Title: Career Explorations for Gifted Children
1Career Explorations for Gifted Children
- Presented by
- Emily E. Bullock, Ph.D.
- September 2008
2Outline of Presentation
- General Career Development Issues
- Gottfredsons Theory
- Career Development Issues Specific Gifted
Children - Categorizing Interests
- Hollands Theory
- Decision-Making Skills
- Cognitive Information Processing Approach
- Resources and References
3How Career Development Occurs in Everyone
- Many theories and factors (Niles Harris-
- Bowlsbey, 2005)
- Gottfredsons theory (Gottfredson, 2005)
- Stage 1 Orientation to Size and Power
- Stage 2 Orientation to Sex Roles
- Stage 3 Orientation to Social Valuation
- Stage 4 Orientation to Internal, Unique Self
4Stage 1 Orientation to Size and PowerStage 2
Orientation to Sex Roles
Stage 2 Sex Roles (elementary school)
Stage 1 Size and Power (preschool)
Male roles Firefighter Truck driver Doctor
Female roles Nurse Teacher Secretary
Big, powerful Adult roles Worker
Little, Child
5 Stage 3 Orientation to Social Valuation
Stage 3 Social valuation (middle school)
High prestige
Low prestige
Truck Driver
Male Neutral Female
6Stage 4 Orientation to Internal, Unique Self
Stage 4 Internal, unique self (high school and
Doctor I
A Artist
Sales manager E
R Miner
Social S
File clerk
Truck Driver
Male Neutral Female
7So what can parents do?
- Intervening at
- Orientation to Size and Power
- Orientation to Sex Roles
- Orientation to Social Valuation
- Orientation to Internal, Unique Self
8Career Development Issue Unique to Gifted
- Multipotentiality (Milgram Hong, 1999)
- Perfectionism
- Expectations of Others
- Decision-Making Difficulties
- Early Cognitive Maturity and Vocational Identity
- Special issue of Female Gifted Students
- http//www.gifted.uconn.edu/ G\gifted
9Hollands RIASEC Theory of Careers
10What do we do once we have our Holland Codes?
- http//online.onetcenter.org/
- Click on find occupations
- Go to drop box under ONET descriptor
- Choose Interests
- http//online.onetcenter.org/find/descriptor/brows
e/Interests/ - Choose a RIASEC type to begin search
11Decision-Making SkillsCASVE Cycle
CommunicationIdentifying theproblem - the gap
AnalysisThinking about alternatives
Execution Taking action to narrow the gap
Synthesis Generating likely alternatives
Valuing Prioritizingalternatives
12- Presentation slides found at http//ocean.otr.usm
.edu/w313873/research.htm - My Email Address Emily.Bullock_at_usm.edu
13Key References
- Achter, J. A., Lubinski, D. (2005). Blending
Promise with Passion Best practices for - counseling intellectually talented youth. In S.
Brown, R. Lent, Career development and
counseling Putting theory and research to work
(pp. 600-624). Hoboken, NJ, US John Wiley
Sons. - Americas Career Resource Network retrieved at
http//www.acrnetwork.org/decision.htm - FSU Career Center retrieved from
http//www.career.fsu.edu/ - FSU Center for the Study of Technology in
Counseling and Career Development retrieved from
http//www.career.fsu.edu/techcenter/ - Gottfredson, L. S. (2005). Applying Gottfredson's
theory of circumscription and compromise in
career guidance and counseling. In S. Brown, R.
Lent, Career development and counseling Putting
theory and research to work (pp. 71-100).
Hoboken, NJ, US John Wiley Sons. - Milgram, R. M., Hong, E. (1999). Multipotential
abilities and vocational interests in gifted
adolescents Fact or fiction? International
Journal of Psychology, 34, 81-93. - Neag Center for Gifted Education and Talent
Development at the University of Connecticut.
Retrieved from http//www.gifted.uconn.edu/
G\gifted Students.mht - Sampson, J.P., Jr., Reardon, R.C., Peterson,
G.W., Lenz, J.G. (2004). Career counseling
services A cognitive information processing
approach. Belmont, CA Brooks/Cole. - U.S. Department of Labors ONET online retrieved
at http//online.onetcenter.org/