Title: Twelve Lessons From The Life of Mr' Dream Merchant
1Twelve Lessons From The Life of Mr. Dream
2Pain is a necessary part of life misery is
optional. The struggle is just the beginning of
some thing better to come. Stay focused and keep
your eyes on your goals and dreams.
The Gift Is In The Struggle
3Memorize the words of Ben Franklin When you
fail to plan, you plan to fail. With
preparation comes the belief in yourself, and
with this comes the awareness that support is
Preparation Conquers Intimidation
4Learn the principle of Double vision. There is a
previous experience behind everyones actions and
words. Listen not only with your ears, but also
with your eyes, heart and intuition. By using
this gift you will never betray yourself.
See With Double Vision
5Your words are an extension of your physical and
spiritual well being. Think before you speak.
Your words may be forgiven, but they are not
forgotten. Strive to respond, not to react.
Think Word Perfect
6With their mastery comes the ability to live one
day at a time.
Practice The Five Principles
- Presence
- Positivity
- Patience
- Perseverance
- Powerlessness
7The Fringe benefits include friends, opportunity,
success, and satisfaction. It requires of you
only the desire to change. Change is one of a
few constants in this world. If you embrace
change, it opens your life to infinite
The Fringe Benefits of Life are available to
8To just say no to drugs isnt enough. You must
also say yes to all the Fringe Benefits that are
in store for you. Stay positive. Say yes to
life itself.
Just Say Yes
9Develop your dream spiritual team consisting of a
Senior Advisor, a Friendship Council, and a coat
of arms. With these helpers you will always have
the home court advantage.
Rely on your Dream Team
10Remember the first two syllables in the word
relationship are the most important.
Relationships are like relays in track and field.
To win at them you must carefully select your
teammates, work hard and have perfect timing.
Build on Relationships
11Practice to put your dreams into reality.
Remember, Momentum is the force that pushes the
Acquire momentum one moment at a time
12Dreams Action Reality
13Keep a journal of your life. What may simply be
old memories of leftovers to you, can become new
insights for others. Your life is important, for
the hands that write history, also write your
Keep Track of Leftovers
14Awakenings in your life, however painful, are new
beginnings to turn to a power greater than
yourself for guidance. Obstacles are simply
directions in life. They exist to promote
change. Your awareness of this fact is the
essence of the transformation from a human doing
to a human being.
Be aware, be alert
15The End