Title: Recursive Methods for Finding Roots of Functions
1Recursive Methods for Finding Roots of Functions
2Intermediate Value Theorem
- Finding the root of a function will rely on this
theorem. - It states that for any function that is
continuous over the interval a,b then that
function will take on every value between f(a) to
- Bisection requires narrowing one root onto a
certain interval a,b - Testing this interval in the function f should
give values which are opposite in sign for f(a)
and f(b). - Bisecting this interval and testing f((ab)/2)
will yield another smaller interval in which to
continue bisecting until the desired accuracy is
Given ,
find the root between 2 and 3 to an accuracy of
- 1st Compare f(2) -1 and f(3) 16. By the
Intermediate Value Theorem we are insured that at
least one root exists between 2 and 3.
- 2nd Test f((23)/2) f(2.5). All we need to
know is its sign. It is positive.
- 3rd, we narrow our search interval from 2,3 to
2,2.5 since f(2) is negative and f(2.5) is
- Continuing this pattern to finish the problem
- iteration 2 f(2.25)gt0, new interval 2,2.25
- iteration 3 f(2.125)gt0, new interval 2,2.125
- iteration 4 f(2.0625)lt0, new interval
2.0625,2.125 - iteration 5 f(2.09375)lt0, new interval
2.09375,2.125 - iteration 6 f(2.109375)gt0, new interval
2.09375,2.109375 - iteration 7 f(2.1015625)gt0, new int
2.09375,2.1015625 - iteration 8 f(2.09765625)gt0, new int
2.09375,2.09765625 - iteration 9 f(2.095703125)gt0, int
2.09375,2.095703125 - Root approximation is the midpoint of this
interval x2.094390625
- We stop at this point because the desired
accuracy has been reached. - The root is always as accurate as half of the
interval arrived at, or in this case
(2.09503125-2.09375)/2 .0009765625
- Accuracy is always arrived at by taking half the
current interval because the actual root could be
no farther than that away from the midpoint. - The initial accuracy of the midpoint is
b-a/2 - After each iteration, this accuracy is halved.
- After n iterations accuracy is b-a/2(n1)
- Input function, interval where root exists, and
desired accuracy. - f, a, b, E
- n 1
- While E gt b - a / 2n
- g (b a) / 2 //make a guess for root at
midpoint - if f(g) is the same sign as b
- then b g
- else a g
- endif
- n n 1
- End loop
- Display guess as g to accuracy of b - a / 2n
- Requires you to make a relatively good guess for
the root of f(x), x0. - Construct a tangent line to f(x) at this point
y - f(x0) f(x0)(x - x0) - Find the x-intercept of this line (y 0)
0 - f(x0) f(x0)(x - x0) OR
x x0 - f(x0) / f(x0) - Repeat guess for this new x.
10Newtons MethodExample
Given ,
find the root between 2 and 3 to an accuracy of
- 1st Guess By view the graph make an initial
guess of x0 2. - 2nd find new x x1 2 - f(2) / f(2) 2.1
- 3rd repeat for x 2.1
11Newtons MethodExample
- Continuing this pattern takes much less time to
narrow down than bisection - iteration 2 x2 2.1 - f(2.1) / f(2.1)
2.0945681211 - iteration 3 x3 x2 - f(x2) / f(x2)
2.0945514817 - You can already see that by the third iteration
the accuracy of the root is to 0.0000166394 or
less than 10-3. - The number of iterations will depend on how good
your guess is.
Input function, guess, and desired accuracy. f,
g, E n 0 While gn - gn-1 gt E n n
1 gn gn-1 - f(gn-1) / f(gn-1) End
loop Display root as gn to accuracy of gn - gn-1
13Quirks and Exceptions toNewtons Method
- if along the way f(xn) 0 then you will get a
horizontal line with no x-intercept.
14Quirks and Exceptions toNewtons Method
- You may get the wrong root depending on your
initial guess.
15Quirks and Exceptions toNewtons Method
- You may get the wrong root.