Title: Social Studies Binder
1Social Studies Binder
2Step 1Put each of the blue colored section
dividers in sheet protectors
3Step 2Put the section dividers in your binder
in the following order
4Page 1
5Page 2
6Page 3
7Page 4
8Page 5
9Page 6
10Page 7
11Page 8
12Page 9
13Page 10
14Page 11
15Page 12
16Page 13
17Page 14
18Page 15
19Page 16
20Page 17
21Page 18
22Step 3Put the Table of Contents Sheet behind
the page protector entitled, Table of Contents
23Step 4Put all WorldMap Materials behind the
page protector entitled, USMap Quiz Materials
24Step 5Put all Newsmap Sheets behind the page
protector entitled, Newmap Materials
25Step 6Put the Class Standards in a page
26Step 7Put the Class Standards in the front of
your binder, before ALL section dividers
27Step 8Stay Organized!!!!!