Title: Nalin Pradeep Senthamil Masters Student, ECE Dept.
1Nalin Pradeep Senthamil Masters Student, ECE
- Advisor,
- Dr Stan Birchfield
- Committee Members,
- Dr Adam Hoover, Dr Brian Dean
2Accurate Tracking of Non-Rigid Objects using
Level Sets
- Clemson University, Clemson, SC USA
- Accepted in ICCV, 2009
- Tracking Overview
- Literature
- Proposed Approach
- Object Fragmentation
- Region Growing Mechanism
- GMM modeling (feature-spatial)
- Level Set Framework
- Fragment Motion using Joint-KLT
- Results
- Conclusion
4Tracking Overview
- Idea Obtain Trajectories over time to locate
object - Three Main Categories
- Point Tracking Kalman, Particle filters
- Kernel Tracking Collins et al (linear RGB),
Comaniciu (Mean-Shift) - Contour Tracking Shah et al, Cremers et al
- Applied to Surveillance Vessel, human, vehicle
etc - Why not internet videos ? 65,000 videos get
uploaded in YouTube everyday (rich market)
- Linear RGB Collins et al. 2003
- Ada-boost classifier Avidan 2005
- Fragments based fixed size Adam et al. 2006
- Key-point Feature learning Grabner et al. 2007
- Shape priors Cremers et al. 2006
- Contour tracking using texture Shah et al 2005
- Limitations
- Ignore secondary cues such as multimodality
- Lack in determining accurate object shape
- Usually non-contour based techniques drift during
occlusion - Often ignore spatial arrangement of pixels
6Algorithm Block Diagram
Update made at each frame
7Object Fragmentation
- Region Growing Mechanism
- Random pixel selected from mask fragment (f)
- Neighboring pixels added to (f) within G (std
deviation) - Gaussian Model of (f) updated
- Each (f) represents a Gaussian ellipsoid
- Both Object and background are fragmented
8Object Modeling (GMM)
Joint feature-spatial space,
9Strength Map
ve for FGND -ve for BKGND
10Level Set Framework
- Level Set is numerical technique for fitting
contour - Level Set on 2D image is viewed as 3D function
- Contour in level set identified at zero level
11Level Set for strength map
- In general, Level set evolution defined by
- Gradient Descent Iteration
Strength Image
Contour (zero level set)
Strength Image
Divergence operator
12Level-Set Evolution
- Iterations using Elmo strength map
- Curve can grow inward and outward
- Figure shows for first frame as example
- Curve evolves from previous contours in
subsequent tracking
13Fragment Motion
- Joint-KLT Combines algorithms of KLT and HS
- Hence,
- Used to align coordinate system of object and
model fragments - Increases accuracy of strength map
data term
smoothness term
14Fragment Motion (contd.)
- N features tracked in each fragment are
averaged - Motion of each fragment gives prior information
before computing strength map - Drastic motion can be addressed
15Results - Videos
16Shape Matching
- Hausdorff metric is mathematical measure to
compare two sets of points - Application in Occlusion Handling and Shape
a and b are two point sets
17Occlusion Handling
- Rate of decrease in object size determines
occlusion - Contour shapes learnt online is used to
hallucinate during occlusion - Best shape is identified using Hausdorff distance
metric - Previously learnt subsequent shapes are
hallucinated during occlusion
18Results Occlusion Videos
19Results More Comparison Videos
20Quantitative Comparison
Walk Behind
Elmo Doll
Girl Circle
Average Normalized error obtained against
ground-truth of sequences at every 5 frames.
- Tracking algorithm based on modeling object and
background with mixture of Gaussians - Simple and efficient region growing mechanism to
achieve fast computation - Embedding strength map into Level-Set Framework
- Joint KLT introduced in the framework to improve
accuracy - Future Work
- Robust shape prior learning and matching
- Self-occlusion handling for unknown fragments
22Alternative Tracking Framework (outline)
- Overview
- Proposed Approach
- Vessel Detection
- Saliency Map
- Thresholding
- Vessel Tracking
- Strength Map using Linear RGB
- ML Framework for Search
- Results
23Object Detection Using Saliency Map
- Saliency Property of objects standing out
relative to their neighbors. - There is a statistical relationship between
backgrounds of all natural images similar to
pre-attentive search done by human visual system. - Zhang et al (CVPR 2007) observed redundancies in
log Fourier spectra of natural images. Hence, any
statistical singularities in the spectrum can be
treated as anomalies.
24Saliency Map Computation
- Algorithm
- Let be the image.
- Real part of Fourier Spectrum
- Phase
- Log Spectrum
- Spectral Residual
- Saliency Map
, jsqrt(-1)
25Sample Saliency Map detections
26Object Tracking
- Objects detected through saliency used as FGND
- Immediate surrounding used as BKGND
- Strength Model Computed similar to Collins Linear
RGB - 49 features selected from linear combination used
to identify strength map - Maximum Likelihood Framework based search used to
localize objects in each frame - Region search was identified based on object
27Object Tracking Strength Model
- 49 features of RGB are normalized into 0-255 and
discretized into 0-32 histogram bins - For each feature,
- Variance Ratio of Log-likelihood is identified
that best discriminates object from background
28Strength Model - Outputs
29Object Tracking ML Framework
- Objective was to recover tight bound around
object - ML Framework is like EM algorithm
- Search objective is to maximize the function
(Mean, Covariance)
30Object Tracking ML Framework
- To maximize the function, Mean and Covariance are
computed iteratively - E-Step
- M-Step
Iterated for 2-3 times to get optimal values
- Algorithm was real time and supported around
25-30 fps in speed - Saliency map based detection was introduced
- Concept of strength map from adaptive-fragmentat
ion is applied here - Depends only on color (linearRGB), and
combination with KLT features would add
robustness to the system. Good way to combine is
32Thank you !