Title: Nuclear Chemistry
1Nuclear Chemistry
2Belt of Stability
Stable nuclides have N/Z ratios from 1 to 1.52.
All nuclides that lie outside this belt are
unstable and undergo nuclear reactions until they
become a stable nuclide.
- Process in which an unstable nucleus is
ultimately converted to a stable nucleus by means
of nuclear reactions - All nuclei having Z gt 83 and a few having Z lt 83
are unstable - The emission of energetic particles during a
nuclear change is called radiation
4Types of Radiation
Buell/Girard, "Chemistry", Prentice Hall,
NJ,1994, 152
5Natural Radiation
Tro, 185
6Penetrating Power
7Equations for Natural Radioactivity
Alpha Radiation
Beta Radiation
Gamma Radiation
- Half-life is the time required for half of the
radioactive nuclei in a sample to decay - After n-half-lives, the fraction of the original
radioactive nuclei still remaining is 1/2n
Joesten et al, Chemistry Impact on Society,
Saunders, NY, 1988, 68.
105730 y
McMurray/Fay, "Chemistry", Prentice Hall, NJ,
11Joesten/Wood, "World of Chemistry,2nd,
Saunders,PA, 1996,122
12U to Pb Dating
Oldest rocks found on surface of Earth contain
50U and 50 Pb. Estimate the age of planet Earth
Tro, 202
13Dating of Samples that Contain Carbon
Half-life 5730 yr
14Carbon Dating
Tro, 200
15Summary of Nuclear Chemistry