eCGE (Enhanced Petri Net Graphical Editor) : A Multi-Platform Petri Net Editor - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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eCGE (Enhanced Petri Net Graphical Editor) : A Multi-Platform Petri Net Editor


Immediate (Deterministic) Fixed delay time. Timed (Stochastic) Random or asynchronous time ... Re-size the model (zoom in and out) Understanding ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: eCGE (Enhanced Petri Net Graphical Editor) : A Multi-Platform Petri Net Editor

eCGE (Enhanced PetriNet Graphical Editor) A
Multi-Platform Petri Net Editor
  • 15 April 2005
  • David Dugan

  • Role of Petri Nets in software development and
  • How CGE implements Stochastic Petri Nets
  • History of CGE and how eCGE enhances capability
  • Design of eCGE
  • Test Cases
  • Future plans and conclusion

Verification of design requirements
  • Through formal testing or simulation of the
  • Very costly and time consuming
  • Difficult to go thru all possible execution paths
  • Difficult to simulate timing problems
  • Does not catch problems until well into coding
  • Performance modeling though a special graphical
    language formalism
  • Temporal specifications for time-critical systems
  • Probabilistic specifications to describe
    selection among different possible events
  • Performance modeling through graphics

Petri Nets - Graphical Modeling of Critical
Timing Applications
  • Flow charts, block diagrams, state diagrams do
    not show timing or probability of events
  • Firing time in Petri Nets is the delay time
    before a transition can take place
  • Immediate (Deterministic) Fixed delay time
  • Timed (Stochastic) Random or asynchronous time

eCGE Benefits
  • eCGE provides a graphical means to specify a
    Stochastic Petri Net Model to model the dynamic
    as well as static aspects
  • Output of eCGE can be input into the Stochastic
    Petri Net Package to obtain numerical results for
    the model using Markov analysis

eCGE Goals
  • Model a system quickly and inexpensively
  • Produce a tool that does not require extensive
  • Be able to use the model to communicate to

CGE Background
  • Original work by Norb Gravelle proof of concept
    that CSPL coding language can be generated from a
    graphical interface instead of a text editor
  • Work by Wen Wei extended this tool to include
    graphical layout algorithms
  • Spring Algorithm
  • Tree Algorithm

eCGE Components
Component Language GUI Framework Design Methodology OS Supported
Original CGE C MS Visual Studios procedural MS Windows
CSPL parser C N/A command line application object-oriented any
Spring and Tree Algorithms C N/A selected by a menu item procedural any
Enhanced CGE Java AWT / Swing object-oriented any supporting Java 1.4
My Contribution
  • Combined work by Gravelle, Wei, and CSPL parser
    into a single application
  • Added parser to import CSPL files
  • Designed the application using object-oriented
    analysis and design techniques for future
  • Designed an interface for future development of
    graph layout algorithms
  • Added a Random graph layout algorithm

CSPL (C Based Stochastic Petri-net language)
  • Specification language for Stochastic Petri Net
    package - CSPL - can be used to specify complex
    system behaviors with Petri nets
  • CSPL Conversion Process
  • Reads in CSPL file to determine elements and
    attributes of model
  • CGE Language adds graphical information for each
    model element

Enhancements to CGE I
  • Ability to read in a CSPL file and display it
  • Edit and display an imported CSPL file
  • Parameters for a model are input through dialog
  • Specify the properties of a place, transition, or
  • Interface for defining guard function
  • Read and save a model in CGE format

Enhancements to CGE II
  • Consistency checking of parameters insures a
    syntactically correct model
  • Improved maintainability of design through
    complete redesign of code based on object
    oriented design
  • Rewrote all code in JAVA to enhance portability
    to other platforms
  • Added a Random Graph Layout Algorithm

CGE Evolution
First Iteration
Second Iteration
CGE Evolution
Third Iteration
Fourth Iteration
eCGE Design
  • Redesign and integration of legacy CGE
    components into eCGE
  • Gravelles Original CGE
  • Wen Wei Graphical Layout algorithms
  • CSPL parser
  • Used Object Oriented Design to integrate these
    components into a single application

Legacy Design Approach
eCGE Classes
  • High-Level Class Chart for eCGE
  • An appendix in the thesis describes the design
    and implementation details
  • Class charts
  • Design and implementation details of key

Case Studies
  • Case 1 - Connected Cyclic Reliability (CCR)
    model for the anti-lock braking system
  • Analyzed the mean time to failure for the braking
    system of a vehicle
  • Case 2 - How the layout affects understanding
    and finding problems in a Petri net model (race

Case Study 1 CCR Model
  • Model input from CSPL language and translated
    into CGL language
  • Layout (Spring and Tree) algorithms proved
    inadequate to handle the reformatting of
    graphical layout of a complex model
  • eCGE requires further enhancements to resolve the
    layout of complex models, as shown in the
    following figures.

Layout using Random Algorithm Method
  • Applying the Random Algorithm results in this

Layout using Manual Methods
  • Manually laying out the elements provides a more
    readable layout.

