Title: Menu Bar
1Blank Excel Worksheet
Menu Bar
Formatting Toolbar
Name Box
Formula Bar
Vertical Scroll Bar
Worksheet Area
Office Assistant
Sheet Tabs
Horizontal Scroll Bar
Status Bar
2Elements of a Worksheet Area
Name Box
Select All Button
Formula Bar
Column Header
Row Header
Fill Handle
Cell Pointer
Active Cell
3Formatting Toolbar
Font Size
Align Left
Align Right
Fill Color
Font Color
Align Center
Currency Style
Increase Indent
Comma Style
Decrease Indent
Percent Style
Decrease Decimal
Merge and Center
Increase Decimal
4Format Cells Dialog Box with Number Tab Selected
Choose a category in this list box and a
description of the category displays in the
dialog box.
5Alignment and Indent Buttons on the Formatting
Merge and Center
Align Center
Decrease Indent
Increase Indent
Align Left
Align Right
6Page Setup Dialog Box with Page Tab Selected
7Sort Dialog Box
8Split Bars
Horizontal Split Bar
Vertical Split Bar
9Split Window
10Tiled Workbooks
11Insert Hyperlink Dialog Box
Key the URL in this text box.
12Mathematical Operators
To perform this function Key this
operator Addition Subtraction - Multiplica
tion Division / Percent Exponentiation
13Chart Wizard Step 1 of 4 Chart Type Dialog Box
Choose a chart type from this list.
Choose a chart sub-type from these examples.
14Chart Wizard Step 2 of 4 Chart Source Data
Dialog Box
15Chart Wizard Step 3 of 4 Chart Options Dialog
Add and/or format chart elements with options
from this dialog box with various tabs selected.
16Chart Wizard Step 4 of 4 Chart Options Dialog
To insert the chart in the active worksheet,
leave this at the default setting of As object
in. Choose As new sheet option to create the
chart in a separate sheet.
17Chart Based on Excel Worksheet
18Chart Type Dialog Box with Custom Types Tab
Choose a custom chart type from this list box and
preview it at the right in the Sample box.