Title: Welcome to NHHS
1- Welcome to NHHS
- Media Center!
2The Layout
This lesson will review the locations of the
different materials that are housed in the
library so that you will know where to locate
materials for research or for pleasure reading.
- Dewey Decimal System
Created by Melville
Dewey - Material is divided into Fiction and
Non-Fiction - Fiction books have F or FIC on their
spines fiction means made-up, make believe
like cartoons, or the book like Goosebumps - Non-fiction have numbers non-fiction means
that the book is the truth
These spine labels all tell that these book are ?
Fiction or not the truth.
What are some of your favorite fiction writers?
Fiction books are arranged by the authors last
100 BRO
100 SMI
100 NEI
These are? How did you know?
In addition to dividing the material into fiction
and non-fiction, Dewey further divided
non-fiction. Perhaps, he based his divisions on
how he perceived civilizations evolved.
6Dewey Classification of Non-fiction
In the beginning as man sat and peered into the
night sky, he wondered why he was.
The study of why man is has been named
philosophy. The 100s in the Dewey Decimal
System covers philosophy and psychology..
100 SMI
7Next in the development of civilization, man
pondered the universe and became aware that he
was not alone. The 200s are called the religion
section. All the beliefs of mankind can be
housed here as well as other subject materials.
200 REL
8As the civilization of man grew into large groups
called societies man needed rules, regulations,
and collections of ideas and thoughts on
societies. The 300s hold information on
societies and other subjects.
300 SOC
9As the numbers of man grew and he came in
contact with other new societies, man needed to
know how to communicate in different languages.
The 400s contain information on the languages of
the world such as French dictionaries.
400 FRE
10As mans knowledge accumulated on the laws of
nature, he needed to collect it to make it
available to others. The 500s contain
information on pure sciences such as math,
biology, anatomy, and astronomy. The 600s
contain information on applied sciences like
agronomy (farming), or nursing the ill or infirm,
or metallurgy.
500 PUR
600 APP
11As man became more knowledgeable, he learned now
to apply this knowledge so that he now had spare
time. He used this spare time to study and
create art, sculpture, symphonies, and to play
sports. The 700s contain information on the
arts, sports and other leisure activities.
700 FOO
12Man wrote stories, poems, speeches, and plays, a
section of the Dewey system was devoted to
literature. The 800s contain Shakespeares
works, great speeches from leaders such as John
F. Kennedy, and works world famous American poet
Carl Sandburg.
800 SHA
13As man gained the knowledge to travel around the
world, he recorded historical information and
information about the different cultures and
landmarks that were visited. The 900s contains
history, information on foreign countries, and on
900 FRA
14The 920s contain biographies and autobiographies
on groups of people, living and deceased.
920 PRE
921 KEN
The 921s contain biographies and autobiographies
on single individuals, living and deceased.
What is the difference between biographies and
autobiographies? What famous person would you
like to find out about?
15The last category is the 000s which contains
general information like data on the Internet, on
first facts, on sign language, and on world
records such as the Guinness Book.
032.02 GUI
16 REF 921 KEN
Reference material
OLD Reference material
Magazines new, old---Readers Guide
Card catalog/Spectrum Catalogue is now on the
computer as are the following programs for
your use
GCIS, encyclopedias, AR, word processing, and
Internet (if you have correct documentation).
17 The review activity is a map of the
library. You will use the word bank on the side
of the sheet of paper to label the numbered areas
on the map.
18 Name
Chairs and tables
Chairs and tables
- Word Bank Some are used more than once.
- Fiction books
- Computer station
- Reference
- Magazines
- Circulation or Check out desk
- 500 and 600 books
- 700 and 800 books 8. 920 and 921 books
Media Center Map
19Now That You Know Where types of Books are in the
Media Center
- How Do You Find The Book
- or the Information you need?
20Use of the Electronic Card Catalogue
- Spectrum 5
- Card Catalogue designed to help find books in the
media center. - WebMark
- High-quality, curriculum-focused web sites for
students and teachers that provide the media
center even more valuable educational resources. - Guide students' web searches to targeted,
reviewed and accurate information.
21How Do I Find Spectrum?
- Located on every computer in the media center!
22Can You Find?
- Pair up with another student.
- You will be given a sheet of paper with
- One book to find by title
- One book to find by particular author
- One book to find on a chosen subject
- Use Spectrum the electronic card catalogue
system to learn its call number, then find the
book and bring it to me.
23Good Job !
- Problems that you may have had