Title: Peter Lambert OBE
1Peter Lambert OBE Business in the Community
2A partnership of business organisations, the
voluntary sector and the London Development
Agency which aims to help businesses make London
a better place to do business. London Better
Together invites every business, however small,
to take action.
3Founding Organisations
- Londons success
- Forecast to grow by 1m people by 2026
- 900,000 new jobs
- Host to 2012 Olympic Games
- Most popular European location for a business HQ
- But at the same time London has
- the highest proportion in the UK out of work
- low levels of skills affecting competitiveness
- disparity between different groups
- unsustainable levels of pollution and waste
- a widening gap between rich and poor
5Why should businesses get involved?
- A flourishing vibrant community will attract
customers and employees - Simple actions by many businesses will
have a real impact
6Business benefits
- Signing up is free and has the potential to
- reduce costs
- improve the working environment
- motivate staff
- provide recognition
- promote the business
- link with other businesses
7Voluntary Sector Benefits
- Supports shared agenda
- Promotes awareness
- New business contacts
8How can the voluntary sector get involved?
- Support businesses by registering as a partner
on relevant actions - Encourage all business contacts to register
- Encourage businesses with whom you have worked
to submit case studies - www.londonbettertogether.org.uk
9How it works
- Businesses register on line
- Select actions from menus
- 4 areas
- Marketplace
- Workplace
- Environment
- Community
- 3 Levels
10Environment Level 1
11Workplace Level 2
12Community Level 3
13Case Studies
If you would like to see what other businesses
are doing, please browse the case studies below
14Businesses committed to action
15London Better Together Day
15th June 2007 Call for Projects Raising the
achievement of young people Employability Deprived
Areas For further information, please leave
your business card or contact Sophie Eastman
16London Better Together
Sophie.eastman_at_bitc.org.uk www.londonbettertogeth