How bad is selfish routing? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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How bad is selfish routing?


fe = ri The rate - the amount of flow from si to ti. f is feasible if for all i ... And le*(fe) is 2aefe be. ... function e is of the form le(fe) = aex. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: bad | fe | paths | routing | selfish


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: How bad is selfish routing?

How bad is selfish routing?
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The problem
  • We are given
  • Network.
  • Rate of traffic between nodes.
  • Latency time.
  • We should route the traffic such that the sum of
    all travel time is minimized.
  • Difficult aspect when link traverse is

  • Finding optimal routing is difficult or even
  • No network regulations.
  • Users are purely selfish, but not malicious.
  • Users know the links congestions.
  • In other words Network routing is no-cooperative
    game and the routes form Nash-Equilibrium.
  • Most of the time each user/agent controls
    negligible fraction of the traffic.

Brasss Paradox
  • Consider the following network When 1 (divided
    to many fractions and agents) unit of flow need
    to be routed.
  • In the upper network, Nash equilibrium Which is
    the optimal flow is half of the traffic goes up
    and half down. Total latency time is 10.51.5
  • In the lower network, we added 0 edge. The new
    optimal flow does not change, but Nashs flow is
    s-gtv-gtw-gtt. And the total latency is 112

  • Directed network Graph G(V,E) V-vertex,
  • K source-destination vertex pairs s1,t1 ..
  • f i is a set of simple si-ti path. f Ui f i.
  • A flow f f -gt
  • fe
  • ri The rate - the amount of flow from si to
  • f is feasible if for all i
  • Each edge e has latency function le()
  • The latency of path p with flow s is
  • le is non-negative, continuous and
  • The cost C(f) of flow f is
  • The Cost ca also be written as

Flows and Nash equilibrium, definition
  • Flows behave selfishly and greedily
  • Definition A flow f in G is at Nash equilibrium
    if for all i ?1, . . . , k, P 1 , P 2 ? P i ,
    and d ?0, fP1 , we have lP1 (f) lt lP2 (ƒ),
    where ƒp is
  • If PP1 fp- d
  • If PP2 fp d
  • Else fp
  • And of course we let d -gt0

Flows and Nash equilibrium
  • Lemma 1 A flow f is at Nash equilibrium if and
    only if for every i ? 1, . . . , k and P1,P2?P
    i with fP1 gt 0, lP1(f) lt lP2 (f).
  • Conclusion if f is at Nash equilibrium then the
    latencies of all paths from si to ti (that have
    positive flow), Li(f), are equal.
  • Lemma 2 If f is feasible flow at Nash
    equilibrium then
  • The definition correspond to pure strategy since
    every agent is negligible fraction from the

Optimal flow
  • We should find the minimum of
  • Subject to (NLP)
  • fpgt0
  • Where ce(fe)le (fe)fe
  • This is a non-linear program (NLP).

Local optimal flow
  • We expect a flow to be locally optimal if and
    only if moving flow from one path to another
    increase the total flow.
  • In other words the gradient on any path from
    si-ti should be no greater then any other paths
    gradient from si-ti.
  • By applying Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Theorem we know
    that local optima coincide global optima in
    convex function.
  • Let
  • Lemma 3 A flow f is optimal for a convex
    program of the form (NLP) if and only if for
    every i ? 1, . . . , k and P1,P2 ? f i with fP1
    gt 0, cP1(f) cP2(f).
  • We can see the similarity to Nash equilibrium.
    Optimal flow can be regarded as an Nash
    equilibrium with respect to latency function c.
  • Lemma 4 A network G with continuous,
    non-decreasing latency functions admits a
    feasible flow at Nash equilibrium. Moreover, if
    f, f are flows at Nash equilibrium, then C(f)

General latency function
  • For network G admitting an optimal flow f and a
    flow at Nash equilibrium f, we denote the ratio
    C(f)/C(f) by ? ?(G, r, l)
  • Braesss paradox ? 2/1.5 4/3.
  • In this new simple example Nash-(0,1), optimal
    (½, ½) -gt ?1/0.754/3.
  • If the function is not linear, Xk. optimal flow
    assign (k1)(-1/k) on the lower link. The total
    latency is 1-k(k1)(k1)/k, that tends to 0
    if k-gt 8.
  • We will consider what happens if we increase the
    r. when rgt1, 1 unit of flow will be routed in
    the lower link and r-1 in the upper.
  • We will show that the optimal flows latency of
    2r is not less then the latency at Nash
    equilibrium with rate r.

General latency function
  • Theorem If f is a flow at Nash equilibrium for
    (G, r, l) and f is feasible for (G, 2r, l), then
    C(f) lt C(f).
  • Proof Suppose we have f, f. The cost of the
    flow is
  • We will define a close latency that can easily
    lower bound the cost
  • le(x)
  • le(fe) if xltfe
  • le(x) if xgtfe

General latency function
  • We compare f under l to the original l (C(f)).
  • For any edge e, le(x) - le(x) is zero for x gt fe
    and bounded above by le(fe) for x lt fe, so
    xle(x) - le(x) lt le(fe)fe.
  • On the other hand, if f0 denotes the zero flow in
    G, then by construction lP(f0) gtLi(f) for any
    path p. and therefore lP(f)gtLi(f) for each path
  • The cost of f with respect to l can be bounded
  • Which leads to
  • That can be generalized if f is Nash eq at
    (G,r,l) and f at (g,(1d),l) then C(f)ltC(f)/

