Title: Neutron scattering and extra interactions'
1Neutron scattering and extra interactions.
Guillaume Pignol Valery Nesvizhevsky Konstantin
Rencontres des particules 2008 LAPTH
2The institute Laue-Langevin in Grenoble
European Synchrotron
- The ILL
- Nuclear core 53 MW
- The most intense neutron
- source in the world
3Optical and Ultra Cold Neutrons (UCN)
- Optical neutrons
- wavelength gt2 Å
- interaction with bulk matter described by a mean
potential (Fermi potential) 100 neV
10 MeV
Thermal neutrons
0.025 eV
Optical neutrons
100 neV
Ultra Cold Neutrons
velocity lt 7 m/s
4Slow neutrons and fundamental interactions
- Free neutrons feel all interactions very weakely
- Weak interaction
- ß decay 886 s
- Strong interaction
- Fermi potentials 100 neV
- Electromagnetism
- No electric charge
- B 1 T induce Zeeman split of 100 neV
- Gravity
- 1 m fall neutron increases its energy by 100
neV -
Neutrons can be very sensitive to new
5Extra short range interaction
We assume a new interaction between neutron and
nucleus with A nucleons
Mediated by a new light boson of mass M
High Energy Physics
Modification of gravity
6Extra short range interaction
If a new boson gets its mass by a Higgs
mechanism at the Electroweak scale
If the new boson travels in large flat extra
dimensions (ADD) the coupling is suppressed.
High Energy Physics
Modification of gravity
7Slow neutron scattering with extra interaction
- Coherent scattering length (Fermi)
- Isotropic
- Energy independant
- Scales as A1/3
- Not isotropic
- Energy dependant
- Scales as A
81 Simple nuclear model
We aim to exclude a contribution A in the set of
measured scattering lengths
Random potential model
Peskhin, Ringo, Am. J. Phys. 39 (1971)
- Square well potential for
- nuclear interaction
- Radius R x A1/3
- Random depth.
91 Simple nuclear model extra interaction
We repeated the analysis with an extra force
Additional parameter
Random potential model
102 Comparing forward and backward scattering
Interference measurement
Bragg diffraction measurement
- Measurements using interference method
- sensitive to the forward scattering amplitude
- one actually measures
- Measurements using Bragg-diffraction method
- sensitive to q 10 nm-1 scattering amplitude
- one actually measures
The two methods for measuring the scattering
lengths do not bear the same sensitivity to extra
112 Comparing forward and backward scattering
No difference is observed for the nuclei for
which both measures exist
123 Comparing forward scattering and total X-section
- Measurements using optical method
- sensitive to the forward scattering amplitude
- one actually measures
- Measurements using transmission method
- sensitive to the total cross-section at 1 eV
- one actually measures
This idea first appeared in Leeb and
Schmiedmayer, PRL 68 (1992)
133 Comparing forward scattering and total X-section
Very precise measurements exist for both methods,
on lead and bismuth nuclei. No deviation is
observed There is a hidden difficulty for
scattering at 1 eV, electromagnetic effects have
to be taken into account.
14Measuring asymmetry of scattering
Diluted noble gaz
Possible dedicated experiment
- Forward/Backward asymmetry of scattering at
noble gaz as a probe of new interactions - Can detect asymmetry of 10-3
- Must take into account Doppler thermal effect
- Neutron constraints on extra interactions are
several orders of magnitude better than those
usually cited in the range 1 pm 5 nm. - We provided several independant strategies
- neutron constraints are reliable.
- Dedicated experiment (asymmetry of scattering)
can easily improve the constraints by one order
of magnitude.
For the detailed analysis, see hep-ph/0711.2298
(accepted in Phys Rev D)