Title: Happiness The View of Economics
1Happiness - The View of Economics
Bruno S. Frey University of Zurich, Swiss
Federal Institute of Technology ZurichandCREMA
- Center for Research in Economics, Management
the Arts
21. Does Money Make Us Happy?
3Life Satisfaction and Income between Persons
- Source Frey and Stutzer 2002, based on data
from the General Social Survey, National Opinion
Research Center.
4Life Satisfaction and GNI per Capita between
- Sources World Values Survey 1999-2004 and
World Development Report 2003.
5Income and Life Satisfaction over Time (the
example of the USA, 1972-2002)
- Happiness and Real GDP per Capita, United States,
1972-2002 - Source Easterlin 2005, based on data by Davis
and Smith 2002, U.S. Bureau of the Census
62. Why Do I Know This?
Rembrandt (1606-1669), Aristotle contemplating a
bust of Homer
7Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832)
8 93. Can We Measure Happiness?
10Global subjective well-being, approximately 1,000
surveys with 1.1 million respondents Source
Myers and Diener 1996.
Scale of subjective well-being
11Important Data Sets
12(No Transcript)
134. What Determines Happiness?
14(No Transcript)
15(No Transcript)
Source Clark and Oswald (2006).
Satisfaction with life
Source Stutzer and Frey (2006).
Satisfaction with life
Source Stutzer and Frey (2006).
195. What makes Us Happy?
- Do it your own way
- Elements
- 1. Most people are satisfied with their life
- 2. Economic conditions matter
- 3. Family and friendships are important
- 4. Marriage is helpful
- 5. Religion raises happiness
- 6. Helping others is good for you
- 7. TV is bad for active people
- 8. Be aware of mispredicting utility of future
goods - Democracy and federalism raise life satisfaction
- Happiness cannot be chased