Title: New Navigation Bar and Sub Design Overview
1New Navigation Bar and Sub Design Overview
2Mouse over button text (i) button highlights
(ii) subcategory list of text fade through below
navigation bar
Type Optimisations Equipment Dinghies
Storage Performance
Type Optimisations Equipment Dinghies
Storage Performance
Mouse over subcategory text button remains
highlighted and individual mouse over
subcategory text title bolds
3Type Optimisations Equipment Dinghies
Storage Performance
The subcategory text with no mouse over
remains or returns to normal text
Type Optimisations Equipment Dinghies
Storage Performance
Click and the text flashes blue
before presenting that subcategory
4Sub-categories titles
Construction Optimisations Equipment
Storage Performance Tenders
Left sided buttons should have their sub menu
items left justified i.e. up to maintenance
Boat care Equipment Techniques
Comfort Food Noise Shipshape
Provisioning Pests
Maintenance and harbours should have their sub
menu centred beneath their buttons (depending
on number)
Cruising Crew Security Berthing
Navigation Challenges Techniques
To be decided To be decided To be decided
To be decided To be decided
To be decided To be decided To be decided
To be decided To be decided
Passages to safety should all be right justified
Keeping afloat Crew Operations
Precautions Equipment Rescue
Construction Optimisations Equipment
Storage Performance Tenders
Boat care Equipment Techniques
Comfort Food Noise Shipshape
Provisioning Pests
Cruising Crew Security Berthing
Navigation Challenges Techniques
To be decided To be decided To be decided
To be decided To be decided
To be decided To be decided To be decided
To be decided To be decided
Keeping afloat Crew Operations
Precautions Equipment Rescue
13Harbours layout
To be decided To be decided To be decided
To be decided To be decided
TBD see overleaf
15I am thinking something like wit a drop shadow.
To select the seas or countries for information
search. Mouse over their area hot spots and the
seas highlight and name, click to then select.
Have you seen a good example of this anywhere?
16Passages layout
To be decided To be decided To be decided
To be decided To be decided
18(No Transcript)