Decisions in an Uncertain World: A Real Options Framework

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Decisions in an Uncertain World: A Real Options Framework


The cost of any upgrade/downgrade at a node, times the probability of arriving at that node ... This represents a downgrade to save on maintenance costs, when ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Decisions in an Uncertain World: A Real Options Framework

Decisions in an Uncertain World A Real Options
The Problem
  • Military is faced with a highly uncertain,
    rapidly changing environment
  • Current military acquisition strategy plans for
    most likely outcome
  • Leads to integrated, inflexible systems
  • Often impossible or very expensive to adapt
  • Need a decision making methodology that takes
    uncertainty into account
  • Put dollar amount on the value of flexibility and
  • Consider true lifecycle costs when faced with
    changing and uncertain resource requirements

Real Options
  • Real Options is a business framework for
    assessing costs in uncertain situations
  • An option is the right, but not the obligation,
    to take an action in the future
  • Example Options
  • Flexibility options remaining flexible for
    future decisions.
  • Learning options allowing future decision
    conditional on learning from experiments.
  • Waiting-to-invest options allowing to invest in
    the future.
  • Exit options allowing to walk away if conditions
  • Options assign value to flexibility

Real Options
  • But Traditional Real Options not appropriate for
    Military Acquisitions
  • evaluates only a single buy/sell decision, not a
    complete acquisition strategy
  • Can be opaque
  • Assumes that future scenarios will cluster evenly
    around an average value (i.e. a bell curve
    distribution of possible future values)

Solution Real Options For Defense
  • Handles the impact of rare but significant or
    catastrophic events on costs and strategy
  • Provides transparent analysis
  • Estimates true cost of existing/alternate
    acquisition strategies (e.g. planning for
    most-likely or worst-case scenarios)
  • Discovers the optimal upgrade/downgrade strategy
  • Handles complexity in a manageable way

Solution Real Options For Defense
  • Key Demonstrated Results
  • Strategies that commit to an immediate course of
    action in an attempt to cover all possible future
    scenarios (e.g. planning for most-likely or worst
    case scenario) have hidden costs
  • In an uncertain world, strategies that wait and
    adapt to current circumstances perform better
  • As uncertainty increases, integrated systems,
    which lack flexibility, grow quickly in cost
    relative to modular systems

  • Focus on example case of Power Supply acquisition
    for a Navy Ship
  • Represent predicted future power requirements as
    a lattice of potential values
  • Lattice greatly increases transparency
  • Visualization of decision points and results
  • Makes underlying distribution of values discrete
  • Input to Model ships current power
    requirements, and a description of how they
    should vary over time
  • Can use arbitrary distribution, builds on Jeff
    Cares work

Example Ships Power Requirements Over Time
Example Ships Power Requirements Over Time
  • Top node represents current power requirements
  • Each level in the lattice represents alternative
    possible power requirements for the following
  • Timestep arbitrary length of time (day, week,
    month, year) depending on desired lattice
  • 50/50 chance of progressing from a node to either
    of its children
  • In this example, theres a 50 chance of having
    power needs of 99 in third timestep, but only 25
    chance of 54 or 635, because there are 2 paths
    from top node to 99 and only one to 54 or 635.
  • Notice that numbers change relatively little
    between timesteps on left, dramatically between
    those on right. This represents possibility of
    rare but significant events.
  • Next slide shows same lattice extended by one
    timestep. This lattice will be used in next
    couple examples

Example Additional Timestep
Defining The Acquisiton Environment
  • In order to evaluate alternative acquisition
    strategies for fulfilling current and future
    power needs, need to know what power supplies are
  • Power Supplies defined by
  • Power Level provided
  • Purchase cost
  • Maintenance cost per timestep
  • Also need to know cost of transitioning between
    two power supplies (cost of an upgrade or
  • Represents cost of installation and possible
    overhaul of other ship systems for compatibility
  • Assume power requirements in lattice are minimum
    requirements, and must be met. There is a penalty
    for last minute upgrades (in following example,
    we assume a 10x penalty over standard upgrade

Available Power Supplies
Normal Upgrade/Downgrade Cost
Last Minute Upgrade Cost
Assessing Alternate Strategies
  • In the following set of slides well compare a
    number of alternative strategies for acquiring
    power supplies to satisfy the predicted power
    needs in the lattice
  • Worst-case scenario strategy
  • Most-likely case strategy
  • Optimal strategy (as discovered by the model)