Linear latency
  • Linear latency le(fe) aefebe for ae,begt0.
  • The total latency is Se aefe2befe.
  • Since aegt0 then (NLP) is convex. And le(fe) is
  • Lemma 5 Let (G, r, l) be an instance with edge
    latency functions leaex be for each e ? E.
  • (a) a flow f is at Nash equilibrium in G if and
    only if for each i and P,Pi ? f i with fP gt
  • (b) a flow f is (globally) optimal in G if and
    only if for each i and P,Pi ? f i with fP gt 0
  • Conclusion Let G be a network in which each edge
    latency function e is of the form le(fe) aex.
    Then for any rate vector r, a flow feasible for
    (G, r,l) is optimal if and only if it is at Nash

Linear latency
  • Lemma 6 Suppose (G, r, l) has linear latency
    functions and f is a flow at Nash equilibrium.
  • (a) the flow f/2 is optimal for (G, r/2, l)
  • (b) the marginal cost of increasing the flow on a
    path P with respect to f/2 equals the latency of
    P with respect to f.
  • Proof (b) If edge e has latency function le(x)
    aex be then e has marginal cost function le(x)
    2aex be. Thus, le(fe/2) le (fe) for each
    edge e and hence lp (f/2) lp(f) for each path

Linear latency
  • Lemma 7 Suppose (G, r, l) is an instance with
    linear latency functions for which f is an
    optimal flow. Let Li (f) be the minimum
    marginal cost of increasing flow on an si-ti path
    with respect to f. Then for any d gt 0, a
    feasible flow for the problem instance (G,
    (1d)r, l) has cost at least
  • Proof fix d gt 0, suppose f is feasible for
    (G,(1d)r,l). fe may be smaller or larger then
    fe. x le(x) aex2bex implies that
  • le (fe)fe gt le (fe)fe (fe - fe) le
  • (fe - fe)le(fe) is a bound to the cost of
    changing the flow value (if fegtfe it
    underestimate the increasing, and if feltfe it
    overestimate the decreasing)
  • Since Li (f) is minimal (unless fp0), we

Linear latency
  • Theorem If (G, r, l) has linear latency
    functions, then ?(G, r, l) 4/3.
  • Proof
  • f-Nash equilibrium flow. Li(f) is latency on
    si-ti so
  • f/2 is optimal solution to (G, r/2,l), and
    Li(f/2) Li(f) (lemma 6).
  • Now we will lower bound f/2

  • We have some Drawback in practice
  • agents can often only evaluate path latency
    approximately, rather than exactly.
  • We typically expect to encounter a finite number
    of agents, each controlling a strictly positive
    amount of flow.

  • We cant expect agents to evaluate latency with
    arbitrary precision.
  • We estimate that agents can distinguish between
    latencies that differ in more than 1e, we change
  • Definition A flow f in G is e-approximate Nash
    equilibrium if for all i?1, . . . , k, P 1 , P
    2 ? P i , and d ?0, fP1 , we have lP1(f) lt
    (1e) lP2(ƒ), where ƒp is
  • If PP1 fp- d
  • If PP2 fp d
  • Else fp
  • Lemma 8 A flow f is at e-approximate Nash
    equilibrium if and only if for every i ? 1, . .
    . , k and P1,P2?P i with fP1 gt 0, lP1(f) lt
    (1e) lP2 (f).
  • Conclusion if f is at e-approximate Nash
    equilibrium for (G,r,l) and f is feasible for
    (G,2r,l) the C(f)lt(1e)C(f)

  • In practice we dont have infinite number of
    agents,but finitely many agents, each of whom
    controls a strictly positive amount of flow. we
    allow an agent to split flow along any number of
  • The changes are
  • k agents. We assume that agent i intends to send
    ri units of flow from source si to destination
  • We call the instance (G,r,l) finite splittable.
  • A flow f now consists of k functions, with one
    function f(i) f i -gtR
  • For a flow f, we denote by Ci(f).
  • A flow f is at Nash equilibrium if and only if
    for each i, f(i) minimizes Ci(f) given f(j) for j
    ! i.
  • If f is at Nash equilibrium for the finite
    splittable instance (G, r, l), and f is feasible
    for the finite splittable instance (G, 2r, l),
    then C(f)ltC(f).

Extensions(3) unsplittable flow
  • A flow f (now consisting only of k paths) is at
    Nash equilibrium if and only if for each i, agent
    i routes its flow on a path minimizing P (f),
    given the paths chosen by the other k - 1 agents.
  • Example 2 agents,
  • optimal 1-(s,v,t), 2-(s,w,t) total cost less
    then 4, (it also Nash)
  • Nash 1-(s,v,w,t) 2- (s,t). Cost defends on e,

Extensions(3) unsplittable flow
  • A flow f (now consisting only of k paths) is at
    Nash equilibrium if and only if for each i, agent
    i routes its flow on a path minimizing P (f),
    given the paths chosen by the other k - 1 agents.
  • Example 2 agents,
  • optimal 1-(s,v,t), 2-(s,w,t) total cost less
    then 4, (it also Nash)
  • Nash 1-(s,v,w,t) 2- (s,t). Cost defends on e,

Extensions(3) unsplittable flow
  • This example was very bad for routing, because
    routing a strictly positive amount of additional
    flow on an edge may increase the latency of that
    edge by an arbitrarily large amount.
  • If the largest possible change in edge latency
    resulting from a single agent rerouting its flow
    is not too large, we can conclude
  • Theorem Suppose f is at Nash equilibrium in the
    finite unsplittable instance (G, r, l), and for
    some a lt 2, we have le(xri) lt a le(x) for all
    agents i ? 1, . . . , k, edges e ? E, and x ?
    0,sum(rj j!i) . Then for any flow f
    feasible for (G, 2r, l), C(f) lt a C(f).
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