Title: Engaging with community and voluntary groups
1Engaging with community and voluntary groups
- Chris Church
- Community Environment Associates
2Community organisations and environmental action
- Most action on conservation and environment is
done by a network of some 4-5000 local and
national environmental organisations - The second major focus for environmental messages
is individuals (lifestyle change, lobbying etc.) - Yet there are some 750,000 community and
voluntary organisations across the UK
3Who is in the Voluntary and Community Sector
- Groups range from large to very small
- Wide range of national networks
- The National Association of Councils for
Voluntary Service link around 250,000 local
organisations through 295 CVSs - ACRE, Community Matters, the W.I., etc.
- Faith groups, youth groups, sports, etc etc.
- Little history of active engagement with green
4Why bother to try to increase VCS activity?
- The huge potential for much more action
- Overcoming the resistance of many communities to
engagement with environmental issues - People in these organisations are more likely to
trust one another and help each other much
individual environmental action stops at the
first blockage
5The need for community engagement
- Lasting and sustainable change requires action
on - Policy
- Infrastructure
- Community engagement and capacity
6The need for community engagement (2)
- These three are all linked it is difficult to
deliver change without action on all three.
7Community engagement Making it work
- Most community organisations are under-resourced
and over-stretched - They are working to deliver their core business
- So
- Understand their core purposes (Listen, dont
preach!) - Find ways to link your goals and theirs
- Remember that you are on their fringe and can
only more to their centre if they are really
interested - Work with existing networks
8An example of successful practiceLondon
Sustainability Weeks
- Now running for three years 2 weeks of action
- Over 450 events in June 2005
- 12 core partners, each with a network
- Partners include Social Enterprise London and
Civic Forum - Use the identity of London
- Link to existing work and initiatives by many
including local government - www.lsw2005.org www.London21.org
9A new programmeCommunity Action 2020
- A government programme to encourage and support
community groups and networks to engage in action
around sustainable development and work to
protect and improve their environment locally,
nationally and globally. - Part of the UK national Sustainable Development
10A new programmeCommunity Action 2020 (2)
- Seven key themes
- Tackling climate change
- Creating cleaner, safer, greener and healthier
communities - Reducing waste and recycling more
- Creating a fairer world
- Planning a better future
- Travelling wisely
- Promoting the concept of sustainable development
11A new programmeCommunity Action 2020 (3)
- Development work now being done
- 10 workshops
- Individual discussions
- Review of tool-kits, mentoring etc.
- Action plan by December 2005
- Launch in 2006
12So where would you start?
- Pick the community you live in
- Think of the organisations that exist there
- Pick a project youd like to engage them in
- How would you start?
- What would you need?
- What might be the problems?How would you set
success targets?