiation of urgent and important tasks
4Technique of Time management
- usage of informational technology
- A few day before a meeting
Immediately before a meeting
During a meeting
After a meeting
6A few day before
- Too many meetings take place
An agenda
- Think inclusion, not exclusion
7Immediately before
- Specify the agenda and send it
Work room
Devices (notebook, projector, microphone)
8During the meeting
- Start on time and end on time (or sooner)
Do decisions
Attendees are not prepared
Certain individuals dominate the proceedings
The meeting has no focus
9After that
Check of decision realization
10Team management
- Differences between work group and team
Team small group (7-2)
11Team creation
12Conditions for creation of team
- direct contact between members,
- long, commonspended time,
- reciprocally interconnected role.
13Team roles
- interpersonal
- informational
- decision
Belbins test
14Scoring Key for Self Perception Inventory
SH ___CO__PL___RI___ME__IMP__TW__CF I
C ___ G ___ D ___ F ___ E ___ A ___ H ___ B
___ II A ___ F ___ E ___ H ___ D ___ G ___ C
___ B ___ III G ___ D ___ F ___ B ___ C ___ E
___ H ___ A ___ IV B ___ C ___ F ___ D ___ E
___ A ___ H ___ G ___ V F ___ E ___ A ___ G
___ C ___ D ___ B ___ H ___ VI F ___ D ___ E
___ A ___ C _ __ H ___ G ___ B ___ VII E ___ G
___ F ___ C ___ B ___ A ___ H ___ D ___ TOTAL