Title: CHASMTM Quick start
1 CHASMTM Quick start
A guide to get you started with CHASMTM 4
Malcolm Anderson, Liz Holcombe, J-P Renaud Yu
2 CHASMTM Quick start
Welcome to CHASMTM 4 Quick start
3 CHASMTM Quick start
- CHASMTM 4 Quick start contains 4 basic steps
which show you how to - Create save the slope geometry file
- Update edit slope input files
- View output files
4 CHASMTM Quick start
Click on Graphics/Define in the hydrology
dialogue box .
- Geometry
- Stability Grid
- Water table
- Save file
5 CHASMTM Quick start
The define window will now open. Click Change
profile/Zoom to zoom in or out of the x and
y-axes metres according to the size of the
- Geometry
- Stability Grid
- Water table
- Save file
6 CHASMTM Quick start
Position the mouse at the top left highest slope
position. To fix this point, click left mouse
button then drag the mouse right, to the required
point and left click again.
- Geometry
- Stability Grid
- Water table
- Save file
7 CHASMTM Quick start
Repeat this until the slope geometry is defined.
Click right mouse button to draw the vertical
line through the x-axis.
- Geometry
- Stability Grid
- Water table
- Save file
8 CHASMTM Quick start
Left click again at the bottom right location to
define the base of the slope and the intersect
with the y-axis
- Geometry
- Stability Grid
- Water table
- Save file
9 CHASMTM Quick start
Place the slip grid by clicking Stability/Slip
grid location.
- Geometry
- Stability Grid
- Water table
- Save file
10 CHASMTM Quick start
Click on the diagram to place the default grid.
Ideal placement should be towards the top right
of the defined slope...
- Geometry
- Stability Grid
- Water table
- Save file
11 CHASMTM Quick start
For computational purposes the initial radius
and radius increment should be changed so that
the slip circle intersects with the slope after
only a few searches. .use Define grid to
achieve this Similarly, the grid increment
should be changed for both the x and y axes until
the slip grid is approximately a quarter the size
of the defined slope
- Geometry
- Stability Grid
- Water table
- Save file
12 CHASMTM Quick start
To draw water table access Hydrology/Water table
- Geometry
- Stability Grid
- Water table
- Save file
13 CHASMTM Quick start
Draw water table by positioning mouse at left
hand edge and clicking the left mouse button.
Drag the cursor to next desired position and left
click to fix..
- Geometry
- Stability Grid
- Water table
- Save file
14 CHASMTM Quick start
Right click mouse to fix final point at right
hand side of profile. Note water table has to
reach the vertical side of right hand slope and
cannot intersect the actual slope surface
- Geometry
- Stability Grid
- Water table
- Save file
15 CHASMTM Quick start
At any stage in the Define window the last action
can be cancelled by clicking on Undo last.on
the toolbar. This will undo the last set of
clicks, for instance the entire water table, or
the whole slope outline
- Geometry
- Stability Grid
- Water table
- Save file
16 CHASMTM Quick start
The file created in the define window can be
saved go to File/Save as
- Geometry
- Stability Grid
- Water table
- Save file
17 CHASMTM Quick start
Clicking on Save as allows navigation through the
drive and save files
- Geometry
- Stability Grid
- Water table
- Save file
18 CHASMTM Quick start
The default extension for CHASM401 is .chr or
.CHR. It is advisable to keep this extension
otherwise CHASM401 might not find the saved file
at a later stage. The default save folder is
C\Program Files\CHASM4\Data Files on Windows XP.
CHASM might not find this folder and you will
have to navigate to it. CHASM401 is a 16 bit
application compatible with older versions of
Microsoft and filenames cannot have more than 8
characters plus the extension. The directory
file names might be truncated for instance
Program Files will be displayed as PROGRA1
- Geometry
- Stability Grid
- Water table
- Save file
19 CHASMTM Quick start
A wide range of slope and hydrology data can be
updated using the Update data .
- Hydrology
- Slip data
- Initial conditions
- Boundary conditions
- Storm
- Soil properties
- Vegetation
20 CHASMTM Quick start
This window allows changes to be made to
evaporation rate, surface detention capacity and
to achieve a visualisation of the configured
slope profile. .
