Title: College Access
1College Access Success for Underserved
Students Trends, Issues Strategies
Ann Coles, Sr. Advisor for College Access,
TERI COHEAO Mid-Year Conference July 30, 2007
2College Access History
- Morrill Act - Land Grant Colleges (1860S)
- GI Bill (1940s)
- Higher Education Act, Economic Opportunity
Act(1965) - Pell Grant(1969)
- State Sponsored access programs (1970s)
- Federal aid shift from grants to loans (1990s)
- GEAR UP (1998)
3Persistent gaps between college aspirations
degree completion by income race
- Over 90 of 8th graders aspire to college
- YET, only 68 of every 100 9th graders graduate
from high school and only 39 go to college
immediately - Low-income students students of color are more
likely to delay or forgo college - High-income students are five times more likely
to earn Bachelors degrees than low-income
students - African-American Latino h.s. graduates are half
as likely to earn Bachelors degrees as white
4Challenges affecting college access
- Economic transformation requires highly educated
workforce - 90 fastest growing jobs require postsecondary ed
- US K-12 system has not kept pace with economic
transformation - 20th century high school model still in place
- Decline in high school graduation rates
- US edge in higher education slipping
- Declining income for 80 of US households
- Lower income families earn smaller share of
degrees - Competing demands for public resources
5College access success - what matters most
- Aspirations
- Expectations
- Academic preparation
- Planning
- Affordability/financial aid
- Over 90 of 8th graders say they want to go to
college - Influenced by students career interests the
education level they think they need - Underserved students families lack
understanding of steps involved in preparing
planning - - Good grades good behavior college
admission - - Little knowledge of college or financial aid
application processes college admission
requirements - - Think they can wait until 11th or 12th grade to
begin planning
- Judgments of teachers, counselors parents
strongly influence students educational
attainment - Disparities between students aspirations
parents teachers expectations - - 55 parents 32 teachers think students are
likely to go to college (MetLife 2000 survey) - - ¼ high school graduates say they faced high
expectations in high school (Achieve 2005) - Biases social forces among peers affect
likelihood of college (Bridgespan 2006)
8Academic Preparation
- Rigorous academic preparation most significant
predictor of college success - - Math beyond Algebra 2 most important
- - Lab science AP/IB courses
- Underserved students not well prepared
academically for college-level courses - - Begin high school with below average reading
math skills (NAEP) - - 28 low-income students take full college prep
curriculum compared with 65 high income students
(ACT 2006) - - Attend schools with limited advanced math, lab
science, foreign language AP offerings
- Access to early comprehensive college
financial aid information planning is important
predictor of college-going - Underserved students lack awareness of college
options, admission financial aid application
processes - 92 middle school students who say they might not
go to college believe they cant afford to - Systems for delivering college planning
assistance in low-income schools communities
are inadequate - - High student/counselor ratios
- - Counselors spend less than 20 of their time on
college/career advising - - 50 of low-income students don't apply for aid
10Affordability Financial Aid
- High income students who score in the bottom
quartile on standardized tests go to college at
the same rate as low-income students in the top
quartile - Unmet need among low-income families grew by 80
from 1990 to 2004 at four-year college compared
with 7 for higher income families - Complexity of aid eligibility system makes it
hard to communicate specific information early in
process - Complex application aid award notification
processes overwhelming limited hands on
assistance for students parents
11Recruitment Admission
- Recruitment process communication do not taking
into account student needs, e.g. limited Internet
access, family work responsibilities - Focus on quantitative measures in admission
process - Students at greater risk of missing deadlines
becaue of lack of informed support
12National College Preparation Planning
- High school transformation models
- Gates Foundation Small Schools
- Project GRAD
- Early College High Schools
- Social marketing campaigns
- Know How 2 Go
- Go Alliance state campaigns
- Federal Student Aid Only a Dream
- Sallie Mae Paying for College Bus Tour
- NCHELP College Access Initiative
13College Preparation Planning Initiatives cont.
