Title: Argonne Beam Test preparation
1Argonne Beam Test preparation
- Tsunefumi Mizuno
- (mizuno_at_SLAC.Stanford.EDU)
- Tuneyoshi Kamae
- (kamae_at_SLAC.Stanford.EDU)
- October 17, 2003
2PMT Mount (1)
3PMT Mount(2)
4Module list SLAC can provide
1) Very old PMT HV supply (0-3000V) 1 unit 2)
Hand-made 8ch distributor for the HV supply (item
1 above) No voltage adjustment possible. 3)
Desktop power supply (Vmax30V, Imax500mA) 1
unit 4) Desktop power supply (Vmax20V, Imax2A)
1 unit 5) Charge preamplifier (16ch) by Clear
Pulse in Japan 1 unit Requires 12V and -12V.
Integration time 56us 6) Shaping amplifier
(16ch) by Clear Pulse (?) 1 unit Shaping time
2us. 2 outputs per channel 7) Fast discriminator
by Philips Scientific (looks almost like the one
by LRS) 2 units. Each takes 5 inputs. 8)
Gate generator (2ch) by LRS222 1 unit. One
channel has some problem. 9) NIM/TTL level
converter (16ch) 1 unit 10) Fast coincidence
(3ch) made by SLAC 1 unit. 4 inputs per
channel. 11) Very very old visual scaler 2
units. 12) NIM Crate 1 unit 13) Oscilloscope
Tektronix 2443 1 unit 14) PMT borrowed from
Princeton 8 units (takes negative HV) 15) Fast
hexagonal scintillator 8 units 16) PCI-based DAQ
by ADLink Digital I/O card (PCI-7200) 1
unit 17) PCI-based DAQ by ADLink ADC card
(PCI-9810) 1 unit. 4ch 10bits 18) PCI-based DAQ
by ADLink ADC card (PCI-9812) 1 unit. 4ch
12bits 19) Desktop PC for PCI-based on-line DAQ
with LabView 20) Princeton current amplifier
(4ch) 1 unit. 1)-19) have been used in Spring 8
We plan to modify the DAQ system at Spring-8 and
use it for Argonne Beam Test. We will show the
DAQ diagram in near future