- Hydrology
- Slip data
- Initial conditions
- Boundary conditions
- Storm
- Soil properties
- Vegetation
21 CHASMTM Quick start
Edit slip search parameters by going to
Update values/Slip data. .
- Hydrology
- Slip data
- Initial conditions
- Boundary conditions
- Storm
- Soil properties
- Vegetation
22 CHASMTM Quick start
In this window all the Bishop circular grid
search parameters can be edited. .
- Hydrology
- Slip data
- Initial conditions
- Boundary conditions
- Storm
- Soil properties
- Vegetation
23 CHASMTM Quick start
To edit initial conditions go to Update
values/Initial conditions. .
- Hydrology
- Slip data
- Initial conditions
- Boundary conditions
- Storm
- Soil properties
- Vegetation
24 CHASMTM Quick start
To define the surface pore pressure initial
condition, select Imposed pore pressure and enter
an appropriate value. .
- Hydrology
- Slip data
- Initial conditions
- Boundary conditions
- Storm
- Soil properties
- Vegetation
25 CHASMTM Quick start
To define the surface pore pressure initial
condition defined by hydrostatic conditions above
the defined water table select Hydrostatic
conditions and enter an acceptable minimum soil
surface pore pressure .
- Hydrology
- Slip data
- Initial conditions
- Boundary conditions
- Storm
- Soil properties
- Vegetation
26 CHASMTM Quick start
To edit boundary conditions go to Update
values/Boundary conditions .
- Hydrology
- Slip data
- Initial conditions
- Boundary conditions
- Storm
- Soil properties
- Vegetation
27 CHASMTM Quick start
In this window the upslope recharge can be
defined, surface leakage flux can be imposed on
any column and the height of the water table
immediately downslope of the defined slope can be
specified. .
- Hydrology
- Slip data
- Initial conditions
- Boundary conditions
- Storm
- Soil properties
- Vegetation
28 CHASMTM Quick start
To impose a set of surface leakage conditions
specify the desired columns using the dropdown
and enter the appropriate flux rate. .
- Hydrology
- Slip data
- Initial conditions
- Boundary conditions
- Storm
- Soil properties
- Vegetation
29 CHASMTM Quick start
To edit storm characteristics go to Update
values/Storm. .
- Hydrology
- Slip data
- Initial conditions
- Boundary conditions
- Storm
- Soil properties
- Vegetation
30 CHASMTM Quick start
To set the same rainfall throughout the entire
storm period, set the storm start and stop times
to 0, enter the hourly rainfall and then enter
the storm stop time. .
- Hydrology
- Slip data
- Initial conditions
- Boundary conditions
- Storm
- Soil properties
- Vegetation
31 CHASMTM Quick start
To edit soil characteristics go to Update/Soil
properties make appropriate changes to both the
soil physics and geotechnical properties.
- Hydrology
- Slip data
- Initial conditions
- Boundary conditions
- Storm
- Soil properties
- Vegetation
32 CHASMTM Quick start
To edit vegetation characteristics go to Update/
- Hydrology
- Slip data
- Initial conditions
- Boundary conditions
- Storm
- Soil properties
- Vegetation
33 CHASMTM Quick start
.select Using vegetation model..
- Hydrology
- Slip data
- Initial conditions
- Boundary conditions
- Storm
- Soil properties
- Vegetation
34 CHASMTM Quick start
then select the desired column for the
- Hydrology
- Slip data
- Initial conditions
- Boundary conditions
- Storm
- Soil properties
- Vegetation
35 CHASMTM Quick start
..then select desired vegetation depth..
- Hydrology
- Slip data
- Initial conditions
- Boundary conditions
- Storm
- Soil properties
- Vegetation
36 CHASMTM Quick start
..then select desired vegetation species..
- Hydrology
- Slip data
- Initial conditions
- Boundary conditions
- Storm
- Soil properties
- Vegetation
37 CHASMTM Quick start
..then change the storm time to check vegetation
- Hydrology
- Slip data
- Initial conditions
- Boundary conditions
- Storm
- Soil properties
- Vegetation
38 CHASMTM Quick start
To confirm the slope locations where vegetation
has been selected return to the hydrology summary
window .
