Title: Welcome to the launch of
1Welcome to the launch of Health Challenge Valleys
2- Dr Jane Layzell
- Health Improvement lead,
- HoV Strategic Programme
- Consultant in Public Health,
- National Public Health Service
3- Health Challenge Valleys what is it?
- added value health improvement activity within
the HoV Strategic Programme - support for professionals working in the HoV
area, enabling the least healthy communities to
improve their mental and physical health
4- Health Challenge Valleys activity
- promoting links between better health and the
natural / physical environment - appointment of a full time co-ordinator
- HCV network and website
- first steps to economic activity
5- Health Challenge Valleys what next?
- support for health improvement at Local Authority
policy/strategy level - new regional projects
- NB revenue v capital funding
- revamped Steering / Stakeholder Group
6Heads of the Valleys ProgrammePatrick Lewis
Director of Strategic Regeneration Heads of
the Valleys Programme, Welsh Assembly Government
7 8etc
9 10 11 12 13- Education, Skills Health
- SRF Funding Community Garden Food Co-ops,
Cookery Clubs, Cycle and walking routes through
the HOVP area, Valleys Walking Festival, E3
Schools programme, play facilities, climbing
walls, skate parks, rugby clubs, gyms etc
14- Public Confidence perception changing
15 Heads of the Valleys Programme, The Project
Office, Steelworks Road, Ebbw Vale, NP23 6AA
16 17Welcome (back) to the launch of Health Challenge
18Health improvement into regeneration
Dr. Tony Jewell Chief Medical Officer
19Health Challenge Wales
20Improving health and closing gaps A healthier
and fairer Wales
21Life expectancy for women
22Health Challenge Wales
23Turning Heads
24Health regeneration
- Health has a value in and of itself.
- Health also has a significant impact on economic
productivity. - People in poor health are less likely to work
and, when in work, are less productive. - ...a healthy population including healthy older
people can contribute very substantially to the
25Health Challenge Wales
- Health Challenge Wales is a call to everyone -
all people and organisations - to do as much as
they can to improve health. - Sharing responsibility for health
- Raising visibility of the issues
26Health Challenge Valleys
27Working together
28Climbing the steps to success
29Public Health Strategic Framework
- Improving quality and length of life and
improving equity of health - Public Health Strategic Framework strategic
focus on public health to 2020 - Set out clearly the nations ambitions for better
health and well being - Help to harness all of the strategic activity of
the Welsh Assembly Government and set it into a
public health context - Provide a vision to which all sectors in Welsh
society will be asked to contribute.
- Learn something today that you didnt know
- Meet colleagues that are in the same line of
business - Remember that peoples lives are affected by what
we do
31Diolch yn fawr Thank you very much
32- Maria Uren
- Health Improvement Co-ordinator
- Health Challenge Valleys
33- Ashley Gould
- Manager, Health Improvement Team
- Welsh Local Government Association
Regeneration Health Improvement Better Lives
- Regeneration
- places and people
- Health Improvement
- people and places
HCV better co-ordination for a better future
35- Confidence/Perception/Attitude/Pride
- Widen the net HoV Programme
- To tackle the health legacy ditto for HCV
- Recognise then Maximise
- Communities geographical and communities of
purpose HCVN and healthchallengevalleys.com is
for you!
36- Log on! www.healthchallangevalleys.com
- submit your profile check out the others
- get your health improving activity on the map
- spread the wwword to widen the HCVNetwork
- Engage, Engage, Engage !
- today using your HCV pads in your packs
- future via hcv_at_wlga.gov.uk join HCVN
None of us knows as much as all of us
37- Health Challenge Valleys
- maximising health gain
- through better co-ordination
- www.healthchallangevalleys.com
- hcv_at_wlga.gov.uk
- Maria Uren 029 2046 8680