- Aligning high school graduation standards with
college admissions requirements - Achieve
- NGA Honors States
- State P-16 Councils
- Academic social support
- Council for Opportunity in Education (TRIO)
- National College Access Network
- National Council for Community Education
Partnerships (GEAR UP, Enlace)
14National Affordability Financial Aid Initiatives
- Advisory Committee on Student Financial Aid
- Project on Student Debt TICAS (The Institute
for College Access Success) - Rethinking Financial Aid College Board
- Making Opportunities Affordable Lumina
Foundation - College Goal Sunday NASFAA, Lumina, 33 states
15National College Success Initiatives
- Community Colleges
- Achieving the Dream
- Bridges to Opportunity
- Student Support Partnership Integrating Resources
Education - Opening Doors
- Four-Year Colleges
- National Association of System Heads (NASH)
- Exelencia in Education
- Alliance for Equity in Higher Education
16College Access Research
- Center for Higher Education Policy Analysis
(CHEPA) - Education Trust
- Institute for Higher Education Policy (IHEP)
- National Center for Higher Education Management
Systems (NCHEMS) - National Center for Public Policy Higher
Education - Pell Institute for the Study of Opportunity in
Higher Education - State Higher Education Executive Officers
17Pathways to CollegeNetwork (PCN)
- Alliance of over 30 national organizations and
funders directed by TERI - Goal To improve college access and success
outcomes for underserved students by connecting
research with policy and practice and catalyzing
action across the K-12 and higher education
sectors - Focus Areas Academic Preparation Support,
Access and Information, Financial Aid, College
18PCN Partners Funders
- Membership Associations
- Higher Education - NASFAA, ACE, NACAC, NCHELP,
AACC, AACU - College Transitions - College Board, NACAC
- K-12 - NASSP, IEL
- College Access - COE, NCAN, NCCEP
- Advocacy - NAACP, National Urban League
- Policy and Research Focused Organizations
- National and Regional Foundations
19PCN Core Work
- Generate knowledge through research creation
synthesis - Support action by promoting research-based
policies and practices - Increase understanding of college access
success issues through strategic communications
20What distinguishes PCN
- Spans the P-16 pipeline
- - Academic preparation support
- -College planning information planning
- -Financial aid
- -College success
- Emphasizes the importance of using research-based
practices and policies - Brings together leading organizations around a
shared agenda leverages their expertise
21PCN Guiding Principles
- Expect that all underserved students are capable
of being prepared to enroll and succeed in
college. - Provide a range of high-quality
college-preparatory tools for underserved
students and their families. - Embrace social, cultural, and learning-style
differences in developing learning environments
and activities for underserved students. - Involve leaders at all levels in establishing
policies, programs, and practices that facilitate
student transitions toward postsecondary
attainment. - Maintain sufficient financial and human resources
to enable underserved students to prepare for,
enroll, and succeed in college. - Assess policy, program, practice, and
institutional effectiveness regularly.
22PCN Online Resources
- Signature report A Shared Agenda A Leadership
Challenge for Improving College Access Success - Online Library
- Toolboxes College Readiness for All, College
Access Marketing - Databases National College Access Directory,
State Policy Inventory Database Online (SPIDO) - Publications
- Monthly Enewsletter
- www.pathwaystocollege.net
23A Shared Agenda
- Summary report documenting key research findings
re improving college access success for
underserved students - Annotated bibliography of 650 studies from which
findings are drawn - Action Alerts for key stakeholder groups
- Profiles of 112 policies, practices, programs
implementing research-based strategies
24PCN Online Library
- Comprehensive online Library of over 1,200
publications/resources on college access and
success (updated weekly) - Powerful search engine can locate items by
- - Author
- - Title
- - Publication Year
- - One or more specific keywords
25PCN Online Library
- Topic Areas
- Access (includes College Access Programs and
College Access Marketing) - Alignment/P-16 Issues
- College Success/Higher Ed Issues
- Data and Demographics
- Paying for College
- Preparation for College/Pre-K-12 Issues
- Underserved Students/Special Populations
- Using Data/Evaluation
26PCN Publications
- Early Commitment Financial Aid Programs
Promises, Practices, and Policies - Questions That Matter Connecting Research,
Policy, and Practice to Improve College Access
and Success - The Link between High School Reform and College
Access and Success for Low-Income and Minority
Youth - And more..
27PCN Enewsletter
28PCN Current Initiatives
- Communication Advocacy Campaign
- Media outreach
- Action issues
- State Data Sites and Indicator Reports
- Online library expansion
- Research projects
- Evaluation toolbox for college access programs
- Youth, family community involvement in
improving college access - Learning in higher education are underserved
students catching up or falling behind - College Access Marketing website expansion
29TERIs Role in PCN
- Dedicated staff provides direction with input
from PCN Steering Committee - Manages and implements PCN programs
- Funds PCN infrastructure and core employee costs
- Raises money for project expenses
30For more information.
- Visit the PCN website on-line library
- Sign up for the PCN Enewsletter
- Contact Ann Coles (coles_at_teri.org)
- www.pathwaystocollege.net