Case Study 2
  • The use of layout is important in understanding
    the structure of a model and detecting potential
  • Types of possible problems
  • Conflict
  • Confusion (analogous to a race condition)

Example of how a race condition conflict can be
in Petri Net
  • p places, t transitions, 1 tokens
  • Figures 3a and 3b represent confusion as to which
    path program will take based on which token fires

CSPL Code for prior example of conflict (race
  • The following segment shows the equivalent CSPL
    code for the previous example
  • The textual version shows the elements, but not
    the graphical structure, of the model

Future Enhancements of eCGE
  • Enhance graph layout algorithms to handle more
    complex structures
  • Be able to import and translate other Petri Net
    modeling tools file formats
  • Add a scroll bar to document window to increase
    work space
  • Be able to group elements to move them
  • Incorporate an algorithm to minimize arc
    crossings (such as the various graphviz layout
    algorithms, see http// )

Conclusions I
  • eCGE has integrated a number of separate programs
    which represent a foundation for using Stochastic
    Petri Nets in industry
  • Mechanizing and simplifying the development of a
    model by using a graphical, rather than textual,
  • Being able to visualize time critical events via
    the Petri net diagrammatic language using eCGE
    facilities and layout algorithms
  • Including visualization of a large library of
    legacy (textually based) CSPL models

Conclusions II
  • Increased maintainability of the code using
    object-oriented design makes it easier to further
    enhance the application
  • Made programs/components of CGE platform
    independent through use of JAVA to encourage
    usage on a variety of platforms

Questions Answer Session
  • Mr. Dugan has a severe speaking disability (WSU
    has certified) and for the purposes of the
    defense we asked him to write the answers to the
    committees questions.

Ordinary Petri Net
  • A biparte graph that consists of
  • A set of Places
  • A set of Transitions
  • A set of directed Arcs
  • Arcs connect Places to Transitions
  • Input Arc - Directed Arc from Place to Transition
  • Output Arc - Directed Arc from Transition to Place

Ordinary Petri Net Formal Definition
  • PN (P,T,A)
  • P p1, p2,.p(n)
  • T t1,t2,.t(m)
  • A a1, a2, , a(o) - arcs

Generalized Stochastic Petri Net (GSPN)
  • Time is associated with Transition
  • Transitions are immediate and timed
  • Immediate - Fire immediately when enabled and the
    logical structure is modeled, but not the timing
  • Timed -Fire after a random,exponentially
    distributed enabling time
  • Example of timed - A finite time delay until a
    hardware device is ready to accept the command
    before issuing it
  • Timed - Used with devices that cannot respond at
    the program execution rate
  • Example of Immediate - Usual case in programming
    where transitions are made at the same rate as
    program execution

  • Tangible - Only timed transitions are enabled in
    a marking
  • Vanishing - At least one immediate transition is
    enabled in a marking. May be removed in the
    analysis to reduce time and space complexity
  • Absorbing
  • Applies to a place which has no output Arcs
  • Transition firing adds a token to this place
  • However, the token can no longer be used to
    enable a transition

Consistency Checking
  • Drawing Window
  • Shows an error message for an illegal operation
  • For example, conecting a place to a place
  • Dialogue Boxes
  • Grays out boxes or input fields(allows operator
    no input) if operation is illegal or undefined
  • Example - Transition Dialogue Box cannot have a
    Guard Function if no functions have been defined

Spring Algorithm
  • Places and transitions are like weights on
  • Starts from the first arc
  • Simulates a mechanical system consisting of
    springs (arcs) and nodes (places and
    transitions). From the initial configuration or
    ring positions, the system oscillates until it
    stabilizes at a minimum-energy configuration. It
    has been noted that in such a configuration, all
    the edges typically have relatively uniform
    length and nodes not connected tend to be far

Tree Algorithm
  • The goal of this algorithm is to produce a graph
    that is planar, straight-lined, and upward (that
    is, a parent node is above its children).
    Vertices at the same level are horizontally
    aligned. The first place in the place list is
    chosen to be the root of the tree.
  • The space (vertical distance) between each level
    is uniform.
  • The separation distance between two consecutive
    vertices on the same level is kept to a minimum.
  • The overall width of the graph is as small as
    possible and still be readable.

Other ways of laying out graphs
  • Reference Article Empirical Layout of
    Aesthetics-based Graph Layout by Purchase,
    Carrington, and Allder
  • Planar Grid Drawing Algorithm
  • Force Directed Algorithm
  • Goals of Graph layout program
  • Minimize edge crossings
  • Orthogonality
  • Information Flow (connected nodes should be close
  • Minimize edge bends

Weaknesses of Graphical Approaches
  • Reference Article Empirical Layout of
    Aesthetics-based Graph Layout by Purchase,
    Carrington, and Allder
  • No one type of layout works for every graph
  • Graph layout requires a significant computational
  • History of the flow chart
  • How to show a large graph in a drawing window
  • Add scroll bars
  • Re-size the model (zoom in and out)

  • A graphical representation of a Petri Net tends
    to be at a higher level of abstraction than a
    textual representation
  • affects response time
  • Easier to see errors
  • Shows the structure of the model

  • Interface for graph layout algorihm described in
    section A.3 of thesis
  • Adding a graph layout algorithms requires the
    following steps
  • Create a new subroutine containing the
    implementation (class document_class)
  • Add a new menu item in the Algorithms menu bar
    (class algorithms_menu)
  • Add code so that when the menu item is selected,
    the correct subroutine is called (affects classes
    document_manager, document_internal_frame, and

Ease of Use
  • Goal is to minimize the amount of effort required
    to use the tool such as
  • Minimizing keystrokes
  • Logically organizing the layout of dialog boxes

OO Design Maintainability
  • The system architecture uses fine grained, self
    contained components that can readily be changed
  • Avoids shared data structures and global
    variables (minimizes data coupling)
  • Each class is self-contained - all relevant
    operations and data are contained within the class
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