- Hydrology
- Slip data
- Initial conditions
- Boundary conditions
- Storm
- Soil properties
- Vegetation
39 CHASMTM Quick start
and tick vegetation. The columns will be
highlighted and the vegetation depth displayed .
- Hydrology
- Slip data
- Initial conditions
- Boundary conditions
- Storm
- Soil properties
- Vegetation
40 CHASMTM Quick start
You are now ready to RUN CHASMTM
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Run CHASM by selecting Analyse/Run Model
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the main output window will appear showing
factor of safety slip search data, mass of
material above the slip surface and landslide
runout distance .
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.the simulation ends with a confirmed End of
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Now exit the output window by selecting File/Exit
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To view graphical pore pressure output go to
46 CHASMTM Quick start
Scroll through simulation to view changes in pore
pressure..point and click to cell of interest,
or enter column and cell number
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.Illustration of another cell at a different
time step..
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To view critical slip surface output go to
Graphics/Cross section
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Scroll through simulation to view critical slip
surface at each hour
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To view runout prediction go to
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To view gravitational acceleration required to
induce instability go to Graphics/Seismicity
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A new file can be created having completed a
simulation. File/New resets all data to deafult
values. This means that you will need to redraw a
slope after clicking New
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To open an existing file that has been previously
saved click on File/Open
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the main Hydrology summary window will then
appear based on that file data. NOTE it is NOT
possible to return to the Define windowdoing
so will erase all information and a new
simulation will have toi be created
55 CHASMTM Quick start
Adding additional features within the define
window Reinforcement can be added by going to
Reinforcemnet/Geotextile in the Define window
- Reinforcement
- Soil strata
56 CHASMTM Quick start
To draw a geotextile position the cursor on the
slope, left click, move cursor to desired within
slope position to end geotextile left click and
right click to end.
- Reinforcement
- Soil strata
57 CHASMTM Quick start
To add soil strata go to Slope properties/Add
soil strata
- Reinforcement
- Soil strata
58 CHASMTM Quick start
left clicks draw the strata, right click to
finish in exactly the same manner as configuring
the water table NOTE soil strata cannot
intersect and soil lenses cannot be defined this
- Reinforcement
- Soil strata
59 CHASMTM Quick start
Now the slip search grid can be added
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and returning to the Hydrology summary window
will show there are two soils present
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..values can now be updated once again. So for
example go to Update values/Reinforcement
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.in the Reinforcement window the strength and
related reinforcement parameters can be edited.
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..by entering the appropriate values in the
designated boxes within the window
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..in the same window, reinforcement can be ticked
off if it is desired toi run a simulation
without incorporating the effect of reinforcement
65 CHASMTM Quick start
To change a soil type associated with a
particular cell in the Hydrology summary window,
click on the desired\cell. The cell will be
highlighted in yellow. The click on the change
soil icon
And select the relevant soil
66 CHASMTM Quick start
now select the relevant soil..in this case soil
1 NOTE this is a useful way of defining soil
lenses that cannot be drawn in the Define window
67 CHASMTM Quick start
Click to return to the hydrology
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.and enter the desired simulation runtime NOTE
depending on memory characteristics the maximum
runtime may be of the order of 200 hours.
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The storm duration can be changed in the same
window, by changing the figure entered in the
storm stop time box
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and the hourly rainfall values for the storm can
be edited by use of the drop down for Storm hour
, and entering the appropriate value of
precipitation in the Precipitation box
71 CHASMTM Quick start
Icon summary
Hydrology summary
New simulation
Open Chasm data fiel
Soil properties
Save Chasm data file
72 CHASMTM Quick start
Initial conditions
Rainfall data
Bishop slip search
Boundary conditions
73 CHASMTM Quick start
Run simulation
Static analysis
74 CHASMTM Quick start
Storm event
Boundary conditions
Change soil
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Help pull down menu
NOTE the Help menu is currently under construction