Building for the Worst Case
  • Worst case strategy immediately purchases power
    supply to cover worst case predicted future power
  • In the example lattice, worst case power needs
    are 1200 (bottom right node in lattice)
  • Only Power Supply 3 (1200) provides enough power,
    so we purchase Power Supply 3
  • Results on next slide

Build For Worst Case
Total Expected Cost3592
315 1200
Build For Worst Case
  • Power requirements shown in white (as before)
  • Power provided by power supply at that node shown
    in black.
  • Since we always have enough power to cover needs
    we never upgrade, so power provided is always
  • Notice that in the majority of the lattice we are
    significantly over-prepared for our power needs
  • Paying purchase and maintenance costs that are
    higher than we need

Calculating Expected Cost
  • Expected cost is the sum of
  • The initial purchase cost
  • The cost of any upgrade/downgrade at a node,
    times the probability of arriving at that node
  • The cost of maintenance when leaving a node,
    times the probability of arriving at that node
  • The average of total lifecycle cost over all
    possible outcomes
  • All future costs discounted to current value
    using standard formula
  • Cost cost/(1-discountRate)Timestep
  • We used discountRate 0.1, but any rate could be
  • Additional details in final report

Build for Most Likely Case
  • This strategy looks at what power needs are most
    likely to be in the future, and immediately
    purchases the cheapest supply that meets those
  • In our example lattice, needs are most likely to
    be between 69 and 177
  • Power supply 2 provides 800 power, cheapest
    supply that meets those needs
  • Results on next slide

Build For Most Likely Case
Total Expected Cost 2614 (Worst Case 3592)
Red quick upgrade
Build for Most Likely Case
  • Power requirements shown in white (as before)
  • Power provided by power supply at that node shown
    in black.
  • Less overprepared than in worst case lower
    expected cost
  • BUT Notice that the bottom right node is bright
    red. This represents a last minute upgrade. The
    node requires 1200 power, but we came into the
    node with only 800, forcing an immediate costly
  • We pay a penalty for being unprepared

Optimal Strategy
  • Model looks at available power supplies and
    predicted power needs to determine optimal
    acquisition strategy
  • Use an approach called dynamic programming to
    search for best of all possible strategies
    (details in final report)
  • Does not attempt to meet all needs up front.
    Looks opportunistically for upgrade and downgrade

Lowest Expected Cost
Total Expected Cost 1788 (Worst Case 3592)
(Most Likely Case 2614)
Dark Blue downgrade Light red normal upgrade
Optimal Strategy
  • Power requirements shown in white (as before)
  • Power provided by power supply at that node shown
    in black.
  • Lowest cost of all three strategies
  • Notice dark blue node. This represents a
    downgrade to save on maintenance costs, when
    future power needs likely to be low
  • Notice light red node. This represents an upgrade
    to prepare for a likely increase in future power

Results and Implications
  • Optimal strategy significantly cheaper than worst
    case and most likely case
  • 50 savings over worst case planning
  • 32 savings over most likely case planning
  • This is because the optimal strategy is flexible
    in the face of uncertainty
  • Worst case and most likely case attempt to cover
    all future possibilities immediately
  • Optimal strategy waits for more to be known about
    future resource needs, then adapts accordingly
  • Flexible approach allows optimal strategy to
    downgrade to save on maintenance costs and to
    upgrade in anticipation of increased power needs
  • Less over-prepared
  • Not caught unprepared

Custom Strategies
  • Besides finding the optimal strategy, our model
    can be used to generate and evaluate custom
    acquisition strategies
  • Worst case and Most likely case strategies are
    specific examples
  • Allows user to specify acquisition behavior at
    any or all points in the lattice
  • Pick a specific power supply to be used at a node
  • Request no upgrades or downgrades occur at a node
  • Leave node unconstrained (tool picks optimal
  • In the example on the next slide the user
    constrains the top node of the lattice to use
    Power Supply 3 (1200 power)
  • Power Supply 2 (800 power) was used by optimal

Custom Strategy 1
Total Expected Cost 3383 (Optimal
1788) (Worst Case 3592) (Most Likely Case
99 1200
Node constrained to use power supply 1200
315 1200
54 75
99 1200
635 1200
Dark Blue downgrade Light red normal upgrade
Custom Strategy 2
  • As shown on slide 22, the optimal strategy
    upgrades power supplies in preparation for a
    likely increase in future power needs
  • The user might decide that they prefer waiting
    and upgrading at the last minute, despite the
    higher cost
  • As shown on the next slide, this strategy can be
    created by constraining the node at which the
    upgrade occurs to using the incoming power supply

