- King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
- Saudi Arabia
- April 2002
- S. J. Piccinin, Ph.D.
Feedback and Criticism
3Feedback - Definition
- Information about current or past
behaviour/performance fed back to an individual
by someone else (peer, coach, supervisor). - Ilger, Fisher, Taylor, 1979
4Criticism - Definition
- To communicate evaluative information to others
in a way that enables them to use it to their
advantage and benefit.
5Types of Criticism
6Theoretical Approaches to Giving
- Should be primarily descriptive (neo-progressive
view) (client-centred) - Should be evaluative (neo-traditionalist view)
(supervisor-centred) - Should be collaborative (revisionist) (sharing of
responsibility for and ownership of the appraisal)
7Why Does Negative Feedback/Criticism Seem So Much
More Powerful than Positive?
- Attribution Theory
- Biological Theory
8Effective Feedback / Criticism General
- Solicited
- Given with attentiveness caring, respect
- Well timed
- Clear, direct
- Specific, behavioural
- Best given in context of a relationship
- Directed only at behaviour that can be changed
- Rounded
- Positives first
- Overall effect is supportive
- Direction for improvement suggested
- Accurate
9Verbal Components in Giving Criticism
- I statements
- Specificity
- Clarity
- Check for understanding
- Empathy
- Suggestions
- Cushion the negative
- Control emotion
10Verbal Components in Receiving Criticism
- Paraphrase
- Ask for precision
- Agree - Disagree
- State your intention
- Correct misperception
- Set limits
11Giving and Receiving Criticism Non Verbal
- Gestures
- Distance
- Word fluency
- Time and place
- Eye contact
- Voice
- Facial expression
- Body posture
12Prior to Giving Feedback / Criticism
- What is the object of the criticism?
- What is my objective or goal?
- Is change possible?
- What change is desired?
- How can empathy be expressed?
- Is the time and place right?
13Prior to Giving Criticism
- Criticism is necessary
- No one is PERFECT
- Understand BEFORE responding
- Criticism is directed at BEHAVIOUR
14Beliefs About Criticism
Counterproductive beliefs
Giving Criticism
Receiving Criticism
15Feedback and Criticism
Comments most frequently heard from students
- Not enough
- Not soon enough
- Not useable - usually not specific enough
- Not rounded
- Evaluative / interpretive rather than descriptive
- Too much all at once
16Feedback and Criticism
What can Professors do?
What can students do?
17Feedback and CriticismWhat can Professors do?
- Give only as much as student can use(more
frequent - less at a time) - Check for understanding
- Model asking for feedback / criticism
- Model receivingfeedback / criticism
- Develop skills
- Check your attitude
- Providefeedback / criticism more frequently
- Provide it sooner
- Be more descriptive
- Be more specific
- Make it more rounded
18Feedback / CriticismWhat can students do?
- Request it more frequently
- Make request more specific
- Develop skills of giving and receiving?
- Check attitudes?
19Feedback - Definition
- Verbal or non verbal communication (to a person
or group) providing them with information as to
how their behaviour is affecting you, or the
state of your here-and-now feelings and
perceptions. - Can also be a reaction by others their
perceptions or feelings as to how your behaviour
is affecting them.
20Criteria for Effective Feedback
- Enhances learning
- Increases motivation
- Enhances self-esteem
- Deepens relationship
21Feedback Statements
- Descriptive you are frowning and your hands are
clenched in a fist. - Interpretive You are angry with me.
- Evaluative you shouldnt be so angry
22Feedback Exercise
- Â You did not make it clearÂ
23Feedback Exercise
- You sure were a loudmouth in that meeting today
24Feedback Exercise
- Your presentation was rather disorganised
25Feedback Exercise
- Your eye contact was poor
26Feedback Exercise
27Feedback Exercise
- I think you could have given the students a
break. They probably find you inconsiderate
28Feedback Exercise
- In looking over this test, what items do you have
uncertainties about?
29Feedback Exercise
- I was really hurt yesterday when you ignored me.
30Feedback Exercise
- Students in other classes have seen me as a good
31Feedback Exercise
- What a stupid thing to do. I have never seen such
a poor performance.
32Feedback Exercise
- Thats a terrible piece of work. You just cant
write. Im afraid you are doomed in this course!
33Feedback Exercise
- If you had to ask that question, it sure suggests
that you dont know much. Youve got a long way
to go in this program
34Feedback Exercise
- I found your paper well structured and organized.
The presentation and clarity were also excellent.
The overall grade would have been better if I had
found references included to the recent work of
______ and ____.
35Feedback Exercise
- You are a likeable person.
36Feedback Exercise
37Feedback Exercise
- Youre pretty touchy today
38Giving and Receiving FeedbackThe Johari Model