Title: Recoil Polarimetry at MAMI
1Recoil Polarimetry at MAMI
- Mark Sikora, Dan Watts, Derek Glazier
- Outline
- Motivation
- Technique
- Experimental setup
- Preliminary results
- Future plans
- Poorly established nucleon excitation spectrum -
a fundamental property of the nucleon - Phenomenological constituent quark models, recent
calculations from lattice QCD, holographic dual
QCD predict different resonances - more
constraints needed - Photon ideal probe to explore the nucleon
- Study excited states via their decay to nucleon
meson - Reaction described by 4 complex helicity
amplitudes ? 16 real experimental observables - Measurement of recoil nucleon polarization is
essential for a complete measurement
3Polarization Observables
- 16 polarization observables ds/dO, 3 single pol.
observables, 12 double pol. observables
Show table instead?
With unpolarized target, access to,
For circularly polarized beam PT? 0, Px
y (k x q/)k x q x y x z, zpin
where k CM meson momentum, q beam
momentum, pin reconstructed proton momentum
5Crystal Ball at MAMI
Crystal Ball
TAPS 384 BaF2 Crystals 1.5 meters upstream
672 NaI elements Large acceptance (94 of 4p)
1.5 GeV e- provides a tagged brem. photon beam up
to 1.4 GeV with resolution 3 MeV 85 circularly
polarized photon beam
Edinburgh PID Segmented barrel 24 plastic
scintillators ?E signal
6Experimental Setup
Scattered proton detected in Crystal Ball, RCB
constructed from center of target
2.5 cm thick graphite cylinder
Reconstruct p0 from ?s
Scattered proton
- Accept events with 3 clusters
- Reconstruct invariant meson mass, M??
- Choose p0 events with missing mass constraint
- Meson and proton must be back to back in CM frame
- Reconstruct scattered proton 4-vector
- Select nucleon-nucleon scatters based on
Reconstructed ?sc
8Analyzing Power
AA(p,?sc) ar/(1 br2 cr4 dr6) epsin(5?)
where rpsin?
9Extraction of Analyzing Power
Set proton polarization /-1 in MC Run analysis
for simulated events Measure asymmetry
Use same binning for real data Extracted
analyzing power divided out of real asymmetries
to get Cx
EBeam (MeV)
10Comparison to JLab data
11Future Tasks
- Measure the observables T, Ox, P
- ? channel
- polarimetry for neutrons and protons