Custom Strategy 2
Total Expected Cost 2583 (Optimal
1788) (Worst Case 3592) (Most Likely Case
99 800
315 800
Node constrained to Keeping incoming supply
54 75
99 800
635 800
1200 1200
Dark Blue downgrade Red quick upgrade
Custom Strategies
  • Custom strategies allow the user to
  • evaluate the cost of suggested strategies
  • Modify the optimal strategy when the user would
    like to make different trade-offs than the model
  • get a better understanding of the ways in which a
    suggested strategy will play out, and where the
    costs are coming from

Custom Strategies
  • In many real world scenarios the optimal result
    may not be the right one to implement
  • Optimal strategy does not take qualitative
    factors (e.g. political implications, personnel
    implications, difficulty of implementation) into
  • But, these qualitative factors often contribute
    significantly to the overall success of a
  • Sometimes it makes sense to pay more (use a
    suboptimal strategy) if it leads to higher
    overall likelihood of success
  • Ability to specify custom/suboptimal strategy
    allows the user to see how much an extra comfort
    zone or increased probability of success would
    cost them

Modular vs Integrated Systems
  • Following set of examples demonstrates models
    ability to explore impact of available resources
    (e.g. ship Power Supplies) on acquisition
    strategy and costs
  • Specifically look at influence of modular systems
    vs integrated systems on lifecycle costs
  • Assume integrated systems are somewhat cheaper to
    build/purchase initially, but prohibitively
    expensive to adapt
  • Assume modular systems are somewhat more
    expensive to build/purchase, but are specifically
    designed to be adaptable (i.e. cheap upgrades and
  • Will use a lattice extended to 6 timesteps (next

Example Ships Power Requirements Over Time
Standard System
  • Start with a default case. Standard system is not
    impossible to adapt, but was not designed with
    adaptation in mind
  • Provides a point of comparison for modular and
    highly integrated systems
  • Available power supplies for standard system
    shown on next slide
  • Last minute transitions not shown, but assumed to
    still be 10x standard transition cost

Available Power Supplies Standard System
Normal Upgrade
Standard System
  • Next slide shows optimal strategy and expected
    cost for standard system
  • To simplify the lattice, only the power provided
    by the equipped supply is shown, but power needed
    at the node remains the same (see slide 26)
  • Dark Blue nodes represent a downgrade
  • Light Red nodes represent an upgrade

Standard System
Total Expected Cost 5142
Modular System
  • Next, we look at a set of power supplies designed
    to be modular (i.e. cheap to upgrade or
  • We assume that each modular supply costs 50 more
    than its standard counterpart
  • Represents the initial cost of designing
    components to be easily adapted and exchanged
  • Transition costs are assumed to be low (50) and
    uniform between all supplies
  • Available supplies and transition costs shown on
    next slide
  • Changes from standard system shown in bold
  • Last minute transitions remain 10x

Available Power Supplies Modular System
Normal Upgrade
Modular System
  • Next slide shows optimal strategy and expected
    cost for modular system
  • To simplify the lattice, only the power provided
    by the equipped supply is shown, but power needed
    at the node remains the same (see slide 26)
  • Dark Blue nodes represent a downgrade
  • Light Red nodes represent an upgrade
  • Dark Red nodes represent a quick upgrade

Modular System
Total Expected Cost 3041
(Standard Cost 5142)
400, 800,4000
400, 800,4000
Modular System
  • Despite 50 higher initial purchase costs,
    modular system has lower expected cost than
    standard system
  • Since modular system is designed to be adaptable,
    last minute upgrades are no longer prohibitively
  • Modular system can afford to wait until more is
    known about power needs, only upgrading to costly
    system when it is definitely needed (i.e.
    investing in modularity buying a waiting
  • Able to rapidly adapt to changing environment

Highly Integrated System
  • Finally, we look at a set of power supplies
    designed to be highly integrated
  • We assume that each integrated supply costs 50
    less than its standard counterpart
  • Represents savings in efficiency of highly
    integrated designs
  • Transition costs are assumed to be extremely high
    (10,000) and uniform between all supplies
  • Essentially have to scrap and redesign system
  • Available supplies and transition costs shown on
    next slide
  • Changes from standard system shown in bold
  • Last minute transitions remain 10x

Available Power Supplies Integrated System
Normal Upgrade
Highly Integrated System
  • Next slide shows optimal strategy and expected
    cost for integrated system
  • To simplify the lattice, only the power provided
    by the equipped supply is shown, but power needed
    at the node remains the same (see slide 26)
  • Dark Blue nodes represent a downgrade
  • Light Red nodes represent an upgrade
  • Dark Red nodes represent a quick upgrade

