Title: Meet the Father: Joseph Bruchac
1Meet the Father Joseph Bruchac His SonJames
2Meet the Father and Famous Author!
Joseph Bruchac
Born October 16, 1942Saratoga Springs, NEW
YORK Author of Books that have Native American
3He Grew up in the Adirondacks!
About 3-4 hours north of Binghamton
4Major Theme in His Writing
- The central themes in my work are simple ones
- We have to listen to each other and to the
earth, that we have to respect each other and the
earth, that we never know anyone until we know
what they have in their heart.
- Author or co-author of more than 70 books for
children, Bruchac holds a B.A. from Cornell
University, an M.A. in Literature and Creative
Writing from Syracuse, and a Ph.D. in Comparative
Literature from the Union Institute of Ohio.
6Raised by His Grandparents
- His grandmother was a law school graduate who
loved reading and books. She showed young Joseph
how to read and gave to him a love of books.
7Native American Background
- His grandfather was of Abenaki Indian descent.
- Although he could not read or write very well, he
gave Joseph his love of nature and raised him to
have a gentle spirit. - I remember him as one of the kindest people I
ever knew.
8The General Store
His grandparents ran a general store in the
Adirondack Mountains. When Joseph was growing
up, he would help out in the store. It was there
that he would listen to the stories of the
farmers, trappers and lumberjacks that came into
the store.
9- There stories inspired him and influenced his
later writings. - He became fascinated with the idea of becoming a
10Joseph Bruchac Writes!
- He began writing in 2nd grade.
- Although his grandfather never really told him
Native American stories, Joseph began to be
fascinated with them and sought out Native
American Elders for stories as he grew older. - His first book was published in 1975.
11Sharing Stories
- Joseph Bruchac wanted to share these stories with
his children, so he began to write.
Today, he has written and co-written over 70
12Check It Out!
- Looking for a great Native American story?
- Click Here!
- Browse Joseph Bruchacs books and read some
13Meet the Son James Bruchac
March 22 23
- James Bruchac is coming here!
15He Has Stories to Tell!
- Scats and Tracks of the North East
- Is a field guide to the signs of different
wildlife species - Native American Games and Stories
- Northeastern Native American Stories
16Learn Even More!
- http//www.jamesbruchac.com/pages/biography/youth-