Highly Integrated System
Total Expected Cost 6193
(Standard Cost 5142)
(Modular Cost 3041)
Results and Implications
  • Expected cost of modular system was lower than
    both the standard (default) and highly integrated
  • Expected cost 41 lower than standard system
  • Expected cost 51 lower than integrated system
  • Modular had lowest total lifecycle costs even
    though initial costs were 1.5x those for standard
    system and 3x those for the integrated system
  • Modular system outperformed other two because it
    allowed for rapid, flexible responses to changes
    in the environment

Less Uncertain World
  • In a world where future needs are known with
    relative accuracy, a modular system may not have
    an advantage
  • The following lattice has a much smaller range of
    predicted values for power needs than our
    previous example
  • We will look at the modular and highly integrated
    systems again, this time using the new lattice of
    resource needs

Example Less Uncertain World
Highly Integrated System
Total Expected Cost 968
Modular System
Total Expected Cost 1165
(Integrated Cost 968)
Implications and Results
  • In this case, the integrated system had a
    somewhat lower cost than the modular
  • When the future is known, there is less need for
  • Model handles tradeoff between purchase cost and

  • Real Options For Defense
  • Values flexibility
  • Incorporates lifecycle costs
  • Under both common and rare conditions
  • Manages complexity transparently
  • Estimates true cost of existing/alternate
    acquisition strategies
  • Discovers the optimal acquisition and
    upgrade/downgrade strategy

The Tool
The Tool
  • Icosystem has provided a model of Real Options
    for Defense, as previously described
  • Includes Graphical User Interface (GUI)
  • Allows for extensive user input and interaction

  • Center of tool displays the models lattice
  • Nodes color coded to indicate upgrades and
  • color code identical to that in this presentation
  • Dark Red quick upgrade
  • Light Red upgrade
  • Blue downgrade
  • Right side panel allows choice of what to display
    in node
  • Power needed at node
  • Expected cost of this node
  • Probability of reaching this node
  • Power supply at node
  • Hovering over a node displays all node information

The GUI - Probability of Node
  • User can choose to have each node display its

  • Right side panel also displays critical results
    of model analysis
  • Min, mean, max expected cost
  • Min, mean, max expected upgrades/downgrades
  • Min, mean, max expected quick upgrades
  • Left side panel can be browsed to view current
    available power supplies and their transition

Results Display
Left Side Panel
  • Users can double click any node to alter strategy
    at that node
  • Pick specific power supply to be used at this
  • Request no upgrades/downgrades at this node
  • Leave node unconstrained
  • User can alter probability of going from node to
    its children (normally 50/50)
  • User can also use buttons in right side panel to
    constrain all nodes to using incoming supply or
    to reset all nodes to unconstrained
  • Allows user to focus on changing strategy only at
    specific nodes they care about

Interaction - Custom Strategy
  • Nodes constrained by user are outlined in black

  • Buttons in right side panel allow user to see
    results of optimal, worst case, and most likely
    strategies on this lattice
  • User can choose one of three underlying
    distributions to generate the lattice
  • Normal (bell curve)
  • Log normal
  • Power law (as seen in this presentation)

Right Side Panel
  • GUI significantly increases usability of ROD
  • Previous work on Real Options mostly theoretical
  • at best, provided users with Excel spreadsheets
    and equations
  • often required them to work out complicated
    calculations and decision trees by hand
  • ROD makes it extremely easy for the user not only
    to quickly analyze a variety of potential
    acquisition scenarios, but to actually see where
    the costs in those scenarios are coming from.
  • Models user interface allows users to
  • explore multiple acquisition strategies,
    including custom strategies
  • View many different aspects of results (e.g.
    overall expected cost, expected cost of
    individual nodes, locations of upgrades and

Directions From Here
  • Trade-offs between multiple components, and
    multiple sources of uncertainty
  • Components that arent mutually exclusive (e.g.
    adding armor on top of existing armor)
  • Accounting for interdependencies between
    subsystems (e.g. engine and power supply)
  • Joint analysis of research and acquisition
  • Research outcomes interact with acquisition
  • Incorporate changes in cost and availability of
    components over time (e.g. improvements in
    manufacturing process)
  • Transition and purchase costs change over time
  • Automatically achieving cost and performance
  • Find parameters that achieve given cost goal,
    e.g. find closest maintenance costs that get us
    below cost X
  • Allowing for strategic re-evaluation
  • Inputting actual state of world at future time
    points into lattice to update strategy
  • Going beyond acquisitions
  • Applying ROD to other aspects of military
    decision-making (e.g. recruiting, budgeting,
    research investment)
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